Procedura: calcolare i valori di colonna in un file di testo CSV (LINQ) (Visual Basic)
In questo esempio viene illustrato come eseguire i calcoli di aggregazione quali Sum, Average, Min e Max nelle colonne di un file con estensione csv. I principi di esempio riportati di seguito possono essere applicati ad altri tipi di testo strutturati.
Per creare il file di origine
Copiare le righe seguenti in un file denominato scores.csv e salvarlo nella cartella del progetto. Si supponga che la prima colonna rappresenti degli ID studente e che le colonne successive rappresentino i punteggi di quattro esami.
111, 97, 92, 81, 60 112, 75, 84, 91, 39 113, 88, 94, 65, 91 114, 97, 89, 85, 82 115, 35, 72, 91, 70 116, 99, 86, 90, 94 117, 93, 92, 80, 87 118, 92, 90, 83, 78 119, 68, 79, 88, 92 120, 99, 82, 81, 79 121, 96, 85, 91, 60 122, 94, 92, 91, 91
Class SumColumns
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim lines As String() = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("../../../scores.csv")
' Specifies the column to compute
' This value could be passed in at run time.
Dim exam = 3
' Spreadsheet format:
' Student ID Exam#1 Exam#2 Exam#3 Exam#4
' 111, 97, 92, 81, 60
' one is added to skip over the first column
' which holds the student ID.
SumColumn(lines, exam + 1)
' Keep the console window open in debug mode.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...")
End Sub
Shared Sub SumColumn(ByVal lines As IEnumerable(Of String), ByVal col As Integer)
' This query performs two steps:
' split the string into a string array
' convert the specified element to
' integer and select it.
Dim columnQuery = From line In lines
Let x = line.Split(",")
Select Convert.ToInt32(x(col))
' Execute and cache the results for performance.
' Only needed with very large files.
Dim results = columnQuery.ToList()
' Perform aggregate calculations
' on the column specified by col.
Dim avgScore = Aggregate score In results Into Average(score)
Dim minScore = Aggregate score In results Into Min(score)
Dim maxScore = Aggregate score In results Into Max(score)
Console.WriteLine("Single Column Query:")
Console.WriteLine("Exam #{0}: Average:{1:##.##} High Score:{2} Low Score:{3}",
col, avgScore, maxScore, minScore)
End Sub
Shared Sub MultiColumns(ByVal lines As IEnumerable(Of String))
Console.WriteLine("Multi Column Query:")
' Create the query. It will produce nested sequences.
' multiColQuery performs these steps:
' 1) convert the string to a string array
' 2) skip over the "Student ID" column and take the rest
' 3) convert each field to an int and select that
' entire sequence as one row in the results.
Dim multiColQuery = From line In lines
Let fields = line.Split(",")
Select From str In fields Skip 1
Select Convert.ToInt32(str)
Dim results = multiColQuery.ToList()
' Find out how many columns we have.
Dim columnCount = results(0).Count()
' Perform aggregate calculations on each column.
' One loop for each score column in scores.
' We can use a for loop because we have already
' executed the multiColQuery in the call to ToList.
For j As Integer = 0 To columnCount - 1
Dim column = j
Dim res2 = From row In results
Select row.ElementAt(column)
' Perform aggregate calculations
' on the column specified by col.
Dim avgScore = Aggregate score In res2 Into Average(score)
Dim minScore = Aggregate score In res2 Into Min(score)
Dim maxScore = Aggregate score In res2 Into Max(score)
' Add 1 to column numbers because exams in this course start with #1
Console.WriteLine("Exam #{0} Average: {1:##.##} High Score: {2} Low Score: {3}",
column + 1, avgScore, maxScore, minScore)
End Sub
End Class
' Output:
' Single Column Query:
' Exam #4: Average:76.92 High Score:94 Low Score:39
' Multi Column Query:
' Exam #1 Average: 86.08 High Score: 99 Low Score: 35
' Exam #2 Average: 86.42 High Score: 94 Low Score: 72
' Exam #3 Average: 84.75 High Score: 91 Low Score: 65
' Exam #4 Average: 76.92 High Score: 94 Low Score: 39
La query funziona usando il metodo Split per convertire ogni riga di testo in una matrice. Ogni elemento della matrice rappresenta una colonna. Infine, il testo in ogni colonna viene convertito in una rappresentazione numerica. Se il file è un file con valori delimitati da tabulazioni, aggiornare solo l'argomento nel metodo Split
in \t
Compilare il codice
Creare un progetto di applicazione console di Visual Basic con un'istruzione Imports
per lo spazio dei nomi System.Linq.
Vedi anche
- LINQ and Strings (Visual Basic) (LINQ e le stringhe (Visual Basic))
- LINQ and File Directories (Visual Basic) (LINQ e directory file (Visual Basic))