Streaming media devices
Overview of streaming media device driver technology.
To develop streaming media device drivers, you need these headers:
- amtvuids.h
- avc.h
- avcstrm.h
- bdamedia.h
- bdasup.h
- bdatypes.h
- dsound.h
- kcom.h
- ks.h
- ksi.h
- ksmedia.h
- ksproxy.h
- lamp.h
- msviddrv.h
- strmini.h
- swenum.h
- usbcamdi.h
For the programming guide, see Streaming media devices.
IOCTL_AVC_BUS_RESET The IOCTL_AVC_BUS_RESET I/O control code allows the caller to complete any previous IOCTL_AVC_UPDATE_VIRTUAL_SUBUNIT_INFO and IOCTL_AVC_REMOVE_VIRTUAL_SUBUNIT_INFO control requests that did not use the AVC_SUBUNIT_ADDR_TRIGGERBUSRESET flag. |
IOCTL_AVC_CLASS The IOCTL_AVC_CLASS I/O control code is supported only from kernel mode, using the IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL dispatch.Avc.sys supports two device interfaces, depending upon the type of instance (peer or virtual). |
IOCTL_AVC_REMOVE_VIRTUAL_SUBUNIT_INFO The IOCTL_AVC_REMOVE_VIRTUAL_SUBUNIT_INFO I/O control code controls the enumeration of virtual subunits. |
IOCTL_AVC_UPDATE_VIRTUAL_SUBUNIT_INFO The IOCTL_AVC_UPDATE_VIRTUAL_SUBUNIT_INFO I/O control code controls the enumeration of virtual subunits. |
IOCTL_AVCSTRM_CLASS An AV/C subunit driver uses the IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL IRP, with the IoControlCode member set to IOCTL_AVCSTRM_CLASS, to communicate with avcstrm.sys. |
IOCTL_KS_DISABLE_EVENT An application can use IOCTL_KS_DISABLE_EVENT to rescind a previous request notification. The application specifies IOCTL_KS_DISABLE_EVENT in the IoControl parameter of a call to KsSynchronousDeviceControl. |
IOCTL_KS_ENABLE_EVENT An application can use IOCTL_KS_ENABLE_EVENT to request notification of a KS event type, or to determine the events supported by a KS object. |
IOCTL_KS_HANDSHAKE A kernel-mode client can use IOCTL_KS_HANDSHAKE to negotiate an interface between unconnected AVStream pins. |
IOCTL_KS_METHOD An application can use IOCTL_KS_METHOD to execute a method on a KS object. The application passes IOCTL_KS_METHOD with the parameters described below to the KsSynchronousDeviceControl function. |
IOCTL_KS_PROPERTY An application can use IOCTL_KS_PROPERTY to get or set properties, or to determine the properties supported by a KS object. The application passes IOCTL_KS_PROPERTY with the parameters described below to the KsSynchronousDeviceControl function. |
IOCTL_KS_READ_STREAM An application can use IOCTL_KS_READ_STREAM to read data from a pin. The application passes IOCTL_KS_READ_STREAM with the parameters described below to the KsSynchronousDeviceControl function. |
IOCTL_KS_RESET_STATE An application can use IOCTL_KS_RESET_STATE to return a pin to the state it was in at Acquire-time. The application passes IOCTL_KS_RESET_STATE with the parameters described below to the KsSynchronousDeviceControl function. |
IOCTL_KS_WRITE_STREAM An application can use IOCTL_KS_WRITE_STREAM to write data to a pin. The application passes IOCTL_KS_WRITE_STREAM with the parameters described below to the KsSynchronousDeviceControl function. |
IOCTL_LAMP_GET_CAPABILITIES_COLOR The IOCTL_LAMP_GET_CAPABILITIES_COLOR control code queries the capabilities of the lamp when the device is configured to emit color light. |
IOCTL_LAMP_GET_CAPABILITIES_WHITE The IOCTL_LAMP_GET_CAPABILITIES_WHITE control code queries the capabilities of the lamp when the device is configured to emit white light. |
IOCTL_LAMP_GET_EMITTING_LIGHT The IOCTL_LAMP_GET_EMITTING_LIGHT control code queries if the lamp is turned on. |
IOCTL_LAMP_GET_INTENSITY_COLOR The IOCTL_LAMP_GET_INTENSITY_COLOR control code queries the light intensity when the lamp is configured to emit color light. |
IOCTL_LAMP_GET_INTENSITY_WHITE The IOCTL_LAMP_GET_INTENSITY_WHITE control code queries the light intensity when the lamp is configured to emit white light. |
IOCTL_LAMP_GET_MODE The IOCTL_LAMP_GET_MODE control code queries the mode with which the lamp is currently configured. |
IOCTL_LAMP_SET_EMITTING_LIGHT The IOCTL_LAMP_SET_EMITTING_LIGHT control code turns the lamp on or off. |
IOCTL_LAMP_SET_INTENSITY_COLOR The IOCTL_LAMP_SET_INTENSITY_COLOR control code sets the lamp to the specified light intensity. |
IOCTL_LAMP_SET_INTENSITY_WHITE The IOCTL_LAMP_SET_INTENSITY_WHITE control code sets the lamp to the specified light intensity. |
IOCTL_LAMP_SET_MODE The IOCTL_LAMP_SET_MODE control code sets the mode in which the lamp operates. |
AVC_FUNCTION The AVC_FUNCTION enumeration type is used to specify AV/C subunit functions. |
AvcCommandType The AvcCommandType enumeration type is used to indicate the type of command issued by a subunit driver to its AV/C subunit through AVC_FUNCTION_COMMAND or AVC_FUNCTION_GET_REQUEST function codes. |
AvcResponseCode The AvcResponseCode enumeration type is used to indicate the type of response received by a subunit driver from its AV/C subunit through AVC_FUNCTION_COMMAND or AVC_FUNCTION_SEND_RESPONSE function codes. |
AVCSTRM_FORMAT The AVCSTRM_FUNCTION enumeration defines the AV/C subunit stream formats supported by avcstrm.sys. |
AVCSTRM_FUNCTION The AVCSTRM_FUNCTION enumeration defines the functionality exposed by the avcstrm.sys driver. |
AvcSubunitType The AvcSubunitType enumeration type is used to indicate the type of AV/C subunit. |
BDA_DigitalSignalStandard This topic describes the BDA_DigitalSignalStandard enumeration. |
BDA_LockType The BDA_LockType enumerated type contains values that specify lock types for a signal. |
CAPTURE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAGS The CAPTURE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAGS enumeration defines types of memory surfaces to which AVStream minidrivers can capture audio and video data. |
ChannelChangeSpanningEvent_State This topic describes the ChannelChangeSpanningEvent_State enumeration. |
ChannelType This topic describes the ChannelType enumeration. |
CONSTRICTOR_OPTION This topic describes the CONSTRICTOR_OPTION enumeration. |
FRAMING_CACHE_OPS Learn more about: FRAMING_CACHE_OPS enumeration |
FRAMING_PROP Learn more about: FRAMING_PROP enumeration |
KS_AMPixAspectRatio The KS_AMPixAspectRatio enumeration defines the pixel aspect ratio that corresponds to a 720 480 NTSC video signal or a 720 × 576 PAL video signal. |
KS_AMVP_MODE The KS_AMVP_MODE enumeration defines video port display modes. |
KS_AMVP_SELECTFORMATBY The KS_AMVP_SELECTFORMATBY enumeration specifies the criteria that the Overlay Mixer Filter should use to select the video format. |
KS_AnalogVideoStandard The KS_AnalogVideoStandard enumeration defines various analog video standards that are used worldwide. |
