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IUnrestrictedPermission Interfaccia



Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.

Consente a un'autorizzazione di esporre uno stato senza restrizioni.

[System.Obsolete("Code Access Security is not supported or honored by the runtime.", DiagnosticId="SYSLIB0003", UrlFormat="https://aka.ms/dotnet-warnings/{0}")]
public interface IUnrestrictedPermission
public interface IUnrestrictedPermission
public interface IUnrestrictedPermission


In questo esempio viene illustrato come definire una classe di autorizzazione da usare con la sicurezza dell'accesso al codice. Tutte le interfacce di autorizzazione necessarie vengono implementate.

Nell'esempio di codice seguente viene illustrato il comportamento dei IUnrestrictedPermission metodi .

L'esempio è progettato per mostrare come vengono eseguiti i metodi se si eseguono i metodi dal codice. In generale, i metodi delle classi di autorizzazione vengono usati dall'infrastruttura di sicurezza; in genere non vengono usati nelle applicazioni.

using System;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Reflection;

// Enumerated type for permission states.
public enum SoundPermissionState
    NoSound = 0,
    PlaySystemSounds = 1,
    PlayAnySound = 2

// Derive from CodeAccessPermission to gain implementations of the following
// sealed IStackWalk methods: Assert, Demand, Deny, and PermitOnly.
// Implement the following abstract IPermission methods: Copy, Intersect, and IsSubSetOf.
// Implementing the Union method of the IPermission class is optional.
// Implement the following abstract ISecurityEncodable methods: FromXml and ToXml.
// Making the class 'sealed' is optional.

public sealed class SoundPermission : CodeAccessPermission, IPermission,
    IUnrestrictedPermission, ISecurityEncodable, ICloneable
    private Boolean m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = false;
    private SoundPermissionState m_flags = SoundPermissionState.NoSound;

    // This constructor creates and initializes a permission with generic access.
    public SoundPermission(PermissionState state)
        m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = (state == PermissionState.Unrestricted);

    // This constructor creates and initializes a permission with specific access.
    public SoundPermission(SoundPermissionState flags)
        if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(SoundPermissionState), flags))
            throw new ArgumentException
                ("flags value is not valid for the SoundPermissionState enuemrated type");
        m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = false;
        m_flags = flags;

    // For debugging, return the state of this object as XML.
    public override String ToString() { return ToXml().ToString(); }

    // Private method to cast (if possible) an IPermission to the type.
    private SoundPermission VerifyTypeMatch(IPermission target)
        if (GetType() != target.GetType())
            throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("target must be of the {0} type",
        return (SoundPermission)target;

    // This is the Private Clone helper method.
    private SoundPermission Clone(Boolean specifiedAsUnrestricted, SoundPermissionState flags)
        SoundPermission soundPerm = (SoundPermission)Clone();
        soundPerm.m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = specifiedAsUnrestricted;
        soundPerm.m_flags = specifiedAsUnrestricted ? SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound : m_flags;
        return soundPerm;

    #region IPermission Members
    // Return a new object that contains the intersection of 'this' and 'target'.
    public override IPermission Intersect(IPermission target)
        // If 'target' is null, return null.
        if (target == null) return null;

        // Both objects must be the same type.
        SoundPermission soundPerm = VerifyTypeMatch(target);

        // If 'this' and 'target' are unrestricted, return a new unrestricted permission.
        if (m_specifiedAsUnrestricted && soundPerm.m_specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            return Clone(true, SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound);

        // Calculate the intersected permissions. If there are none, return null.
        SoundPermissionState val = (SoundPermissionState)
            Math.Min((Int32)m_flags, (Int32)soundPerm.m_flags);
        if (val == 0) return null;

        // Return a new object with the intersected permission value.
        return Clone(false, val);

    // Called by the Demand method: returns true if 'this' is a subset of 'target'.
    public override Boolean IsSubsetOf(IPermission target)
        // If 'target' is null and this permission allows nothing, return true.
        if (target == null) return m_flags == 0;

