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Walkthrough 7: Configure agent scripting in your agent application

Agent scripting in Unified Service Desk helps to guide your agents during customer interaction. This walkthrough demonstrates how to create a simple agent script that helps the agents quickly create a new case for an account or browse existing cases from the agent application. The agent script created in this walkthrough is invoked when the agent pulls up an account record to view, which is displayed in a session in the Unified Service Desk client. The script provides the following three options:

  • Create a case for the current account

  • Display existing cases for the current account

  • Close the session


In This Walkthrough

Step 1: Create an Agent Scripting type of hosted control

Step 2: Create hosted controls to display the new case form and existing cases

Step 3: Create an agent script task

Step 4: Add the answer, action call, and window navigation rule for creating a case from the agent script

Step 5: Add the answer and action calls for displaying existing cases

Step 6: Add the answer and action calls for closing the session

Step 7: Create an action call to display the agent script

Step 8: Display the agent script when the account record is displayed in a session

Step 9: Add the controls to the configuration

Step 10: Test the application


Step 1: Create an Agent Scripting type of hosted control

An instance of the Agent Scripting type of hosted control must be available in your agent application to display agent scripts.

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.

  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  3. Click Hosted Controls.

  4. Click New.

  5. On the New Hosted Control page, specify the following values.

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Agent Scripting
    USD Component Type Agent Scripting
    Display Group WorkflowPanel

    Create an Agent Scripting hosted control.

  6. Click Save.

Step 2: Create hosted controls to display the new case form and existing cases

In this step, you’ll create two hosted controls of CRM Page type to display the new case creation form and existing cases for the current account.

  1. On the hosted controls page, click New.

  2. On the New Hosted Control page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso new case form
    Display Name New Case
    USD Component Type CRM Page
    Allow Multiple Pages No
    Hosting Type Internal WPF
    Application is Global Not checked
    Display Group MainPanel

    Create a CRM Page hosted control for new case form.

  3. Click Save.

  4. On the hosted controls page, click New to create another hosted control.

  5. On the New Hosted Control page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso existing cases for an account
    Display Name Cases for [[$Context.name]] Note: We are using the replacement parameter to dynamically display the name of the current account from the execution context as the hosted control display name.
    USD Component Type CRM Page
    Allow Multiple Pages No
    Hosting Type Internal WPF
    Application is Global Not checked
    Display Group MainPanel

    Create a CRM Page hosted control for existing account cases.

  6. Click Save.

Step 3: Create an agent script task

Create an agent script task to display when an account record is displayed in a session.

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.

  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  3. Click Agent Scripts.

  4. Click New.

  5. On the New Agent Script Task page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso: Welcome to Account Session
    Start Task No
    ScriptText Welcome [[$Context.name]]. My name is [[$User.firstname]]. Is this call regarding a new or an existing service request? Note: We are using replacement parameters to dynamically display the account name and the current agent’s name to the agent at runtime.
    Instructions Based on the customer response, click one of the tasks below.

    Create an agent script task.

  6. Click Save to create the agent script.

Step 4: Add the answer, action call, and window navigation rule for creating a case from the agent script

In this step, you’ll create answer, action call, and window navigation rule for displaying a new case form with some prepopulated values from the currently active account record.

  1. In the Answers area of the agent script task that you created in step 4, click + to create answer.

  2. In the search box, press ENTER or click the search icon, and then click New in the search results box.

    Create an answer for an agent script task.

  3. On the New Agent Script Answer page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso: New case
    Answer Text Create a case
    Linked Task Contoso: Welcome to Account Session
    Order 1

    Create an answer in Unified Service Desk.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Next, add an action call to this answer to display a new case form for the account when the agent clicks this answer. On the nav bar, click the down arrow next to Contoso: New case, and select Actions.

    Create an action call for the answer.

  6. On the next page, click Add Existing Action Call.

  7. In the search box, press ENTER or click the search icon, and then click New to create an action call.

  8. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Action Call: Create Case
    Order 1
    Hosted Control Contoso new case form
    Action New_CRM_Page
    Data LogicalName=incident
    primarycontactidname=[[$Context.primarycontactid.name]+] Note: The new case form will be populated with the current account record data to help the agent quickly create a case for the customer.

    Create an action call for Create Case.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Next, create a window navigation rule to display the new case form. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  11. Click Window Navigation Rules.

  12. Click New.

  13. On the New Window Navigation Rule page, specify the following values.

    Field Value
    Name Contoso New Case for Account Session Rule
    Order 20
    From Contoso new case form
    Entity incident
    Route Type Popup
    Destination Tab
    Action Route Window
    Target Tab Contoso new case form
    Show Tab Contoso new case form
    Hide Command Bar No
    Hide Navigation Bar Yes

    Create a window navigation rule.

  14. Click Save.

Step 5: Add the answer and action calls for displaying existing cases

In this step, add answer and action calls for displaying existing cases for the current account.

  1. In the Answers area of the Contoso: Welcome to Account Session agent script, click + to create an answer.

  2. In the search box, press ENTER or click the search icon, and then click New in the search results box.

  3. On the New Agent Script Answer page, specify the following values.

    Field Value
    Name Contoso: Existing cases
    Answer Text Display existing cases
    Linked Task Contoso: Welcome to Account Session
    Order 2
  4. Click Save.

  5. Next, add an action call to this answer to display the existing cases for the current account. On the nav bar, click the down arrow next to Contoso: Existing Cases, and select Actions.

  6. On the next page, click Add Existing Action Call.

  7. In the search box, press ENTER or click the search icon, and then click New to create an action call.

  8. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Action Call: Display Existing Cases
    Order 1
    Hosted Control Contoso existing cases for an account
    Action AssociatedView
    Data navItemName=Cases

    Create an action call to display existing cases.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Add another action call to set the focus on the new case form. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Action Call: Set Focus on Existing Cases
    Order 2
    Hosted Control Contoso Global Manager
    Action ShowTab
    Data Contoso existing cases for an account

    Create an action call to set focus on existing cases.

