Windows 7 Ghost Storage
I backed up a computer to an external drive. I kept 60 gb of files on the hard disk (checked with windirstat) yet somehow 180 gb is being taken up according to the properties tab on my hard disk. Is there any way to find what's taking up space on this…
UDP receive in web application SignalR
I want to receive a realtime data in a web application and display that realtime data in web form. I have heard about the signalR. I tried to put UDP receive codes as shown below in the hub class. But it gives error . Please suggest any solution so that…
Word Online Throws 'service too busy' error
When I launch a Word doc from SharePoint 2019 online or try to create a new one from a document library, Word online launches in the browser then I get the 'Sorry, Word can't open the document because the service is too busy' error. SharePoint is NOT on…
Remote mounting of front camera module portion of the unit.
This exploded image shows that the camera design is quite modular. Would it be within the realm of reasonable possibility to remotely mount the front portion of the unit or even just the camera…
Pipeline Activities are running very slow
Hi..Earlier pipelines were running an average of 3min...Now same pipelineS and same data load taking hours to execute. I have tested procedures in SQL DB they are running fine. I think the issue might be with self-hosted IR. Please find the below IR's…
question on geo-replication and Failover groups on Azure SQL database
Hi, I configured GR and Failover group for my Azure Sql databases - could you please help with following questions ? I can run read queries on secondary databases configured for either GR or Failover groups but I am unable to see them in SSMS. I…
Calendar webpart in modern sharepoint online page won't support color coding?
I have a overlayed calendar in my sharepoint site. I have added 3 overlays with 3 different colors. calendar.aspx page shows the overlayed calendar nicely. I am trying to configure the same in one of my modern page. I tried to add a 'Calendar' webpart…
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'azureml'
Hi, I am doing the Challenge. Please see what I have installed: pip install azureml-sdk I am getting the following messages at the end: ERROR:…
certificate verify failed using python SDK I am importing VM information using the above site. However, it does not run due to the following error. Which could be the problem? Traceback (most recent call…
Visual basic 2019 robocopy cancel button
Hello Oracles, I'm a noob and attempting to convert some robocopy commands into a basic VB 2019 forms application. I've got the basics working, copying files and folders from one location to another, but I can't work out the code to put behind the…
How to create approved request for SMS_UserApplicationRequest
I'm trying to automate "Approve application request per user per device" feature, I'm stuck at creating approved request using SMS_UserApplicationRequest class. I'm using .Net to automate it. Please help me with your answers.
Failure updating SQL Server 2017 cluster node: Not all privileges or groups referenced are assigned to the caller.
Hello, I'm trying to update (KB4583457) a node in a SQL Server 2017 cluster on Windows Server 2016 and I'm getting the following error: Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc.EnumeratorException: Failed to retrieve data for this request. --->…
changement nom oraganisation
Bonjour, je suis administrateur et J'aimerais savoir comment modifier le nom de mon oragnisation office entreprise. Merce d'avance de vos reponses.
Consolidating Multiple Queries
Hi, Running SQL Server 2017. I have the following query: SELECT T1.ColumnA, T2.ColumnB, T1.ColumnC INTO #Temp1 FROM dbo.Test1 T1 JOIN dbo.Test2 T2 ON (T1.Test1ID = T2.Test2ID) WHERE T1.Test1ID = X Which gives me a temp…
PostgreSQL Active Directory Admin - DB in inconsistent state
I have put my Azure Postgres db into an inconsistent state w.r.t. the Azure Active Directory Admin from which I can't recover. The issue is that the Portal (and az cli) report that an AD Admin is configured for the database, but when I try to connect…
ARM Template to create a container in an existing storage account
I have an existing storage account. I want the ARM template to create only a container in an existing storage account. I see this piece to create a container : "resources": [ { "type":…
Javascript Project - Unable to find references/defintions and navigate around source files
I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction please. I have a set of existing folders containing Javascript and CSS, I want to be able to load these into Visual Studio Pro 2019 and simply edit and navigate these source files. They are part…
BCP out sorting and first last row parameters
I want to export a large table using bcp. I get the count of the table, then divide that by 250k, then run one bcp export for each batch. (it's much faster this way) bcp my_table out c:\filepath1 -F 0 -L 249999 bcp my_table out c:\filepath2 -F…
Stange entries in the Recents on start up page
I just upgraded my Visual studios and have been seen some weird entries in my recent window. They always have a ST_ I think they are like compiles or something. I don't remember them in 2010 visual studios. Is the some switch I can set to just see…