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SecurityContextTokenServiceClient Members

Represents a client that requests SecurityContextToken security tokens from a security token service.

The following tables list the members exposed by the SecurityContextTokenServiceClient type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
SecurityContextTokenServiceClient Initializes a new instance of the SecurityContextTokenServiceClient class.


Public Properties

(see also Protected Properties )

  Name Description
public property Channel  Gets the output channel for the sender.(inherited from SoapSender)
public property Destination  Specifies the SOAP message receiver endpoint.(inherited from SoapSender)
public property Pipeline  Gets or sets an object that allows custom filtering of messages.(inherited from SoapPort)
public property Timeout  The time to wait for a response from a SendRequestResponse operation.(inherited from SoapClient)


Protected Properties

  Name Description
protected property RequestEntropyEncryptingToken  Gets or sets the security token that is used to encrypt the requestor's entropy value.(inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected property RequestSigningToken  Gets or sets the security token that is used to sign requests made to a security token service.(inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected property RequestSoapContext  Gets the SOAP context for the security token request.(inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected property ResponseSoapContext  Gets the SOAP context for the security token request response.(inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected property SoapServiceAttribute  Gets the SoapServiceAttribute for the SoapClient .(inherited from SoapClient)


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
public method BeginIssueSecurityContextToken Overloaded.  
public method BeginIssueSecurityContextTokenAuthenticated Overloaded.  
public method BeginIssueSecurityToken  Begins an asynchronous request for a security token from a security token service. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method BeginIssueSecurityTokenResponse  Begins an asynchronous request for a security token from a security token service using the response from a previous security token request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method BeginRenewSecurityToken  Begins an asynchronous request to a security token service to renew a security token. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method BeginRenewSecurityTokenResponse  Begins an asynchronous request to a security token service to renew a security token using the response from a previous request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method BeginSend  Sends data asynchronously to a SOAP receiver. (inherited from SoapSender)
public method BeginValidateSecurityToken  Begins an asynchronous request to a security token service to validate a security token. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method BeginValidateSecurityTokenResponse  Begins an asynchronous request to a security token service to validate a security token using the response from a previous request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method EndIssueSecurityContextToken Ends an unsigned request for a SecurityContextToken security token from a security token service.
public method EndIssueSecurityContextTokenAuthenticated Ends a digitally signed request for a SecurityContextToken security token from a security token service.
public method EndIssueSecurityToken  Completes an asynchronous request for a security token from a security token service. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method EndIssueSecurityTokenResponse  Completes an asynchronous request for a security token from a security token service using the response from a previous security token request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method EndRenewSecurityToken  Completes an asynchronous request to a security token service to renew a security token. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method EndRenewSecurityTokenResponse  Completes an asynchronous request to a security token service to renew a security token using the response from a previous request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method EndSend  Ends a pending asynchronous send operation. (inherited from SoapSender)
public method EndValidateSecurityToken  Completes an asynchronous request to a security token service to validate a security token. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method EndValidateSecurityTokenResponse  Completes an asynchronous request to a security token service to validate a security token using the response from a previous request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method Equals  (inherited from Object )
public method GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
public method GetType  (inherited from Object )
public method IssueSecurityContextToken Overloaded.  
public method IssueSecurityContextTokenAuthenticated Overloaded.  
public method IssueSecurityToken  Requests a security token from a security token service. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method IssueSecurityTokenResponse  Requests a security token from a security token service using the response from a previous security token request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method RenewSecurityToken  Makes a request to a security token service to renew a security token. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method RenewSecurityTokenResponse  Makes a request to a security token service to renew a security token using the response from a previous request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method Send  Transmits a SoapEnvelope via the TCP or HTTP protocol. (inherited from SoapSender)
public method ToString  (inherited from Object )
public method ValidateSecurityToken  Makes a request to a security token service to validate a security token. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
public method ValidateSecurityTokenResponse  Makes a request to a security token service to validate a security token using the response from a previous request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)


Protected Methods

  Name Description
protected method BeginRequestSecurityContextToken Begins an asynchronous request for a SecurityContextToken security token from a security token service.
protected method BeginRequestSecurityToken  Begins an asynchronous security token request to a security token service. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method BeginSendOneWay  Overloaded. (inherited from SoapClient )
protected method BeginSendRequestResponse  Overloaded. (inherited from SoapClient )
protected method ClearRequestSoapContext  (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient )
protected method EndRequestSecurityContextToken Ends a request for a SecurityContextToken security token from a security token service.
protected method EndRequestSecurityToken  Completes the asynchronous security token request sent to a security token service. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method EndSendOneWay  Ends a pending asynchronous send operation. (inherited from SoapClient)
protected method EndSendRequestResponse  Ends a pending asynchronous request. (inherited from SoapClient)
protected method EnforceRequestConfidentiality  Generates and encrypts the requestor's entropy value. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method EnforceRequestIntegrity  Signs the request being made to the security token request. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method EnforceRequestPolicy  Encrypts the requestor's entropy value, signs the request, and ensures the AppliesTo property is not null. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method EnforceRequestUsernameTokenConfidentiality  (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient )
protected method FilterMessage  Processes the output message through the pipeline. (inherited from SoapSender)
protected method Finalize  (inherited from Object )
protected method MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )
protected method RequestSecurityContextToken Requests a SecurityContextToken security token from a security token service.
protected method RequestSecurityToken  Sends a security token request to a security token service. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method RetrieveSecurityContextToken Extracts the SecurityContextToken from the response to a security token request.
protected method SendOneWay  Overloaded. (inherited from SoapClient )
protected method SendRequestResponse  Overloaded. (inherited from SoapClient )
protected method SetupIssuedToken  Initializes any IIssuedToken properties of the issued security token based on the security token request and its response. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method VerifyResponseConfidentiality  Verifies the response from the security token service has encrypted the appropriate element(s). (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method VerifyResponseIntegrity  Verifies that the response from the security token service has signed the appropriate elements. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method VerifyResponsePolicy  Verifies that the response from the security token service has encrypted and signed the appropriate elements. (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient)
protected method VerifyResponseUsernameTokenConfidentiality  (inherited from SecurityTokenServiceClient )


See Also


SecurityContextTokenServiceClient Class
Microsoft.Web.Services2.Security Namespace