KS_CameraControlAsyncOperation Defines notifications that the driver uses to start and stop an asynchronous camera operation, including setting the flash, the image pin control properties, the region of interest in the image, or video stabilization. |
KS_CompressionCaps The KS_CompressionCaps enumeration defines compression capabilities of a device. |
KS_DVDCOPYSTATE The KS_DVDCOPYSTATE enumeration describes the progress of the DVD copyright protection initialization, authentication and key negotiation sequence. |
KS_LogicalMemoryType Learn more about: KS_LogicalMemoryType enumeration |
KS_MPEG2Level The KS_MPEG2Level enumeration describes MPEG-2 levels. |
KS_MPEG2Profile The KS_MPEG2Profile enumeration describes MPEG-2 profiles. |
KS_SEEKING_FLAGS The KS_SEEKING_FLAGS enumeration lists positioning options that can be used in conjunction with the KSPROPERTY_POSITIONS structure. |
KS_TUNER_STRATEGY The KS_TUNER_STRATEGY enumeration defines tuning method strategies. |
KS_TUNER_TUNING_FLAGS The KS_TUNER_TUNING_FLAGS enumeration defines tuning flags that describe the granularity of a tuning operation. |
KS_VideoControlFlags The KS_VideoControlFlags enumeration defines video control capabilities for a specific stream. |
KS_VIDEODECODER_FLAGS The KS_VIDEODECODER_FLAGS enumeration defines video decoder capabilities. |
KS_VideoStreamingHints The KS_VideoStreamingHints enumeration defines video compression hints. |
KSALLOCATORMODE Learn more about: KSALLOCATORMODE enumeration |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FOCUSSTATE This enumeration contains the focus states. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_MetadataAlignment This enumeration contains identifiers for the metadata alignment. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROITYPE This enumeration contains the ROI types. |
KSCAMERA_MetadataId This enumeration contains identifiers for a metadata item. |
KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_ITEM_TYPE This enumeration contains the different item types for the per-frame settings DDI. |
KSDEGRADE_STANDARD The KSDEGRADE_STANDARD enumeration lists different types of degradation. |
KSDEVICE_THERMAL_STATE A KS-defined enumeration for thermal state changes. |
KSEVENT_BDA_EVENT_TYPE This topic describes the KSEVENT_BDA_EVENT_TYPE enumeration. |
KSEVENT_BDA_TUNER This topic describes the KSEVENT_BDA_TUNER enumeration. |
KSEVENT_CAMERACONTROL Specifies camera control event notifications that the driver generates to indicate that an operation has been completed or canceled. |
KSEVENT_CAMERAEVENT KSEVENT_CAMERAEVENT enumerates a kernel streaming event set that can be used by the pipeline to enable or disable camera event notifications from the driver. |
KSEVENT_DEVICE Specifies event notifications that the driver generates to indicate that a device has been lost or preempted. |
KSEVENTS_LOCKTYPE The KSEVENTS_LOCKTYPE enumeration identifies the type of exclusion lock. The types are used with EventFlags in several event-set helper functions. |
KSIOOPERATION Learn more about: KSIOOPERATION enumeration |
KSMETHOD_BDA_CAS_SERVICE This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_CAS_SERVICE enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_CHANGE_SYNC This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_CHANGE_SYNC enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_DRM This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_DRM enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_GDDS_SERVICE This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_GDDS_SERVICE enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_GPNV_SERVICE This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_GPNV_SERVICE enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_ISDB_CAS This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_ISDB_CAS enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_MUX_SERVICE This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_MUX_SERVICE enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_SCAN_SERVICE This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_SCAN_SERVICE enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_TS_SELECTOR This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_TS_SELECTOR enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM_TUNER This topic describes the KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM_TUNER enumeration. |
KSMETHOD_STREAMIO Learn more about: KSMETHOD_STREAMIO enumeration |
KSOBJECTTYPE The KSOBJECTTYPE enumeration lists different types of kernel streaming objects. |
KSPEEKOPERATION Learn more about: KSPEEKOPERATION enumeration |
KSPIN_DATAFLOW An instance of the KSPIN_DATAFLOW enumeration is returned by KSPROPERTY_PIN_DATAFLOW. |
KSPIN_FLAG_AVC The KSPIN_FLAG_AVC enumeration type is used for connection management and in the AVC_FUNCTION_GET_CONNECTINFO function code. |
KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_EVENT The KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_EVENT enumeration contains values that are used internally by the operating system. |
KSPPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_MDLCACHING The KSPPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_MDLCACHING enumeration contains values that are used internally by the operating system. |
KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA This topic describes the KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA enumeration. |
KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA_EVENT This topic describes the KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA_EVENT enumeration. |
KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv4_FILTER This topic describes the KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv4_FILTER enumeration. |
KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv6_FILTER This topic describes the KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv6_FILTER enumeration. |
KSPROPERTY_BDA_LNB_INFO This topic describes the KSPROPERTY_BDA_LNB_INFO enumeration. |
KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_EVENT This topic describes the KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_EVENT enumeration. |
