d2d1effects.h header
This header is used by Direct2D. For more information, see:
d2d1effects.h contains the following programming interfaces:
D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE The interpolation mode to be used with the 2D affine transform effect to scale the image. There are 6 scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_PROP Identifiers for properties of the 2D affine transform effect. |
D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE The interpolation mode the 3D perspective transform effect uses on the image. There are 5 scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_PROP Identifiers for the properties of the 3D perspective transform effect. |
D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE The interpolation mode the 3D transform effect uses on the image. There are 5 scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_PROP Identifiers for properties of the 3D transform effect. |
D2D1_ARITHMETICCOMPOSITE_PROP Identifiers for the properties of the Arithmetic composite effect. |
D2D1_ATLAS_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Atlas effect. |
D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ALPHA_MODE Specifies the alpha mode of the output of the Bitmap source effect. |
D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_INTERPOLATION_MODE The interpolation mode used to scale the image in the Bitmap source effect. |
D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ORIENTATION Specifies whether a flip and/or rotation operation should be performed by the Bitmap source effect. |
D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Bitmap source effect. |
D2D1_BLEND_MODE The blend mode used for the Blend effect. |
D2D1_BLEND_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Blend effect. |
D2D1_BORDER_EDGE_MODE The edge mode for the Border effect. |
D2D1_BORDER_MODE Specifies how the Crop effect handles the crop rectangle falling on fractional pixel coordinates. |
D2D1_BORDER_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Border effect. |
D2D1_BRIGHTNESS_PROP Identifiers for the properties of the Brightness effect. |
D2D1_CHANNEL_SELECTOR Specifies the color channel the Displacement map effectextracts the intensity from and uses it to spatially displace the image in the X or Y direction. |
D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_ALPHA_MODE Indicates how the Color management effect should interpret alpha data that is contained in the input image. |
D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_PROP Identifiers for the properties of the Color management effect. |
D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_QUALITY The quality level of the transform for the Color management effect. |
D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_RENDERING_INTENT Specifies which ICC rendering intent the Color management effect should use. |
D2D1_COLORMATRIX_ALPHA_MODE The alpha mode of the output of the Color matrix effect. |
D2D1_COLORMATRIX_PROP Identifiers for the properties of the Color matrix effect. |
D2D1_COMPOSITE_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Composite effect. |
D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Convolve matrix effect. |
D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_SCALE_MODE The interpolation mode the Convolve matrix effect uses to scale the image to the corresponding kernel unit length. There are six scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_CROP_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Crop effect. |
D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_OPTIMIZATION Specifies the optimization mode for the Directional blur effect. |
D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Directional blur effect. |
D2D1_DISCRETETRANSFER_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Discrete transfer effect. |
D2D1_DISPLACEMENTMAP_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Displacement map effect. |
D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Distant-diffuse lighting effect. |
D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE The interpolation mode the effect uses to scale the image to the corresponding kernel unit length. There are six scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Distant-specular lighting effect. |
D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE The interpolation mode the Distant-specular lighting effect uses to scale the image to the corresponding kernel unit length. There are six scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_INTERPOLATION_MODE The interpolation mode the DPI compensation effect uses to scale the image. |
D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_PROP Identifiers for properties of the DPI compensation effect. |
D2D1_FLOOD_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Flood effect. |
D2D1_GAMMATRANSFER_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Gamma transfer effect. |
D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_OPTIMIZATION The optimization mode for the Gaussian blur effect. |
D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Gaussian blur effect. |
D2D1_HISTOGRAM_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Histogram effect. |
D2D1_HUEROTATION_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Hue rotate effect. |
D2D1_LINEARTRANSFER_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Linear transfer effect. |
D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_MODE The mode for the Morphology effect. |
D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Morphology effect. |
D2D1_OPACITYMETADATA_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Opacity metadata effect. |
D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Point-diffuse lighting effect. |
D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE The interpolation mode the Point-diffuse lighting effect uses to scale the image to the corresponding kernel unit length. There are six scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Point-specular lighting effect. |
D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE The interpolation mode the Point-specular lighting effect uses to scale the image to the corresponding kernel unit length. There are six scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_SATURATION_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Saturation effect. |
D2D1_SCALE_INTERPOLATION_MODE The interpolation mode the Scale effect uses to scale the image. There are 6 scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_SCALE_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Scale effect. |
D2D1_SHADOW_OPTIMIZATION The level of performance optimization for the Shadow effect. |
D2D1_SHADOW_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Shadow effect. |
D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Spot-diffuse lighting effect. |
D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE The interpolation mode the Spot-diffuse lighting effect uses to scale the image to the corresponding kernel unit length. There are six scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Spot-specular lighting effect. |
D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE The interpolation mode the Spot-specular lighting effect uses to scale the image to the corresponding kernel unit length. There are six scale modes that range in quality and speed. |
D2D1_TABLETRANSFER_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Table transfer effect. |
D2D1_TILE_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Tile effect. |
D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE The turbulence noise mode for the Turbulence effect. Indicates whether to generate a bitmap based on Fractal Noise or the Turbulence function. |
D2D1_TURBULENCE_PROP Identifiers for properties of the Turbulence effect. |