GitPullRequestIteration interface
Provides properties that describe a Git pull request iteration. Iterations are created as a result of creating and pushing updates to a pull request.
author | Author of the pull request iteration. |
change |
Changes included with the pull request iteration. |
commits | The commits included with the pull request iteration. |
common |
The first common Git commit of the source and target refs. |
created |
The creation date of the pull request iteration. |
description | Description of the pull request iteration. |
has |
Indicates if the Commits property contains a truncated list of commits in this pull request iteration. |
id | ID of the pull request iteration. Iterations are created as a result of creating and pushing updates to a pull request. |
new |
If the iteration reason is Retarget, this is the refName of the new target |
old |
If the iteration reason is Retarget, this is the original target refName |
push | The Git push information associated with this pull request iteration. |
reason | The reason for which the pull request iteration was created. |
source |
The source Git commit of this iteration. |
target |
The target Git commit of this iteration. |
updated |
The updated date of the pull request iteration. |
Changes included with the pull request iteration.
changeList: GitPullRequestChange[]
Property Value
The commits included with the pull request iteration.
commits: GitCommitRef[]
Property Value
The first common Git commit of the source and target refs.
commonRefCommit: GitCommitRef
Property Value
The creation date of the pull request iteration.
createdDate: Date
Property Value
Description of the pull request iteration.
description: string
Property Value
Indicates if the Commits property contains a truncated list of commits in this pull request iteration.
hasMoreCommits: boolean
Property Value
ID of the pull request iteration. Iterations are created as a result of creating and pushing updates to a pull request.
id: number
Property Value
If the iteration reason is Retarget, this is the refName of the new target
newTargetRefName: string
Property Value
If the iteration reason is Retarget, this is the original target refName
oldTargetRefName: string
Property Value
The Git push information associated with this pull request iteration.
push: GitPushRef
Property Value
The reason for which the pull request iteration was created.
reason: IterationReason
Property Value
The updated date of the pull request iteration.
updatedDate: Date
Property Value