What is Report Server Configuration Manager (Native mode)?
Applies to:
SQL Server 2016 (13.x) Reporting Services and later
Power BI Report Server
Use the Report Server Configuration Manager to configure a SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) Native mode installation to perform the following tasks:
Configure the Report Server service account: The account is configured during setup, but you can modify it by using the Report Server Configuration Manager if you update the password or want to use a different account.
Create and configure URLs: The report server and the web portal are ASP.NET applications accessed through URLs. The report server URL provides access to the SOAP endpoints of the report server. The web portal URL opens the web portal. Use the Report Server Configuration Manager to configure a single URL or multiple URLs for each application.
Create and configure the report server database: The report server is a stateless server that requires a SQL Server database for internal storage. Use the Report Server Configuration Manager to create and configure a connection to the report server database. You can select an existing report server database that already contains the content that you want to use.
Configure a Native mode scale-out deployment: Reporting Services supports a deployment topology that allows multiple report server instances to use a single, shared report server database. To deploy a report server scale-out deployment, use the Report Server Configuration Manager to connect each report server to the shared report server database.
Backup, restore, or replace the symmetric key: A symmetric key encrypts stored connection strings and credentials. You must have a backup of the symmetric key if you change the service account or move a report server database to another computer.
Configure the unattended execution account: This account enables remote connections during scheduled operations or when user credentials aren't available.
Configure report server email: Reporting Services includes a report server email delivery extension that uses a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to deliver reports or report processing notifications to an electronic mailbox. Use the Reporting Services Configuration Manager to specify which SMTP server or gateway on your network to use for email delivery.
A full deployment requires that you also use SQL Server Management Studio to enable other features or modify default values. You can also use the web portal to grant access to the server. For more information about the report server, see Configure and administer a report server
Reporting Services integration with SharePoint is no longer available after SQL Server 2016. Starting with the SQL Server 2012 (11.x) release, the Reporting Services Configuration Manager isn't designed to manage SharePoint mode report servers. You manage and configure SharePoint mode by using SharePoint Central Administration and PowerShell scripts.
Versions of Reporting Services
The Report Server Configuration Manager is version-specific. The Report Server Configuration Manager that installs with this version of SQL Server can't be used to configure an earlier version of Reporting Services. If you're running older and newer versions of Reporting Services side-by-side on the same computer, you must use the Report Server Configuration Manager that comes with each version to configure each instance.
From the Windows Start menu, enter Report Server and select Report Server Configuration Manager from the search results to start the Report Server Configuration Manager. Alternately, depending on your version of Microsoft Windows, you can select Start, go to All Programs, go to Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, and select Report Server Configuration Manager.
If you want to configure a report server instance from a previous version of SQL Server, open the program folder for that version. For example, go to SQL Server 2014 (12.x) instead of Microsoft SQL Server to open the configuration tools for SQL Server 2014 (12.x) server components and select Report Server Configuration Manager.
In Server Name, specify the name of the computer where the report server instance is installed. The name of the local computer appears by default. Enter the name of a remote SQL Server instance if you want to connect to a report server installed on a remote computer.
If you specify a remote computer, select Find to establish a connection.
In Report Server Instance, select the report server instance that you want to configure. Only report server instances for this version of SQL Server appear in the list. You can't configure earlier versions of Reporting Services.
Administrowanie infrastrukturą bazy danych programu SQL Server dla chmurowych, lokalnych i hybrydowych relacyjnych baz danych przy użyciu ofert relacyjnych baz danych PaaS firmy Microsoft.
SQL Server Reporting Services native mode uses two SQL Server relational databases to store report server metadata and objects. One database is used for primary storage, and the second one stores temporary data.
See how to install Reporting Services in native mode. View steps for how to use the SQL Server installation wizard to install and configure the report server.
Learn about how each instance requires a connection to the report server database that stores reports, shared data sources, and metadata managed by the server.
Learn about the approaches that you can use to configure Reporting Services and find articles about how to configure components, features, or server capabilities.
Learn how to implement Reporting Services, a single service that contains a Report Server Web service, web portal, and a background processing application.
Native mode Reporting Services uses a SQL Server database for internal storage. The database is required and it is used to store published reports, models, shared data sources, session data, resources, and server metadata.
Learn how to configure Reporting Services Report Server instances for local or remote configuration by using the configuration tool or writing custom code.