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Direct3D Enumerated Types

This section contains information about the following enumerated types used with Microsoft® Direct3D®.

Programming element Description
D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE Defines constants that describe the type of back buffer.
D3DBLEND Defines the supported blend mode.
D3DBLENDOP Defines the supported blend operations.
D3DCMPFUNC Defines the supported compare functions.
D3DCULL Defines the supported culling modes.
D3DDEBUGMONITORTOKENS Defines the debug monitor tokens.
D3DDEVTYPE Defines device types.
D3DFILLMODE Defines constants describing the fill mode.
D3DFOGMODE Defines constants that describe the fog mode.
D3DFORMAT Defines the various types of surface formats.
D3DLIGHTTYPE Defines the light type.
D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE Defines the location at which a color or color component must be accessed for lighting calculations.
D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE Defines levels of full-scene multisampling that the device can apply.
D3DORDERTYPE Defines the order type of a high-order surface.
D3DPOOL Defines the memory class that holds a resource's buffers.
D3DPRIMITIVETYPE Defines the supported primitives.
D3DRENDERSTATETYPE Defines device render states.
D3DRESOURCETYPE Defines resource types.
D3DSHADEMODE Defines constants that describe the supported shading modes.
D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE Defines logical groups of device states.
D3DSTENCILOP Defines stencil operations.
D3DSWAPEFFECT Defines swap effects.
D3DTEXTUREADDRESS Defines constants that describe the supported texture-addressing modes.
D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE Defines texture filtering modes for a texture stage.
D3DTEXTUREOP Defines per-stage texture-blending operations.
D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE Defines texture stage states.
D3DTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS Defines texture-stage state values.
D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE Defines constants that describe transformation state values.
D3DZBUFFERTYPE Defines constants that describe depth-buffer formats.

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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