Object 클래스
일부 정보는 릴리스되기 전에 상당 부분 수정될 수 있는 시험판 제품과 관련이 있습니다. Microsoft는 여기에 제공된 정보에 대해 어떠한 명시적이거나 묵시적인 보증도 하지 않습니다.
.NET 클래스 계층의 모든 클래스를 지원하고 파생 클래스에 하위 수준 서비스를 제공합니다. 이는 모든 .NET 클래스의 궁극적인 기본 클래스입니다. 형식 계층의 루트입니다.
public ref class System::Object
public class Object
public class Object
public class Object
type obj = class
type obj = class
type obj = class
Public Class Object
- 특성
다음 예제에서는 Object 클래스에서 파생된 Point 형식을 정의하고 Object 클래스의 많은 가상 메서드를 재정의합니다. 또한 이 예제에서는 Object 클래스의 많은 정적 및 인스턴스 메서드를 호출하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.
using System;
// The Point class is derived from System.Object.
class Point
public int x, y;
public Point(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
// If this and obj do not refer to the same type, then they are not equal.
if (obj.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
// Return true if x and y fields match.
var other = (Point) obj;
return (this.x == other.x) && (this.y == other.y);
// Return the XOR of the x and y fields.
public override int GetHashCode()
return x ^ y;
// Return the point's value as a string.
public override String ToString()
return $"({x}, {y})";
// Return a copy of this point object by making a simple field copy.
public Point Copy()
return (Point) this.MemberwiseClone();
public sealed class App
static void Main()
// Construct a Point object.
var p1 = new Point(1,2);
// Make another Point object that is a copy of the first.
var p2 = p1.Copy();
// Make another variable that references the first Point object.
var p3 = p1;
// The line below displays false because p1 and p2 refer to two different objects.
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(p1, p2));
// The line below displays true because p1 and p2 refer to two different objects that have the same value.
Console.WriteLine(Object.Equals(p1, p2));
// The line below displays true because p1 and p3 refer to one object.
Console.WriteLine(Object.ReferenceEquals(p1, p3));
// The line below displays: p1's value is: (1, 2)
Console.WriteLine($"p1's value is: {p1.ToString()}");
// This code example produces the following output:
// False
// True
// True
// p1's value is: (1, 2)
open System
// The Point class is derived from System.Object.
type Point(x, y) =
member _.X = x
member _.Y = y
override _.Equals obj =
// If this and obj do not refer to the same type, then they are not equal.
match obj with
| :? Point as other ->
// Return true if x and y fields match.
x = other.X && y = other.Y
| _ ->
// Return the XOR of the x and y fields.
override _.GetHashCode() =
x ^^^ y
// Return the point's value as a string.
override _.ToString() =
$"({x}, {y})"
// Return a copy of this point object by making a simple field copy.
member this.Copy() =
this.MemberwiseClone() :?> Point
// Construct a Point object.
let p1 = Point(1,2)
// Make another Point object that is a copy of the first.
let p2 = p1.Copy()
// Make another variable that references the first Point object.
let p3 = p1
// The line below displays false because p1 and p2 refer to two different objects.
printfn $"{Object.ReferenceEquals(p1, p2)}"
// The line below displays true because p1 and p2 refer to two different objects that have the same value.
printfn $"{Object.Equals(p1, p2)}"
// The line below displays true because p1 and p3 refer to one object.
printfn $"{Object.ReferenceEquals(p1, p3)}"
// The line below displays: p1's value is: (1, 2)
printfn $"p1's value is: {p1.ToString()}"
// This code example produces the following output:
// False
// True
// True
// p1's value is: (1, 2)
using namespace System;
// The Point class is derived from System.Object.
ref class Point
int x;
int y;
Point(int x, int y)
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
virtual bool Equals(Object^ obj) override
// If this and obj do not refer to the same type,
// then they are not equal.
if (obj->GetType() != this->GetType())
return false;
// Return true if x and y fields match.
Point^ other = (Point^) obj;
return (this->x == other->x) && (this->y == other->y);
// Return the XOR of the x and y fields.
virtual int GetHashCode() override
return x ^ y;
// Return the point's value as a string.
virtual String^ ToString() override
return String::Format("({0}, {1})", x, y);
// Return a copy of this point object by making a simple
// field copy.