KSPROPERTY_BDA_TOPOLOGY This topic describes the KSPROPERTY_BDA_TOPOLOGY enumeration. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_EXTENDED_PROPERTY This enumeration contains extended camera controls. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_FLASH Used to specify camera flash control. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_IMAGE_PIN_CAPABILITY Used to identify whether the camera's image pin and record pin are mutually exclusive. If they are mutually exclusive, then when the record pin is active, the image pin cannot be active, and vice-versa. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_PERFRAMESETTING_PROPERTY This enumeration contains the property IDs defined for the per-frame property set. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST Used to specify a camera region of interest. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE Used to specify camera video stabilization. |
KSPROPERTY_CLOCK Learn more about: KSPROPERTY_CLOCK enumeration |
KSPROPERTY_GM Learn more about: KSPROPERTY_GM enumeration |
KSPROPERTY_IDS_BDA_TABLE This topic describes the KSPROPERTY_IDS_BDA_TABLE enumeration. |
KSPROPERTY_PIN Learn more about: KSPROPERTY_PIN enumeration |
KSPROPERTY_RTAUDIO KSPROPERTY_RTAUDIO enumerates the properties of a WaveRT audio device. |
KSPROPERTY_STREAM Learn more about: KSPROPERTY_STREAM enumeration |
KSRESET Learn more about: KSRESET enumeration |
KSSTACK_USE Learn more about: KSSTACK_USE enumeration |
KSSTATE The KSSTATE enumeration lists possible states of a kernel streaming object. |
KSTARGET_STATE Learn more about: KSTARGET_STATE enumeration |
LAMP_MODE This enumeration contains the operating modes of a lamp device. |
PIPE_STATE Learn more about: PIPE_STATE enumeration |
SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent_State This topic describes the SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent_State enumeration. |
SRB_COMMAND Learn more about: _SRB_COMMAND enumeration |
STREAM_BUFFER_TYPE This enumeration defines the buffer types for StreamClassGetPhysicalAddress. |
STREAM_DEBUG_LEVEL The STREAM_DEBUG_LEVEL enumeration lists incrementally increasing levels of debugger output. |
STREAM_PRIORITY _STREAM_PRIORITY enumerates available priority levels for the stream. |
TIME_FUNCTION Learn more about: TIME_FUNCTION enumeration |
USBCAMD_CamControlFlags Learn more about: USBCAMD_CamControlFlags enumeration |
VARENUM Specifies the variant types. |
VIDEOENCODER_BITRATE_MODE The VIDEOENCODER_BITRATE_MODE enumeration describes the bit rate encoding modes supported by the device. |
_KsEdit The _KsEdit function guarantees that a given item is dynamically allocated and associated with an AVStream object through the object bag. |
BdaCheckChanges The BdaCheckChanges function verifies a new set of BDA topology changes before they are committed. |
BdaCommitChanges The BdaCommitChanges function commits the changes to BDA topology that have occurred since the last call to the BdaStartChanges function. |
BdaCreateFilterFactory The BdaCreateFilterFactory function adds the specified filter descriptor as a filter factory to the specified device and associates the filter factory with the specified BDA template topology. |
BdaCreateFilterFactoryEx The BdaCreateFilterFactoryEx function adds the specified filter descriptor as a filter factory to the specified device and associates the filter factory with the specified BDA template topology. |
BdaCreatePin The BdaCreatePin function creates a new pin in the specified filter. |
BdaCreateTopology The BdaCreateTopology function creates the topology between two pins. |
BdaDeletePin The BdaDeletePin function deletes a pin from the specified filter. |
BdaFilterFactoryUpdateCacheData The BdaFilterFactoryUpdateCacheData function updates the pin data cache for an instance of a filter. |
BdaGetChangeState The BdaGetChangeState function returns the current change state of BDA topology. |
BdaInitFilter The BdaInitFilter function initializes the BDA filter context associated with a filter instance. |
BdaMethodCreatePin The BdaMethodCreatePin function creates a pin factory. |
BdaMethodCreateTopology The BdaMethodCreateTopology function creates a template topology between two pins of a filter. |
BdaMethodDeletePin The BdaMethodDeletePin function deletes a pin factory. |
BdaPropertyGetControllingPinId The BdaPropertyGetControllingPinId function retrieves the identifier of a pin on which to control the properties, methods, and events of a specific node. |
BdaPropertyGetPinControl The BdaPropertyGetPinControl function retrieves either the identifier or type of a pin. |
BdaPropertyNodeDescriptors The BdaPropertyNodeDescriptors function retrieves a list of nodes in a template topology. |
BdaPropertyNodeEvents The BdaPropertyNodeEvents function retrieves a list of events that a node supports. |
BdaPropertyNodeMethods The BdaPropertyNodeMethods function retrieves a list of methods that a node supports. |
BdaPropertyNodeProperties The BdaPropertyNodeProperties function retrieves a list of properties that a node supports. |
BdaPropertyNodeTypes The BdaPropertyNodeTypes function retrieves a list of node types in a template topology. |
BdaPropertyPinTypes The BdaPropertyPinTypes function retrieves a list of pin types in a template topology. |
BdaPropertyTemplateConnections The BdaPropertyTemplateConnections function retrieves a list of connections that describe how pin types and node types are connected in a template topology. |
BdaStartChanges The BdaStartChanges function initiates the setting of new BDA topology changes. |
BdaUninitFilter The BdaUninitFilter function removes the BDA filter context from the associated filter instance. |
BdaValidateNodeProperty The BdaValidateNodeProperty function validates that a node property request is associated with a specific pin. |
CreateNodeInstance The CreateNodeInstance method requests a KS filter object to open a topology node object. |
DEFINE_GUIDEX Learn more about: DEFINE_GUIDEX function |
Get The Get method retrieves a property identified by a property-set GUID and a property identifier. This method belongs to IKsPropertySet in dsound.h. |
Get The Get method retrieves a property identified by a property-set GUID and a property identifier. This method belongs to IKsPropertySet in ksproxy.h. |
GetCorrelatedPhysicalTime The IKsReferenceClock::GetCorrelatedPhysicalTime method queries the associated reference clock for the current physical time and retrieves the correlated system time. |
GetCorrelatedTime The IKsReferenceClock::GetCorrelatedTime method queries the associated reference clock for current stream time and acquires the correlated system time. |
GetPhysicalTime The IKsReferenceClock::GetPhysicalTime method queries the associated reference clock for the current physical time. |
GetResolution The IKsReferenceClock::GetResolution method queries the associated reference clock for its resolution. |
GetState The IKsReferenceClock::GetState method queries the associated reference clock for its current streaming state. |
GetTime The IKsReferenceClock::GetTime method queries the associated reference clock for the current time. |
