Exchange Management Shell attempts to connect to old Server
We have migrated all mailboxes to Exchange Online and felt we were in a position to shutdown the last on-prem 2016 Exchange Server. We followed the instructions in the following article to shutdown the last Exchange Server and manage recipients using the…
How to dupilcate a visio drawing with tag name?
I draw a flow diagram with pipes, valves and equipmets. Input each one with tag name. I want dupillicate the darwing to another one, found the shapes are copied but without the tag name. All the tag name becomes defult value. How to solve that problem?…
Setting up TAP (Temporary Access Pass) for Autopilot
Hello, We have an Autopilot process which connects to Company Portal and installs our software during the Laptop setup process. Currently the new employee is communicated their password on their first day but we would like to setup TAP (Temporary Access…
Azure VM connection to fetch images from Azure DevOps Pipeline
Hello Everyone, So we have some workloads hosted as Azure IaaS VMs running Linux. Few of the VMs need access to Azure Docker Registry on the Azure DevOps pipeline. But Our organization policy does not allow the workloads to connect to the internet. Is…
copy a list with unique permissions to a list in different site
I have a list in SharePoint Online with unique permissions. How to copy it to another list in different site?
Teams Extension composeExtensions request payload not in GUID format
Hi Everyone, I am trying to use Graph API to download the message attachment in teams channel. But we found the not in GUID format "team": { "id": "19:-Ml7DKbJkZVh9gO......cKEwmWw1@thread.tacv2" } that we…
What are the top best ai for android options available right now?
Looking for the best AI for Android? I'm interested in top recommendations for AI-powered apps for Android smartphones and tablets. Key factors include integration, user reviews, and unique features. If you have personal insights on the best AI tools to…
Teams app on desktop is not showing suggested actions
The Teams app on the Windows desktop stopped showing suggested actions. They are still shown on the Teams web app: And also on the Teams mobile app: Here is the actual message: { "type": "message", "serviceUrl":…
Missing Initial Credit After Free Account Sign-Up
I have signed up for a free account and added a card and I don't see the initial credit for the first month.
Loop all the folders and sub folders in sharepoint
how we can get Loop all the folders and sub folders in share point
Azure Open AI Custom App in Teams How to Able to Read & Write files
Hi Support, I had integration Azure OpenAI into Teams App. how I can able when users upload a file (pdf or word , excel ... etc) and open ai can able to read the file and provide summary for the file and generate a new file? current when I test upload…
mail when pod is down which is crated by AKS
We have created PODs (Agents) if any POD created by AKS is down, we want to send email , is it possible if yes how?
XML Xml Serialization error in MAUI iOS
Good afternoon. We are developing a mobile application for iOS on MAUI (.net 9-0). When using the Apple development profile, our application is assembled and deployed on the device without any problems (using the IDE Rider). But when we change the Apple…
Asignar la Política a los Usuarios- cmdlet New-CsBatchPolicyAssignmentOperation
Ayuda con el siguiente error PS C:\Windows\system32> Connect-MicrosoftTeams Account Environment Tenant TenantId AzureCloud e792aff2-d2d4-41ba-b6c4-f66f5a927247…
i cannot upgrade my account to py as you go
Why can't I upgrade my account after the free trial?
Add logic to the function app
I am following the Exercise - Add logic to the function app using the provided run.ps1 code and the input body (array). When I clicked on Run, the output gave 400 Bad Request and "Please send an array of readings in the request body". I wonder…
Multiple Crashes and Blue Screen Help
So I have been getting blue screens and multiple crashes under different stop codes over the past few weeks and cannot figure out what the problem is. The crash codes include: HYPERVISOR ERROR DRIVER OVERRAN STACK BUFFER and possibly others that I…
Assign an Azure role for access to blob data Sorry, I Can't find "Blob path"
AZ-400 Develop monitor and status dashboards
Hello, the knowledge check on seems to have all wrong answers/outdated asnwers. For 1) Which of the following choices is a platform integration…
AZ-400 Wrong answer
Hello, On page - the first question: 1. Which of the following choices represents when using this approach the methodology of…