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What are the resource providers for Azure services

A resource provider is a collection of REST operations that enables functionality for an Azure service. Each resource provider has a namespace in the format of company-name.service-label. This article shows the resource providers for Azure services. If you don't know the resource provider, see Find resource provider.

AI and machine learning resource providers

The resource providers for AI and machine learning services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.AutonomousSystems Autonomous Systems
Microsoft.BotService Azure Bot Service
Microsoft.CognitiveServices Cognitive Services
Microsoft.EnterpriseKnowledgeGraph Enterprise Knowledge Graph
Microsoft.MachineLearning Machine Learning Studio
Microsoft.MachineLearningServices Azure Machine Learning
Microsoft.Search Azure AI Search

Analytics resource providers

The resource providers for analytics services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.AnalysisServices Azure Analysis Services
Microsoft.Databricks Azure Databricks
Microsoft.DataCatalog Data Catalog
Microsoft.DataFactory Data Factory
Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics Data Lake Analytics
Microsoft.DataLakeStore Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
Microsoft.DataShare Azure Data Share
Microsoft.HDInsight HDInsight
Microsoft.Kusto Azure Data Explorer
Microsoft.PowerBI Power BI
Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated Power BI Embedded
Microsoft.ProjectBabylon Azure Data Catalog
Microsoft.Purview Microsoft Purview
Microsoft.StreamAnalytics Azure Stream Analytics
Microsoft.Synapse Azure Synapse Analytics

Blockchain resource providers

The resource providers for Blockchain services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.Blockchain Azure Blockchain Service
Microsoft.BlockchainTokens Azure Blockchain Tokens

Compute resource providers

The resource providers for compute services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.AppPlatform Azure Spring Apps
Microsoft.AVS Azure VMware Solution
Microsoft.Batch Batch
Microsoft.ClassicCompute Classic deployment model virtual machine
Microsoft.Compute Virtual Machines
Virtual Machine Scale Sets
Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization Azure Virtual Desktop
Microsoft.DevTestLab Azure Lab Services
Microsoft.HanaOnAzure SAP HANA on Azure Large Instances
Microsoft.LabServices Azure Lab Services
Microsoft.Maintenance Azure Maintenance
Microsoft.Microservices4Spring Azure Spring Apps
Microsoft.Quantum Azure Quantum
Microsoft.SerialConsole - registered by default Azure Serial Console for Windows
Microsoft.ServiceFabric Service Fabric
Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages Azure Image Builder
Microsoft.VMware Azure VMware Solution
Microsoft.VMwareCloudSimple Azure VMware Solution by CloudSimple

Container resource providers

The resource providers for container services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.App Azure Container Apps
Microsoft.ContainerInstance Container Instances
Microsoft.ContainerRegistry Container Registry
Microsoft.ContainerService Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift Azure Red Hat OpenShift

Core resource providers

The resource providers for core services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.Addons core
Microsoft.AzureStack core
Microsoft.Capacity core
Microsoft.Commerce - registered by default core
Microsoft.Marketplace core
Microsoft.MarketplaceApps core
Microsoft.MarketplaceOrdering - registered by default core
Microsoft.SaaS core
Microsoft.Services core
Microsoft.Subscription core
microsoft.support - registered by default core

Database resource providers

The resource providers for database services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.Cache Azure Cache for Redis
Microsoft.DBforMariaDB Azure Database for MariaDB
Microsoft.DBforMySQL Azure Database for MySQL
Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Microsoft.DocumentDB Azure Cosmos DB
Microsoft.Sql Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Azure Synapse Analytics
Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
Microsoft.AzureData SQL Server enabled by Azure Arc

Developer tools resource providers

The resource providers for developer tools services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.AppConfiguration Azure App Configuration
Microsoft.DevCenter Microsoft Dev Box
Microsoft.DevSpaces Azure Dev Spaces
Microsoft.MixedReality Azure Spatial Anchors
Microsoft.Notebooks Azure Notebooks