ILOGENTRY Learn more about: ILOGENTRY macro |
INIT_AVCSTRM_HEADER The INIT_AVCSTRM_HEADER macro initializes the SizeOfThisBlock, Version and Function members of the AVC_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK structure. |
KoCreateInstance The KoCreateInstance function creates an object of the class with the specified CLSID. |
KoDeviceInitialize The KoDeviceInitialize function adds a kernel COM create-item entry to the specified device object. |
KoDriverInitialize The KoDriverInitialize function initializes a driver object to handle the kernel streaming interface. |
KoRelease The KoRelease function decrements the reference count for the calling interface on an object. |
KsAcquireCachedMdl This function is used to acquire the MDL cached by the KS port driver. The function is used by a kernel mode driver to acquire the MDL for a pipeline-supplied sample generated by an Avstream driver. |
KsAcquireControl The KsAcquireControl function acquires the filter control mutex for Object. |
KsAcquireDevice The KsAcquireDevice function gains synchronous access for Device by acquiring the device mutex. |
KsAcquireDeviceSecurityLock The KsAcquireDeviceSecurityLock function acquires the security lock associated with a device object. |
KsAcquireResetValue The KsAcquireResetValue function retrieves the current reset state from an IOCTL_KS_RESET_STATE IRP. |
KsAddAggregate The KsAddAggregate method adds a COM server as an aggregate provider to the list of interface providers for the KS object that exposes the IKsAggregateControl interface. |
KsAddDevice The KsAddDevice function is the default AddDevice handler installed by KsInitializeDriver. |
KsAddEvent The KsAddEvent function adds an event to Object's event list. |
KsAddIrpToCancelableQueue The KsAddIrpToCancelableQueue function adds an IRP to a queue of cancelable IRPs, thus allowing the IRP to be canceled. If the IRP had been previously set to a canceled state, the KsAddIrpToCancelableQueue function completes the canceling of that IRP. |
KsAddItemToObjectBag The KsAddItemToObjectBag function adds an object or block of memory to the given object bag. |
KsAddObjectCreateItemToDeviceHeader The KsAddObjectCreateItemToDeviceHeader function adds the specified create-item to an empty item in the previously allocated create item list for this device header. |
KsAddObjectCreateItemToObjectHeader The KsAddObjectCreateItemToObjectHeader function adds the specified create-item to an empty item in the previously allocated create item list for this object header. |
KsAllocateDefaultClock The KsAllocateDefaultClock function allocates and initializes the default clock structure. |
KsAllocateDefaultClockEx The KsAllocateDefaultClockEx function allocates and initializes the default clock structure. |
KsAllocateDeviceHeader The KsAllocateDeviceHeader function allocates and initializes the required device extension header. |
KsAllocateExtraData The KsAllocateExtraData function is used with streaming IRPs to allocate a buffer to contain additional header data. A pointer to the allocated buffer is returned, and the buffer must eventually be freed by the caller. |
KsAllocateObjectBag The KsAllocateObjectBag function creates an object bag and associates it with a KSDEVICE. |
KsAllocateObjectCreateItem The KsAllocateObjectCreateItem function allocates a slot for the specified create item, optionally allocating space for and copying the create item data as well. |
KsAllocateObjectHeader The KsAllocateObjectHeader function initializes the required file context header. |
KsCacheMedium The KsCacheMedium function improves graph building performance of pins that use Mediums to define connectivity. |
KsCancelIo The KsCancelIo function cancels all IRPs on the specified cancel list. If an IRP on the list does not have a cancel routine, only the cancel bit is set in the IRP. The function can be called at IRQ level DISPATCH_LEVEL or lower. |
KsCompleteIo The KsCompleteIo method cleans up extended headers and releases media samples after input and output (I/O) complete. |
KsCompleteIoOperation The KsCompleteIoOperation method cleans up the extended header and completes the input and output (I/O) operation. |
KsCompleteMediaType The KsCompleteMediaType method completes a partially-specified media type that was first presented to the IAMStreamConfig::SetFormat method. |
KsCompletePendingRequest The KsCompletePendingRequest function is used to complete an I/O request in response to which an AVStream dispatch function previously returned STATUS_PENDING. |
KsCopyObjectBagItems The KsCopyObjectBagItems function copies all items from one object bag into another. |
KsCreateAllocator The KsCreateAllocator function creates a handle to an allocator for the given sink connection handle. This function does not complete the IRP or set the status in the IRP. |
KsCreateAllocator2 Creates a handle to an allocator for the given sink connection handle. This function does not complete the IRP or set the status in the IRP. |
KsCreateBusEnumObject The KsCreateBusEnumObject function is for system use only. |
KsCreateClock The KsCreateClock function creates a handle to a clock instance. |
KsCreateClock2 Creates a handle to a clock instance. Call this function after the Component Object Model (COM) is initialized. |
KsCreateDefaultAllocator Given a validated IRP_MJ_CREATE request, the KsCreateDefaultAllocator function creates a default allocator that uses the specified memory pool and associates the IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject with the allocator using an internal dispatch table (KSDISPATCH_TABLE). |
KsCreateDefaultAllocatorEx Creates a default allocator that uses the specified memory pool and associates the IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(pIrp)->FileObject with this allocator using an internal dispatch table (KSDISPATCH_TABLE). |
KsCreateDefaultClock Given an IRP_MJ_CREATE request, the KsCreateDefaultClock function creates a default clock that uses the system clock as a time base and associates the IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject with the clock using an internal dispatch table (KSDISPATCH_TABLE). Does not complete the IRP or set the status in the IRP.The KsCreateDefaultClock function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsCreateDefaultSecurity The KsCreateDefaultSecurity function creates a security descriptor with default security, optionally inheriting parameters from a parent security descriptor. |
KsCreateDevice The KsCreateDevice function creates an AVStream device. |
KsCreateFilterFactory The KsCreateFilterFactory function adds a filter factory to a given device. |