        // Both objects must be the same type.
        SoundPermission soundPerm = VerifyTypeMatch(target);

        // Return true if the permissions of 'this' is a subset of 'target'.
        return m_flags <= soundPerm.m_flags;

    // Return a new object that matches 'this' object's permissions.
    public sealed override IPermission Copy()
        return (IPermission)Clone();

    // Return a new object that contains the union of 'this' and 'target'.
    // Note: You do not have to implement this method. If you do not, the version
    // in CodeAccessPermission does this:
    //    1. If target is not null, a NotSupportedException is thrown.
    //    2. If target is null, then Copy is called and the new object is returned.
    public override IPermission Union(IPermission target)
        // If 'target' is null, then return a copy of 'this'.
        if (target == null) return Copy();

        // Both objects must be the same type.
        SoundPermission soundPerm = VerifyTypeMatch(target);

        // If 'this' or 'target' are unrestricted, return a new unrestricted permission.
        if (m_specifiedAsUnrestricted || soundPerm.m_specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            return Clone(true, SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound);

        // Return a new object with the calculated, unioned permission value.
        return Clone(false, (SoundPermissionState)
            Math.Max((Int32)m_flags, (Int32)soundPerm.m_flags));

    #region ISecurityEncodable Members
    // Populate the permission's fields from XML.
    public override void FromXml(SecurityElement e)
        m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = false;
        m_flags = 0;

        // If XML indicates an unrestricted permission, make this permission unrestricted.
        String s = (String)e.Attributes["Unrestricted"];
        if (s != null)
            m_specifiedAsUnrestricted = Convert.ToBoolean(s);
            if (m_specifiedAsUnrestricted)
                m_flags = SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound;

        // If XML indicates a restricted permission, parse the flags.
        if (!m_specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            s = (String)e.Attributes["Flags"];
            if (s != null)
                m_flags = (SoundPermissionState)
                Convert.ToInt32(Enum.Parse(typeof(SoundPermission), s, true));

    // Produce XML from the permission's fields.
    public override SecurityElement ToXml()
        // These first three lines create an element with the required format.
        SecurityElement e = new SecurityElement("IPermission");
        // Replace the double quotation marks ("") with single quotation marks ('')
        // to remain XML compliant when the culture is not neutral.
        e.AddAttribute("class", GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName.Replace('\"', '\''));
        e.AddAttribute("version", "1");

        if (!m_specifiedAsUnrestricted)
            e.AddAttribute("Flags", Enum.Format(typeof(SoundPermissionState), m_flags, "G"));
            e.AddAttribute("Unrestricted", "true");
        return e;

    #region IUnrestrictedPermission Members
    // Returns true if permission is effectively unrestricted.
    public Boolean IsUnrestricted()
        // This means that the object is unrestricted at runtime.
        return m_flags == SoundPermissionState.PlayAnySound;

    #region ICloneable Members

    // Return a copy of the permission.
    public Object Clone() { return MemberwiseClone(); }




La sicurezza dall'accesso al codice è stata deprecata in tutte le versioni di .NET Framework e .NET. Le versioni recenti di .NET non rispettano le annotazioni CAS e generano errori se vengono usate API correlate a CAS. Gli sviluppatori devono cercare metodi alternativi per eseguire attività di sicurezza.

Tutte le autorizzazioni di accesso al codice devono implementare IUnrestrictedPermission.



Restituisce un valore che indica se è consentito l'accesso illimitato alla risorsa protetta dall'autorizzazione.

Si applica a

Prodotto Versioni (Obsoleto)
.NET (8 (package-provided), 9 (package-provided))
.NET Framework 1.1, 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7 (package-provided), 4.7, 4.7.1 (package-provided), 4.7.1, 4.7.2 (package-provided), 4.7.2, 4.8 (package-provided), 4.8, 4.8.1
.NET Standard 2.0 (package-provided)
Windows Desktop 3.0, 3.1 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9)