Point^ Copy()
return (Point^) this->MemberwiseClone();
int main()
// Construct a Point object.
Point^ p1 = gcnew Point(1, 2);
// Make another Point object that is a copy of the first.
Point^ p2 = p1->Copy();
// Make another variable that references the first
// Point object.
Point^ p3 = p1;
// The line below displays false because p1 and
// p2 refer to two different objects.
Object::ReferenceEquals(p1, p2));
// The line below displays true because p1 and p2 refer
// to two different objects that have the same value.
Console::WriteLine(Object::Equals(p1, p2));
// The line below displays true because p1 and
// p3 refer to one object.
Console::WriteLine(Object::ReferenceEquals(p1, p3));
// The line below displays: p1's value is: (1, 2)
Console::WriteLine("p1's value is: {0}", p1->ToString());
// This code produces the following output.
// False
// True
// True
// p1's value is: (1, 2)
' The Point class is derived from System.Object.
Class Point
Public x, y As Integer
Public Sub New(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer)
Me.x = x
Me.y = y
End Sub
Public Overrides Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean
' If Me and obj do not refer to the same type, then they are not equal.
Dim objType As Type = obj.GetType()
Dim meType As Type = Me.GetType()
If Not objType.Equals(meType) Then
Return False
End If
' Return true if x and y fields match.
Dim other As Point = CType(obj, Point)
Return Me.x = other.x AndAlso Me.y = other.y
End Function
' Return the XOR of the x and y fields.
Public Overrides Function GetHashCode() As Integer
Return (x << 1) XOR y
End Function
' Return the point's value as a string.
Public Overrides Function ToString() As String
Return $"({x}, {y})"
End Function
' Return a copy of this point object by making a simple field copy.
Public Function Copy() As Point
Return CType(Me.MemberwiseClone(), Point)
End Function
End Class
NotInheritable Public Class App
Shared Sub Main()
' Construct a Point object.
Dim p1 As New Point(1, 2)
' Make another Point object that is a copy of the first.
Dim p2 As Point = p1.Copy()
' Make another variable that references the first Point object.
Dim p3 As Point = p1
' The line below displays false because p1 and p2 refer to two different objects.
Console.WriteLine([Object].ReferenceEquals(p1, p2))
' The line below displays true because p1 and p2 refer to two different objects
' that have the same value.
Console.WriteLine([Object].Equals(p1, p2))
' The line below displays true because p1 and p3 refer to one object.
Console.WriteLine([Object].ReferenceEquals(p1, p3))
' The line below displays: p1's value is: (1, 2)
Console.WriteLine($"p1's value is: {p1.ToString()}")
End Sub
End Class
' This example produces the following output:
' False
' True
' True
' p1's value is: (1, 2)
이 API에 대한 자세한 내용은 개체대한
Equals(Object, Object) |
지정된 개체 인스턴스가 같은 것으로 간주되는지 여부를 결정합니다. |
Equals(Object) |
지정된 개체가 현재 개체와 같은지 여부를 확인합니다. |
Finalize() |
개체가 리소스를 해제하고 가비지 수집에 의해 회수되기 전에 다른 정리 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다. |
Get |
기본 해시 함수로 사용됩니다. |
Get |
현재 인스턴스의 Type 가져옵니다. |
Memberwise |
현재 Object단순 복사본을 만듭니다. |
Reference |
지정된 Object 인스턴스가 동일한 인스턴스인지 여부를 확인합니다. |
To |
현재 개체를 나타내는 문자열을 반환합니다. |
제품 | 버전 |
.NET | Core 1.0, Core 1.1, Core 2.0, Core 2.1, Core 2.2, Core 3.0, Core 3.1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 |
.NET Framework | 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2, 4.8, 4.8.1 |
.NET Standard | 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 |
UWP | 10.0 |
이 형식의 공용 정적(Visual Basic의Shared
) 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전합니다. 인스턴스 멤버는 스레드로부터 안전한 것으로 보장되지 않습니다.
.NET 피드백
.NET은(는) 오픈 소스 프로젝트입니다. 다음 링크를 선택하여 피드백을 제공해 주세요.