KsCreatePin The KsCreatePin function passes a connection request to a device, creating a pin instance. This function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL for kernel-mode clients. |
KsCreatePin2 Passes a connection request to a device, creating a pin instance. |
KsCreateSinkPinHandle The KsCreateSinkPinHandle method creates a pin handle and stores it in the KS pin object. |
KsCreateTopologyNode The KsCreateTopologyNode function creates a handle to a topology node instance. The function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsCreateTopologyNode2 Creates a handle to a topology node instance. |
KsDecrementCountedWorker Decrements the current worker count of a worker previous created by KsRegisterCountedWorker. This should be called after each task within a worker has been completed. |
KsDecrementPendingIoCount The KsDecrementPendingIoCount method decrements the number of input/output (I/O) operations that are in progress on a pin. |
KsDefaultAddEventHandler The KsDefaultAddEventHandler function is a default routine to handle event 'add' requests. |
KsDefaultDeviceIoCompletion The KsDefaultDeviceIoCompletion function is used to return a default response and to complete any device I/O control. |
KsDeleteFilterFactory KsDeleteFilterFactory deletes a given filter factory. |
KsDeliver The KsDeliver method delivers a media sample from an output pin to an input pin, continues an I/O operation by retrieving the next buffer from an allocator, and submits the buffer to the associated device. |
KsDereferenceBusObject Dereferences the bus Physical Device Object. |
KsDereferenceSoftwareBusObject The KsDereferenceSoftwareBusObject function decrements the reference count of the demand-load bus enumerator object's PDO. |
KsDeviceGetBusData The KsDeviceGetBusData function reads data from the bus where the given AVStream device resides. |
KsDeviceGetFirstChildFilterFactory The KsDeviceGetFirstChildFilterFactory function returns the first child filter factory belonging to a given AVStream device. |
KsDeviceGetOuterUnknown The KsDeviceGetOuterUnknown function returns the outer IUnknown of the AVStream device specified by Device. |
KsDeviceRegisterAdapterObject The KsDeviceRegisterAdapterObject function registers a DMA adapter object with AVStream for performing scatter/gather DMA on the specified device. All drivers compiled for Win64 should use IKsDeviceFunctions::RegisterAdapterObjectEx instead. |
KsDeviceRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown TThe KsDeviceRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown function is an inline function that is a wrapper for KsRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown. |
KsDeviceRegisterThermalDispatch This function is used by the Avstream miniport driver to register callbacks for thermal notifications with the KS port driver. |
KsDeviceSetBusData The KsDeviceSetBusData function writes data to the bus on which the specified AVStream device resides. |
KsDisableEvent The KsDisableEvent function disables events requested through IOCTL_KS_DISABLE_EVENT. |
KsDiscard The KsDiscard macro removes a given item from an object bag. |
KsDiscardEvent The KsDiscardEvent function discards the memory used by an event entry after the objects have been dereferenced. |
KsDispatchFastIoDeviceControlFailure The KsDispatchFastIoDeviceControlFailure function is used in a KSDISPATCH_TABLE.FastDeviceIoControl entry that are not handled. The function should always return FALSE. |
KsDispatchFastReadFailure The KsDispatchFastReadFailure function is used in a KSDISPATCH_TABLE.FastRead entry when fast I/O read is not handled. The function should always return FALSE. |
KsDispatchInvalidDeviceRequest The KsDispatchInvalidDeviceRequest function is used in KSDISPATCH_TABLE entries that are not handled and that need to return STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST. |
KsDispatchIrp KsDispatchIrp calls a dispatch routine corresponding to the function code of the specified IRP. KsDispatchIrp then returns the status code from this call. |
KsDispatchQuerySecurity The KsDispatchQuerySecurity function is used in the KSDISPATCH_TABLE.QuerySecurity entry to handle querying about the current security descriptor. |
KsDispatchSetSecurity The KsDispatchSetSecurity function is used in the KSDISPATCH_TABLE.SetSecurity entry to handle setting the current security descriptor. |
KsDispatchSpecificMethod The KsDispatchSpecificMethod function dispatches a method to a specific handler. The function assumes that the caller has previously dispatched the IRP to a handler through the KsMethodHandler function. The function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsDispatchSpecificProperty The KsDispatchSpecificProperty function dispatches the property to a specific handler. |
KsEnableEvent The KsEnableEvent function enables events requested through IOCTL_KS_ENABLE_EVENT. It responds to all event identifiers defined by the sets. This function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsEnableEventWithAllocator The KsEnableEventWithAllocator function enables events requested through IOCTL_KS_ENABLE_EVENT but also allows an optional allocator callback to be used to provide a buffer for the parameters. |
KsEvent The IKsControl::KsEvent method enables or disables an event, together with any other defined support operations available on an event set. |
KsEvent The KsEvent method enables or disables an event, along with any other defined support operations available on an event set. |
KSEVENT_ENTRY_IRP_STORAGE This macro retrieves a pointer to the KSEVENT_ENTRY structure stored in Irp. |
KSEVENT_ITEM_IRP_STORAGE This macro retrieves a pointer to the KSEVENT_ITEM structure stored in Irp. |
KSEVENT_SET_IRP_STORAGE This macro retrieves a pointer to the KSEVENT_SET structure stored in Irp. This information is initialized only for basic support requests; it is not initialized for enable requests. |
KsFastMethodHandler The KsFastMethodHandler function handles fast methods requested through IOCTL_KS_METHOD. It responds to all method identifiers defined by the sets that are also contained in the fast I/O list. This function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsFastPropertyHandler The KsFastPropertyHandler function handles fast property requests through IOCTL_KS_PROPERTY. It responds to all property identifiers defined by the sets that are also contained in the fast I/O list. This function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsFilterAcquireControl The KsFilterAcquireControl function acquires the filter control mutex for the AVStream filter specified by Filter. |