DevOps resource providers

The resource providers for DevOps services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
microsoft.visualstudio Azure DevOps
Microsoft.VSOnline Azure DevOps
Microsoft.DevOpsInfrastructure Managed DevOps Pools

Hybrid resource providers

The resource providers for hybrid services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.AzureArcData Azure Arc-enabled data services
Microsoft.AzureStackHCI Azure Stack HCI
Microsoft.HybridCompute Azure Arc-enabled servers
Microsoft.Kubernetes Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes
Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration Azure Arc-enabled Kubernetes
Microsoft.Edge Azure Arc site manager

Identity resource providers

The resource providers for identity services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.AAD Microsoft Entra Domain Services
Microsoft.ADHybridHealthService - registered by default Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft.AzureActiveDirectory Microsoft Entra ID B2C
Microsoft.ManagedIdentity Managed identities for Azure resources
Microsoft.Token Token

Integration resource providers

The resource providers for integration services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.ApiManagement API Management
Microsoft.Communication Azure Communication Services
Microsoft.EventGrid Event Grid
Microsoft.EventHub Event Hubs
Microsoft.HealthcareApis (Azure API for FHIR) Azure API for FHIR
Microsoft.HealthcareApis (Healthcare APIs) Healthcare APIs
Microsoft.Logic Logic Apps
Microsoft.NotificationHubs Notification Hubs
Microsoft.PowerPlatform Power Platform
Microsoft.Relay Azure Relay
Microsoft.ServiceBus Service Bus

IoT resource providers

The resource providers for IoT services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.Devices Azure IoT Hub
Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service
Microsoft.DeviceUpdate Device Update for IoT Hub
Microsoft.DigitalTwins Azure Digital Twins
Microsoft.IoTCentral Azure IoT Central
Microsoft.IoTSpaces Azure Digital Twins
Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights Azure Time Series Insights
Microsoft.WindowsIoT Windows 10 IoT Core Services

Management resource providers

The resource providers for management services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.Advisor Azure Advisor
Microsoft.Authorization - registered by default Azure Resource Manager
Microsoft.Automation Automation
Microsoft.Billing - registered by default Cost Management and Billing
Microsoft.Blueprint Azure Blueprints
Microsoft.ClassicSubscription - registered by default Classic deployment model
Microsoft.Consumption - registered by default Cost Management
Microsoft.CostManagement - registered by default Cost Management
Microsoft.CostManagementExports Cost Management
Microsoft.CustomProviders Azure Custom Providers
Microsoft.DynamicsLcs Lifecycle Services
Microsoft.Features - registered by default Azure Resource Manager
Microsoft.GuestConfiguration Azure Policy
Microsoft.ManagedServices Azure Lighthouse
Microsoft.Management Management Groups
Microsoft.PolicyInsights Azure Policy
Microsoft.Portal - registered by default Azure portal
Microsoft.RecoveryServices Azure Site Recovery
Microsoft.ResourceGraph - registered by default Azure Resource Graph
Microsoft.ResourceHealth Azure Service Health
Microsoft.Resources - registered by default Azure Resource Manager
Microsoft.Scheduler Scheduler
Microsoft.SoftwarePlan License
Microsoft.Solutions Azure Managed Applications

Media resource providers

The resource providers for media services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.Media Media Services

Migration resource providers

The resource providers for migration services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.ClassicInfrastructureMigrate Classic deployment model migration
Microsoft.DataBox Azure Data Box
Microsoft.DataBoxEdge Azure Stack Edge
Microsoft.DataMigration Azure Database Migration Service
Microsoft.OffAzure Azure Migrate
Microsoft.Migrate Azure Migrate

Monitoring resource providers

The resource providers for monitoring services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.AlertsManagement Azure Monitor
Microsoft.ChangeAnalysis Azure Monitor
Microsoft.Insights Azure Monitor
Microsoft.Intune Azure Monitor
Microsoft.OperationalInsights Azure Monitor
Microsoft.OperationsManagement Azure Monitor
Microsoft.WorkloadMonitor Azure Monitor