  11. Click Save.

Step 6: Add the answer and action calls for closing the session

In this step, add answer and action calls for closing the current session.

  1. In the Answers area of the Contoso: Welcome to Account Session agent script, click + to create an answer.

  2. In the search box, press ENTER or click the search icon, and then click New in the search results box.

  3. On the New Agent Script Answer page, specify the following values:

    Field Value
    Name Contoso: Close session
    Answer Text Close session
    Linked Task Contoso: Welcome to Account Session
    Order 3
  4. Click Save.

  5. Next, add an action call to this answer to close the session. On the nav bar, click the down arrow next to Contoso: Close session, and select Actions.

  6. On the next page, click Add Existing Action Call.

  7. In the search box, press ENTER or click the search icon, and then click New to create an action call.

  8. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values.

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Action Call: Close Session
    Hosted Control Contoso Session Tab Note: The Contoso Session Tab hosted control was created in Walkthrough 4: Display a record in a session in your agent application.
    Action CloseSession
    Data sessionid=[[$Context.SessionId]]

    Create an action call to close session.

  9. Click Save.

Step 7: Create an action call to display the agent script

In this step, create an action call to display the agent script.

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.

  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  3. Click Action Calls.

  4. Click New.

  5. On the New Action Call page, specify the following values.

    Field Value
    Name Contoso Action Call: Load Agent Script
    Hosted Control Contoso Agent Scripting
    Action GoToTask
    Data Contoso: Welcome to Account Session

    Create an action call to display the agent script.

  6. Click Save.

Step 8: Display the agent script when the account record is displayed in a session

In this step, add the action call created in the previous step to the BrowserDocumentComplete event on the Contoso Account Session hosted control so that after it’s loaded, the action call is executed to load the agent script. The Contoso Account Session hosted control was created in Walkthrough 4: Display a record in a session in your agent application.

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.

  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  3. Click Hosted Controls.

  4. Search for the Contoso Account Session hosted control, and click it to open the hosted control definition.

  5. On the nav bar, click the down arrow next to Contoso Account Session, and then click Events.

    Configure events for a hosted control.

  6. On the events page, click BrowserDocumentComplete.

  7. On the BrowserDocumentComplete page, click + in the Active Actions area to add an action call to the event.

  8. In the search box, type “Contoso Action Call: Load Agent Script”, and press ENTER or click the search icon.

  9. In the search results, click Contoso Action Call: Load Agent Script to add it.

  10. Click Save.

Step 9: Add the controls to the configuration

In this step, add the action calls, agent script, hosted controls, and window navigation rule that you configured in this walkthrough to Contoso Configuration to display these controls to the user who is assigned to the configuration. Contoso Configuration was created in Walkthrough 1: Build a simple agent application.

Add the following to Contoso Configuration.

Control name Control type
Contoso Action Call: Create Case Action call
Contoso Action Call: Display Existing Cases Action Call
Contoso Action Call: Set Focus on Existing Cases Action Call
Contoso Action Call: Close Session Action Call
Contoso Action Call: Load Agent Script Action Call
Contoso: Welcome to Account Session Agent Script
Contoso Agent Scripting Hosted Control
Contoso new case form Hosted Control
Contoso existing cases for an account Hosted Control
Contoso New Case for Account Session Rule Window navigation rule

To add a control to the configuration:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.

  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk.

  3. Click Configuration.

  4. Click Contoso Configuration to open the definition.

  5. On the nav bar, click the down arrow next to Contoso Configuration, and select Action Calls.

  6. On the next page, click Add Existing Action Call, type “Contoso Action Call” in the search bar, and then press ENTER or click the search icon.

  7. Select the five action calls from the search results box to add them to Contoso Configuration.

  8. Similarly, add the agent script, hosted controls, and window navigation rule by clicking the down arrow next to Contoso Configuration, and clicking Agent Scripts Hosted Controls and Window navigation Rules respectively.

  9. Click Save.

Step 10: Test the application

  1. Start the Unified Service Desk client application, and sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance where you configured Unified Service Desk by using the same user credentials that is assigned to Contoso Configuration in Walkthrough 1: Build a simple agent application. For information about connecting to Dataverse instance using the Unified Service Desk client application, see Connect to CRM instance using the Unified Service Desk client

  2. Click the down arrow next to the SEARCH button in the toolbar, and then click Account to display the account records from your Dataverse instance.

  3. Click the expander to display the left pane.

    Choose the expander in Unified Service Desk.

  4. Click on any of the account records to display the respective account information in a session. In the left pane, the Contoso: Welcome to Account Session agent script appears.

    Agent script in Unified Service Desk.

  5. In the agent script:

    1. Click New case to open a new case form with pre-populated values (in the red box) from the current account record.

    New case form using the agent script.

    1. Click Display existing cases to display the associated cases for the current account record.

    Display existing cases for an account.

    1. Click Close session to close the current session.


In this walkthrough, you learned how to configure a simple agent script to guide your call center agents. Unified Service Desk allows you to create more complex scripts with branching logic that contain child answers and actions. You also learned how to filter access to Unified Service Desk controls using configuration.

See also

Walkthrough 1: Build a simple agent application

Walkthrough 2: Display an external webpage in your agent application

Walkthrough 3: Display records in your agent application

Walkthrough 4: Display a record in a session in your agent application

Walkthrough 5: Display enhanced session information by displaying session name and overview data

Walkthrough 6: Configure the Debugger hosted control in your agent application

Unified Service Desk Configuration Walkthroughs