KsFilterAcquireProcessingMutex The KsFilterAcquireProcessingMutex function acquires the processing mutex for a specified AVStream filter. |
KsFilterAddEvent The KsFilterAddEvent function adds an event to Filter's event list. |
KsFilterAddTopologyConnections The KsFilterAddTopologyConnections function adds new topology connections to a filter. |
KsFilterAttemptProcessing The KsFilterAttemptProcessing function attempts to initiate processing on Filter. |
KsFilterCreateNode The KsFilterCreateNode function creates a new topology node on the specified filter. |
KsFilterCreatePinFactory The KsFilterCreatePinFactory function creates a new pin factory on the specified filter. |
KsFilterFactoryAddCreateItem The KsFilterFactoryAddCreateItem function adds a new create item for the specified filter factory. |
KsFilterFactoryGetDevice The KsFilterFactoryGetDevice function returns the AVStream device to which FilterFactory belongs. |
KsFilterFactoryGetFirstChildFilter The KsFilterFactoryGetFirstChildFilter function returns the first instantiated filter created by FilterFactory. |
KsFilterFactoryGetNextSiblingFilterFactory The KsFilterFactoryGetNextSiblingFilterFactory function returns the next filter factory belonging to the parent device of FilterFactory. |
KsFilterFactoryGetOuterUnknown The KsFilterFactoryGetOuterUnknown function returns the outer IUnknown of the specified filter factory. |
KsFilterFactoryGetParentDevice The KsFilterFactoryGetParentDevice function returns the parent device of the given filter factory. |
KsFilterFactoryGetSymbolicLink The KsFilterFactoryGetSymbolicLink function returns the symbolic link associated with a given filter factory. |
KsFilterFactoryRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown The KsFilterFactoryRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown function is an inline function that is a wrapper for KsRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown. |
KsFilterFactorySetDeviceClassesState The KsFilterFactorySetDeviceClassesState function enables or disables the device classes that have been registered by a given filter factory. |
KsFilterFactoryUpdateCacheData The KsFilterFactoryUpdateCacheData function updates the FilterData registry key and the Medium cache (a set of registry keys) for a given filter factory. |
KsFilterGenerateEvents The KsFilterGenerateEvents function generates events of an indicated type that are present in Filter's event list. |
KsFilterGetAndGate The KsFilterGetAndGate function returns Filter's AND gate. |
KsFilterGetChildPinCount The KsFilterGetChildPinCountfunctionreturns the number of pins of a given type that are currently instantiated on a given filter. |
KsFilterGetDevice The KsFilterGetDevice function returns the AVStream device to which Filter belongs. |
KsFilterGetFirstChildPin The KsFilterGetFirstChildPin function returns the first instantiated pin of type PinID on the filter specified by Filter. |
KsFilterGetNextSiblingFilter The KsFilterGetNextSiblingFilter function returns the next instantiated filter belonging to the parent filter factory of Filter. |
KsFilterGetOuterUnknown The KsFilterGetOuterUnknown function returns the outer IUnknown interface of the filter specified by Filter. |
KsFilterGetParentFilterFactory The KsFilterGetParentFilterFactory function returns the parent filter factory of the given filter. |
KsFilterRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown The KsFilterRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown function is an inline function that is a wrapper for KsRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown. |
KsFilterRegisterPowerCallbacks The KsFilterRegisterPowerCallbacks function registers power management callbacks for Filter. |
KsFilterReleaseControl The KsFilterReleaseControl function releases the control mutex for the AVStream filter specified by Filter. |
KsFilterReleaseProcessingMutex The KsFilterReleaseProcessingMutex function releases the processing mutex for the AVStream filter specified by Filter. |
KsFlushClient The KsFlushClient method flushes information from a pin. |
KsForwardAndCatchIrp The KsForwardAndCatchIrp function forwards an IRP to the specified driver after initializing the next stack location, and regains control of the IRP on completion from that driver. |
KsForwardIrp The KsForwardIrp function forwards an IRP to the specified driver after initializing the next stack location and setting the file object. |
KsFreeDefaultClock The KsFreeDefaultClock function frees a default clock structure previously allocated with KsAllocateDefaultClock, taking into account any currently running timer DPCs. |
KsFreeDeviceHeader The KsFreeDeviceHeader function cleans up and frees a previously allocated device header. |
KsFreeEventList The KsFreeEventList function handles freeing all events from a specified list, with the assumption that these events are composed of KSEVENT_ENTRY structures. This function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsFreeObjectBag The KsFreeObjectBag function empties and frees an object bag. |
KsFreeObjectCreateItem Frees the slot for the specified create item. |
KsFreeObjectCreateItemsByContext Frees all create items with a specific context. |
KsFreeObjectHeader The KsFreeObjectHeader function cleans up and frees a previously allocated object header. |
KsGateAddOffInputToAnd The KsGateAddOffInputToAnd function adds a new input in the OFF state to a given AND gate. |
KsGateAddOffInputToOr The KsGateAddOffInputToOr function adds a new input in the OFF state to a given OR gate. |
KsGateAddOnInputToAnd The KsGateAddOnInputToAnd function adds a new input in the ON state to a given AND gate. |
KsGateAddOnInputToOr The KsGateAddOnInputToOr function adds a new input in the ON state to a given OR gate. |
KsGateCaptureThreshold The KsGateCaptureThreshold function is used to capture an ON input of an AND gate specified by Gate. |
KsGateGetStateUnsafe The KsGateGetStateUnsafe function returns the state of the given gate (open or closed) in an unsafe manner, that is without regard to synchronization. |
KsGateInitialize The KsGateInitialize function initializes a gate for use. |
KsGateInitializeAnd The KsGateInitializeAnd function initializes a KSGATE structure as an AND gate and attaches it to the OR gate specified by NextOrGate. |
KsGateInitializeOr The KsGateInitializeOr function initializes a KSGATE structure as an OR gate and attaches it to the AND gate specified by NextAndGate. |
KsGateRemoveOffInputFromAnd The KsGateRemoveOffInputFromAnd function removes an existing input that is in the OFF state from an AND gate. |