Network resource providers

The resource providers for network services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.Cdn Content Delivery Network
Microsoft.ClassicNetwork Classic deployment model virtual network
Microsoft.ManagedNetwork Virtual networks managed by PaaS services
Microsoft.Network Application Gateway
Azure Bastion
Azure DDoS Protection
Azure DNS
Azure ExpressRoute
Azure Firewall
Azure Front Door Service
Azure Private Link
Azure Route Server
Load Balancer
Network Watcher
Traffic Manager
Virtual Network
Virtual Network NAT
Virtual Network Manager
Virtual WAN
VPN Gateway
Microsoft.Peering Azure Peering Service

Security resource providers

The resource providers for security services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.Attestation Azure Attestation Service
Microsoft.CustomerLockbox Customer Lockbox for Microsoft Azure
Microsoft.DataProtection Data Protection
Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules Azure Dedicated HSM
Microsoft.KeyVault Key Vault
Microsoft.Security Security Center
Microsoft.SecurityInsights Microsoft Sentinel
Microsoft.WindowsDefenderATP Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection
Microsoft.WindowsESU Extended Security Updates

Storage resource providers

The resource providers for storage services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.ClassicStorage Classic deployment model storage
Microsoft.ElasticSan Elastic SAN
Microsoft.HybridData StorSimple
Microsoft.ImportExport Azure Import/Export
Microsoft.NetApp Azure NetApp Files
Microsoft.ObjectStore Object Store
Microsoft.Storage Storage
Microsoft.StorageCache Azure HPC Cache
Microsoft.StorageSync Storage
Microsoft.StorSimple StorSimple

Web resource providers

The resource providers for web services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.BingMaps Bing Maps
Microsoft.CertificateRegistration App Service Certificates
Microsoft.DomainRegistration App Service
Microsoft.Maps Azure Maps
Microsoft.SignalRService Azure SignalR Service
Microsoft.Web App Service
Azure Functions

5G & Space resource providers

The resource providers for 5G & space services are:

Resource provider namespace Azure service
Microsoft.HybridNetwork Network Function Manager
Microsoft.MobileNetwork Azure Private 5G Core
Microsoft.Orbital Azure Orbital Ground Station


Resource providers marked with - registered by default in the previous section are automatically registered for your subscription. For other resource providers, you need to register them. However, many resource providers are registered automatically when you perform specific actions. For example, when you create resources through the portal or by deploying an Azure Resource Manager template, Azure Resource Manager automatically registers any required unregistered resource providers.


Register a resource provider only when you're ready to use it. This registration step helps maintain least privileges within your subscription. A malicious user can't use unregistered resource providers.

Registering unnecessary resource providers may result in unrecognized apps appearing in your Microsoft Entra tenant. Microsoft adds the app for a resource provider when you register it. These apps are typically added by the Windows Azure Service Management API. To prevent unnecessary apps in your tenant, only register needed resource providers.

Find resource provider

To identify resource providers used for your existing Azure infrastructure, list the deployed resources. Specify the resource group containing the resources.

The following example uses Azure CLI:

az resource list --resource-group examplegroup

The results include the resource type. The resource provider namespace is the first part of the resource type. The following example shows the Microsoft.KeyVault resource provider.

    "type": "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults"

The following example uses PowerShell:

Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName examplegroup

The results include the resource type. The resource provider namespace is the first part of the resource type. The following example shows the Microsoft.KeyVault resource provider.

Name              : examplekey
ResourceGroupName : examplegroup
ResourceType      : Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults

The following example uses Python:

import os
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient

subscription_id = os.environ["AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"]
credential = DefaultAzureCredential()
resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(credential, subscription_id)

resource_group_name = "examplegroup"
resources = resource_client.resources.list_by_resource_group(resource_group_name)

for resource in resources:

The results list the resource type. The resource provider namespace is the first part of the resource type. The following example shows the Microsoft.KeyVault resource provider.


Next steps

For more information about resource providers, including how to register a resource provider, see Azure resource providers and types.