
The types of state changes that can occur in the Lobby library.


enum class PFLobbyStateChangeType  : uint32_t  
    CreateAndJoinLobbyCompleted = 0,  
    JoinLobbyCompleted = 1,  
    MemberAdded = 2,  
    AddMemberCompleted = 3,  
    MemberRemoved = 4,  
    ForceRemoveMemberCompleted = 5,  
    LeaveLobbyCompleted = 6,  
    Updated = 7,  
    PostUpdateCompleted = 8,  
    Disconnecting = 9,  
    Disconnected = 10,  
    JoinArrangedLobbyCompleted = 11,  
    FindLobbiesCompleted = 12,  
    InviteReceived = 13,  
    InviteListenerStatusChanged = 14,  
    SendInviteCompleted = 15,  
    CreateAndClaimServerLobbyCompleted = 16,  
    ClaimServerLobbyCompleted = 17,  
    ServerPostUpdateCompleted = 18,  
    ServerDeleteLobbyCompleted = 19,  
    JoinLobbyAsServerCompleted = 20,  
    ServerPostUpdateAsServerCompleted = 21,  
    ServerLeaveLobbyAsServerCompleted = 22,  


Constant Description
CreateAndJoinLobbyCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby() completed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyCreateAndJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange object for more information.
JoinLobbyCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFMultiplayerJoinLobby() completed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyJoinLobbyCompletedStateChange object for more information.
MemberAdded A PlayFab entity was added to a lobby as a member.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyMemberAddedStateChange object for more information.
AddMemberCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFLobbyAddMember() completed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyAddMemberCompletedStateChange object for more information.
MemberRemoved A PlayFab entity was removed from a lobby as a member.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyMemberRemovedStateChange object for more information.
ForceRemoveMemberCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFLobbyForceRemoveMember() completed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyForceRemoveMemberCompletedStateChange object for more information.
LeaveLobbyCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFLobbyLeave() completed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyLeaveLobbyCompletedStateChange object for more information.
Updated A lobby was updated.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyUpdatedStateChange object for more information.
PostUpdateCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFLobbyPostUpdate() completed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyPostUpdateCompletedStateChange object for more information.

This operation completing only indicates whether the Lobby service accepted the update or not. The title's local view of the Lobby state doesn't reflect this update until a PFLobbyUpdatedStateChange is provided to the title with the updated state.
Disconnecting The client started disconnecting from a lobby.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyDisconnectingStateChange object for more information.
Disconnected The client disconnected from a lobby.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyDisconnectedStateChange object for more information.
JoinArrangedLobbyCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFMultiplayerJoinArrangedLobby() completed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyJoinArrangedLobbyCompletedStateChange object for more information.
FindLobbiesCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFMultiplayerFindLobbies() completed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyFindLobbiesCompletedStateChange object for more information.
InviteReceived An entity on this client received an invite to a lobby.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyInviteReceivedStateChange object for more information.
InviteListenerStatusChanged An invite listener's status changed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyInviteListenerStatusChangedStateChange object for more information.
SendInviteCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFLobbySendInvite() completed.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbySendInviteCompletedStateChange object for more information.
CreateAndClaimServerLobbyCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFMultiplayerCreateAndClaimServerLobby() completed.

To use this feature, you must define PFMULTIPLAYER_INCLUDE_SERVER_APIS before including PFLobby.h.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyCreateAndClaimServerLobbyCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ClaimServerLobbyCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFMultiplayerClaimServerLobby() completed.

To use this feature, you must define PFMULTIPLAYER_INCLUDE_SERVER_APIS before including PFLobby.h.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyClaimServerLobbyCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ServerPostUpdateCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFLobbyServerPostUpdate() completed.

To use this feature, you must define PFMULTIPLAYER_INCLUDE_SERVER_APIS before including PFLobby.h.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyServerPostUpdateCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ServerDeleteLobbyCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFLobbyServerDeleteLobby() completed.

To use this feature, you must define PFMULTIPLAYER_INCLUDE_SERVER_APIS before including PFLobby.h.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyServerDeleteLobbyCompletedStateChange object for more information.
JoinLobbyAsServerCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFMultiplayerJoinLobbyAsServer() completed.

To use this feature, you must define PFMULTIPLAYER_INCLUDE_SERVER_APIS before including PFLobby.h.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyJoinLobbyAsServerCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ServerPostUpdateAsServerCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFLobbyServerPostUpdateAsServer() completed.

To use this feature, you must define PFMULTIPLAYER_INCLUDE_SERVER_APIS before including PFLobby.h.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyServerPostUpdateAsServerCompletedStateChange object for more information.
ServerLeaveLobbyAsServerCompleted The operation started by a previous call to PFLobbyServerLeaveAsServer() completed.

To use this feature, you must define PFMULTIPLAYER_INCLUDE_SERVER_APIS before including PFLobby.h.

The PFLobbyStateChange object should be cast to a PFLobbyServerLeaveLobbyAsServerCompletedStateChange object for more information.


Header: PFLobby.h

See also

PFLobby members