KsGateRemoveOffInputFromOr The KsGateRemoveOffInputFromOr function removes an existing input that is in the OFF state from an OR gate. |
KsGateRemoveOnInputFromAnd The KsGateRemoveOnInputFromAnd function removes an existing input that is in the ON state from an AND gate. |
KsGateRemoveOnInputFromOr The KsGateRemoveOnInputFromOr function removes an existing input that is in the ON state from an OR gate. |
KsGateTerminateAnd The KsGateTerminateAnd function deletes an existing AND gate and removes an input from any attached OR gate. |
KsGateTerminateOr The KsGateTerminateOr function deletes an existing OR gate and removes an input from any attached AND gate. |
KsGateTurnInputOff The KsGateTurnInputOff function turns off an existing input to Gate. |
KsGateTurnInputOn The KsGateTurnInputOn function turns on an existing input to Gate. |
KsGenerateDataEvent The KsGenerateDataEvent function generates one of the standard event notifications when given an event entry structure and callback data. |
KsGenerateEvent The KsGenerateEvent function generates a standard event notification given an event entry structure. |
KsGenerateEventList The KsGenerateEventList function enumerates the event list and searches for the specified event to generate. |
KsGenerateEvents The KsGenerateEvents function generates events of an indicated type that are present in Object's event list. |
KsGenerateThermalEvent This function is used by clients (miniport drivers) that do not want to subscribe to the thermal manager, but want to do their own thermal management. |
KsGetAllocatorHandle Retrieves a file handle to an allocator. |
KsGetAllocatorMode Returns the mode in which an allocator allocates memory. |
KsGetAllocatorStatus Retrieves the status of an allocator. |
KsGetBusEnumIdentifier The KsGetBusEnumIdentifier function retrieves the software bus enumerator identifier for the bus device associated with the given IRP. |
KsGetBusEnumParentFDOFromChildPDO The KsGetBusEnumParentFDOFromChildPDO function retrieves the FDO of the parent of the given child PDO. |
KsGetBusEnumPnpDeviceObject The KsGetBusEnumPnpDeviceObject function retrieves the Plug and Play device object attached to the given device object. |
KsGetConnectedPin The KsGetConnectedPin method is not recommended for application use. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. |
KsGetCorrelatedPhysicalTime The KsGetCorrelatedPhysicalTime method retrieves the physical time and the correlated system time from the underlying clock. |
KsGetCorrelatedTime The KsGetCorrelatedTime method retrieves the current time and the correlated system time from the underlying clock. |
KsGetCurrentCommunication The KsGetCurrentCommunication method retrieves the current communication direction, interface, and medium of a pin. |
KsGetDefaultClockState The KsGetDefaultClockState function gets the current state of the clock.The function can be called at DISPATCH_LEVEL. |
KsGetDefaultClockTime The KsGetDefaultClockTime function gets the current time of the clock.The function can be called at DISPATCH_LEVEL. |
KsGetDevice The KsGetDevice function returns the AVStream device structure to which Object belongs. |
KsGetDeviceForDeviceObject The KsGetDeviceForDeviceObject function returns the AVStream device structure for a given functional device object. |
KsGetFilterFromFileObject The KsGetFilterFromFileObject function returns the AVStream filter object associated with FileObject. |
KsGetFilterFromIrp The KsGetFilterFromIrp function returns the AVStream filter object associated with a given IRP. |
KsGetFilterName Returns the name of a filter. |
KsGetFirstChild The KsGetFirstChild function returns the first AVStream child object of Object. |
KsGetImageNameAndResourceId The KsGetImageNameAndResourceId function returns the image name and resource identifier that corresponds to the RegKey handle. |
KsGetMediaType The KsGetMediaType function retrieves information about a media type on a pin factory identifier. |
KsGetMediaTypeCount The KsGetMediaTypeCount function returns the number of available media types on a pin factory identifier. |
KsGetMultiplePinFactoryItems The KsGetMultiplePinFactoryItems function retrieves pin property items in a variable length data buffer. |
KsGetNextSibling The KsGetNextSibling function returns the next sibling of a given object. |
KsGetNodeIdFromIrp The KsGetNodeIdFromIrp function returns the node ID of the node to which Irp was submitted. |
KsGetObjectFromFileObject The KsGetObjectFromFileObject function returns the AVStream object cast to PVOID from FileObject. |
KsGetObjectHandle The KsGetObjectHandle method retrieves a file handle to a KS object. |
KsGetObjectTypeFromFileObject The KsGetObjectTypeFromFileObject function returns the AVStream object type that is associated with a given file object. |
KsGetObjectTypeFromIrp The KsGetObjectTypeFromIrp function returns the AVStream object type that is associated with a given IRP. |
KsGetOuterUnknown The KsGetOuterUnknown function returns the outer IUnknown of a given AVStream object. |
KsGetParent The KsGetParent function acquires the parent of the given object. |
KsGetPhysicalTime The KsGetPhysicalTime method retrieves the physical time from the underlying clock. |
KsGetPinBusCache The KsGetPinBusCache method is not recommended for application use. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. |
KsGetPinFramingCache The KsGetPinFramingCache method is not recommended for application use. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. |
KsGetPinFromFileObject The KsGetPinFromFileObject function returns the AVStream pin object associated with FileObject. |
KsGetPinFromIrp The KsGetPinFromIrp function returns the AVStream pin object associated with the given IRP. |
KsGetPinName Returns the name of a pin. |
KsGetPipe The KsGetPipe method is not recommended for application use. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. |
KsGetPipeAllocatorFlag The KsGetPipeAllocatorFlag method is not recommended for application use. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. |
KsGetProperties Returns the properties for an allocator. |
KsGetResolution The KsGetResolution method retrieves the clock resolution from the underlying clock. |
KsGetState The KsGetState method retrieves the streaming state of a pin from the underlying clock. |
KsGetTime The KsGetTime method retrieves the time of the underlying clock. |
KsHandleSizedListQuery The KsHandleSizedListQuery function, depending on the length of the system buffer, returns either the size of the buffer needed, number of entries in the specified data list, or copies the entries themselves. |
