Sdílet prostřednictvím

RuntimeTypeHandle Struktura


Představuje typ používající token interních metadat.

public value class RuntimeTypeHandle
public value class RuntimeTypeHandle : System::Runtime::Serialization::ISerializable
public value class RuntimeTypeHandle : IEquatable<RuntimeTypeHandle>, System::Runtime::Serialization::ISerializable
public struct RuntimeTypeHandle
public struct RuntimeTypeHandle : System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
public struct RuntimeTypeHandle : IEquatable<RuntimeTypeHandle>, System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
public struct RuntimeTypeHandle : System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
public struct RuntimeTypeHandle : System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable
type RuntimeTypeHandle = struct
type RuntimeTypeHandle = struct
    interface ISerializable
type RuntimeTypeHandle = struct
    interface ISerializable
type RuntimeTypeHandle = struct
    interface ISerializable
Public Structure RuntimeTypeHandle
Public Structure RuntimeTypeHandle
Implements ISerializable
Public Structure RuntimeTypeHandle
Implements IEquatable(Of RuntimeTypeHandle), ISerializable


Následující příklad ukazuje, jak získat RuntimeTypeHandle z typu nebo z objektu a jak převést popisovač zpět na typ.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Reflection;

public ref class MyClass1
    int x;

    int MyMethod()
        return x;

int main()
    MyClass1^ myClass1 = gcnew MyClass1;
    // Get the RuntimeTypeHandle from an object.
    RuntimeTypeHandle myRTHFromObject = Type::GetTypeHandle( myClass1 );
    // Get the RuntimeTypeHandle from a type.
    RuntimeTypeHandle myRTHFromType = MyClass1::typeid->TypeHandle;

    Console::WriteLine( "\nmyRTHFromObject.Value:  {0}", myRTHFromObject.Value );
    Console::WriteLine( "myRTHFromObject.GetType():  {0}", myRTHFromObject.GetType() );
    Console::WriteLine( "Get the type back from the handle..." );
    Console::WriteLine( "Type::GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromObject):  {0}", 
        Type::GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromObject) );

    Console::WriteLine( "\nmyRTHFromObject.Equals(myRTHFromType):  {0}", 
        myRTHFromObject.Equals(myRTHFromType) );

    Console::WriteLine( "\nmyRTHFromType.Value:  {0}", myRTHFromType.Value );
    Console::WriteLine( "myRTHFromType.GetType():  {0}", myRTHFromType.GetType() );
    Console::WriteLine( "Get the type back from the handle..." );
    Console::WriteLine( "Type::GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromType):  {0}", 
        Type::GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromType) );

/* This code example produces output similar to the following:

myRTHFromObject.Value:  3295832
myRTHFromObject.GetType():  System.RuntimeTypeHandle
Get the type back from the handle...
Type::GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromObject):  MyClass1

myRTHFromObject.Equals(myRTHFromType):  True

myRTHFromType.Value:  3295832
myRTHFromType.GetType():  System.RuntimeTypeHandle
Get the type back from the handle...
Type::GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromType):  MyClass1
using System;
using System.Reflection;

public class MyClass1
    private int x=0;
    public int MyMethod()
        return x;

public class MyClass2
    public static void Main()
        MyClass1 myClass1 = new MyClass1();

        // Get the RuntimeTypeHandle from an object.
        RuntimeTypeHandle myRTHFromObject = Type.GetTypeHandle(myClass1);
        // Get the RuntimeTypeHandle from a type.
        RuntimeTypeHandle myRTHFromType = typeof(MyClass1).TypeHandle;

        Console.WriteLine("\nmyRTHFromObject.Value:  {0}", myRTHFromObject.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("myRTHFromObject.GetType():  {0}", myRTHFromObject.GetType());
        Console.WriteLine("Get the type back from the handle...");
        Console.WriteLine("Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromObject):  {0}",

        Console.WriteLine("\nmyRTHFromObject.Equals(myRTHFromType):  {0}",

        Console.WriteLine("\nmyRTHFromType.Value:  {0}", myRTHFromType.Value);
        Console.WriteLine("myRTHFromType.GetType():  {0}", myRTHFromType.GetType());
        Console.WriteLine("Get the type back from the handle...");
        Console.WriteLine("Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromType):  {0}",

/* This code example produces output similar to the following:

myRTHFromObject.Value:  799464
myRTHFromObject.GetType():  System.RuntimeTypeHandle
Get the type back from the handle...
Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromObject):  MyClass1

myRTHFromObject.Equals(myRTHFromType):  True

myRTHFromType.Value:  799464
myRTHFromType.GetType():  System.RuntimeTypeHandle
Get the type back from the handle...
Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromType):  MyClass1
open System

type MyClass1() =
    let x = 0
    member _.MyMethod() =

let myClass1 = MyClass1()

// Get the RuntimeTypeHandle from an object.
let myRTHFromObject = Type.GetTypeHandle myClass1
// Get the RuntimeTypeHandle from a type.
let myRTHFromType = typeof<MyClass1>.TypeHandle

printfn $"\nmyRTHFromObject.Value:  {myRTHFromObject.Value}"
printfn $"myRTHFromObject.GetType():  {myRTHFromObject.GetType()}"
printfn "Get the type back from the handle..."
printfn $"Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromObject):  {Type.GetTypeFromHandle myRTHFromObject}"

printfn $"\nmyRTHFromObject.Equals(myRTHFromType):  {myRTHFromObject.Equals myRTHFromType}"

printfn $"\nmyRTHFromType.Value:  {myRTHFromType.Value}"
printfn $"myRTHFromType.GetType():  {myRTHFromType.GetType()}"
printfn "Get the type back from the handle..."
printfn $"Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromType):  {Type.GetTypeFromHandle myRTHFromType}"

// This code example produces output similar to the following:
//     myRTHFromObject.Value:  799464
//     myRTHFromObject.GetType():  System.RuntimeTypeHandle
//     Get the type back from the handle...
//     Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromObject):  MyClass1
//     myRTHFromObject.Equals(myRTHFromType):  True
//     myRTHFromType.Value:  799464
//     myRTHFromType.GetType():  System.RuntimeTypeHandle
//     Get the type back from the handle...
//     Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromType):  MyClass1
Imports System.Reflection

Public Class MyClass1
    Private x As Integer = 0
    Public Function MyMethod() As Integer
        Return x
    End Function 'MyMethod
End Class 

Public Class MyClass2
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        Dim myClass1 As New MyClass1()
        ' Get the RuntimeTypeHandle from an object.
        Dim myRTHFromObject As RuntimeTypeHandle = Type.GetTypeHandle(myClass1)
        ' Get the RuntimeTypeHandle from a type.
        Dim myRTHFromType As RuntimeTypeHandle = GetType(MyClass1).TypeHandle
        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "myRTHFromObject.Value:  {0}", _
        Console.WriteLine("myRTHFromObject.GetType():  {0}", _
        Console.WriteLine("Get the type back from the handle...")
        Console.WriteLine("Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromObject):  {0}", _

        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "myRTHFromObject.Equals(myRTHFromType):  {0}", _

        Console.WriteLine(vbLf & "myRTHFromType.Value:  {0}", _
        Console.WriteLine("myRTHFromType.GetType():  {0}", _
        Console.WriteLine("Get the type back from the handle...")
        Console.WriteLine("Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromType):  {0}", _
    End Sub 
End Class 

' This code example produces output similar to the following:
'myRTHFromObject.Value:  7549720
'myRTHFromObject.GetType():  System.RuntimeTypeHandle
'Get the type back from the handle...
'Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromObject):  MyClass1
'myRTHFromObject.Equals(myRTHFromType):  True
'myRTHFromType.Value:  7549720
'myRTHFromType.GetType():  System.RuntimeTypeHandle
'Get the type back from the handle...
'Type.GetTypeFromHandle(myRTHFromType):  MyClass1



Získá popisovač na typ reprezentovaný touto instancí.



Určuje, zda je zadaný objekt roven aktuální RuntimeTypeHandle struktuře.


Určuje, zda je zadaná RuntimeTypeHandle struktura rovna aktuální RuntimeTypeHandle struktuře.


Vrátí nový RuntimeTypeHandle objekt vytvořený z popisovače do RuntimeType.


Vrátí kód hash pro aktuální instanci.


Získá popisovač modulu, který obsahuje typ reprezentovaný aktuální instancí.

GetObjectData(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext)

Naplní SerializationInfo objekt daty potřebnými k deserializaci typu reprezentované aktuální instancí.


Vrátí vnitřní reprezentaci ukazatele objektu RuntimeTypeHandle .


Equality(Object, RuntimeTypeHandle)

Označuje, zda jsou objekt a RuntimeTypeHandle struktura rovny.

Equality(RuntimeTypeHandle, Object)

Určuje, zda je RuntimeTypeHandle struktura rovna objektu.

Inequality(Object, RuntimeTypeHandle)

Označuje, zda si objekt a RuntimeTypeHandle struktura nejsou rovny.

Inequality(RuntimeTypeHandle, Object)

Určuje, zda se RuntimeTypeHandle struktura nerovná objektu.

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