KsIncrementCountedWorker Increments the current worker count, and optionally queues the counted work item with the worker previously created by KsRegisterCountedWorker. |
KsIncrementPendingIoCount The KsIncrementPendingIoCount method increments the number of input/output (I/O) operations that are in progress on a pin. |
KsInitializeDevice The KsInitializeDevice function is called by AVStream to initialize the AVStream device class from within KsCreateDevice. |
KsInitializeDeviceProfile The KsInitializeDeviceProfile API must be called by all miniport drivers to initialize the profile store and publish the device profiles. |
KsInitializeDriver The KsInitializeDriver function initializes the driver object of an AVStream minidriver. |
KsInstallBusEnumInterface The KsInstallBusEnumInterface function installs an interface to the demand-load bus enumerator object. |
KsIsBusEnumChildDevice The KsIsBusEnumChildDevice function determines if the given device object is a child device of the demand-load bus enumerator object. |
KsIsMediaTypeInRanges The KsIsMediaTypeInRanges method validates that a media type is within the provided data ranges. |
KsLoadResource Copies (loads) a resource from the given image. |
KsMapModuleName The KsMapModuleName function returns the image name and resource identifier that corresponds to the PhysicalDeviceObject and ModuleName parameters. |
KsMediaSamplesCompleted The KsMediaSamplesCompleted method informs a pin that a stream segment completed. |
KsMergeAutomationTables The KsMergeAutomationTables function merges two automation tables. |
KsMethod The IKsControl::KsMethod method sends a method to a KS object, together with any other defined support operations available on a method set. |
KsMethod The KsMethod method sends a method to a KS object, along with any other defined support operations available on a method set. |
KSMETHOD_ITEM_IRP_STORAGE This macro accesses a pointer to the relevant KSMETHOD_ITEM. Note that this pointer is only set when using KsMethodHandlerWithAllocator. |
KSMETHOD_SET_IRP_STORAGE This macro returns a pointer to the KSMETHOD_SET in which the method is located. |
KSMETHOD_TYPE_IRP_STORAGE This macro accesses the type of method as described in the KSMETHOD_ITEM. If the method will be processed asynchronously using KsDispatchSpecificMethod, this storage must be maintained intact. |
KsMethodHandler The KsMethodHandler function handles methods requested through IOCTL_KS_METHOD. It works with all method identifiers defined by the sets. The function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsMethodHandlerWithAllocator The KsMethodHandlerWithAllocator functions performs the same handling as KsMethodHandler, with the same restrictions, but allows an optional allocator callback to be used to provide a buffer for the parameters. |
KsMoveIrpsOnCancelableQueue The KsMoveIrpsOnCancelableQueue function moves the specified IRPs from the SourceList parameter to the DestinationList parameter depending on the value returned from the minidriver-defined KStrIrpListCallback function. |
KsNotifyError The KsNotifyError method notifies the filter graph of an error to give the filter graph an opportunity to halt. |
KsNotifyEvent The KsNotifyEvent method requests that the KS object that owns the given DirectShow event notify the calling application with the given parameters whenever action related to the event occurs. |
KsNullDriverUnload The KsNullDriverUnload function is a default function a driver can use when it has no other tasks to do in its unload function, but must still allow the device to be unloaded by its presence. |
KsOpenDefaultDevice The KsOpenDefaultDevice function opens a handle to the first device that is listed in the specified Plug and Play (PnP) category. |
KsPeekAllocator The KsPeekAllocator method returns a pointer to an IMemAllocator interface for a pin's assigned allocator. |
KsPersistDeviceProfile The KsPersistDeviceProfile API commits the profile information to the persistent store. |
KsPinAcquireControl The KsPinAcquireControl function acquires the control mutex for the AVStream pin specified by Pin. |
KsPinAcquireProcessingMutex The KsPinAcquireProcessingMutex function acquires the processing mutex for the AVStream pin specified by Pin. |
KsPinAddEvent The KsPinAddEvent function adds a specified event to Pin's event list. |
KsPinAttachAndGate The KsPinAttachAndGate function connects Pin as an input to a previously initialized AND gate, and connects AndGate as an input to the relevant filter's AND gate. |
KsPinAttachOrGate The KsPinAttachOrGate function connects Pin as an input to a previously initialized OR gate, and connects OrGate as an input to the relevant filter's AND gate. |
KsPinAttemptProcessing The KsPinAttemptProcessing function is used to resume processing on a specific pin on a pin-centric filter. It attempts to initiate processing on Pin by sending a processing dispatch call to Pin's processing object. |
KsPinDataIntersection The KsPinDataIntersection function handles the KSPROPERTY_PIN_DATAINTERSECTION property through a callback function and performs much of the initial validation of the parameters that are passed. |
KsPinDataIntersectionEx The KsPinDataIntersectionEx function handles the KSPROPERTY_PIN_DATAINTERSECTION through a callback function. |
KsPinFactory The KsPinFactory method retrieves the identifier of a pin factory. |
KsPinGenerateEvents The KsPinGenerateEvents function generates events of an indicated type that are present in Pin's event list. |
KsPinGetAndGate The KsPinGetAndGate function returns the processing control gate for Pin. |
KsPinGetAvailableByteCount The KsPinGetAvailableByteCount routine outputs the number of bytes of input data ahead of the leading edge and the number of bytes of output buffer ahead of the leading edge, both for the queue of a caller-specified pin. |
KsPinGetConnectedFilterInterface The KsPinGetConnectedFilterInterface function queries the filter to which Pin is connected in order to obtain a pointer to a COM interface. |
KsPinGetConnectedPinDeviceObject The KsPinGetConnectedPinDeviceObject function returns the device object at the top of the device stack corresponding to the sink pin attached to the source pin Pin. |
KsPinGetConnectedPinFileObject The KsPinGetConnectedPinFileObject function returns the file object for the pin to which Pin is connected. Works only for source pins. |
KsPinGetConnectedPinInterface The KsPinGetConnectedPinInterface function queries the pin to which Pin is connected for a COM style interface. |
KsPinGetCopyRelationships The KsPinGetCopyRelationships function returns copy relationship information for a pin that is contained within a pin-centric filter. |
KsPinGetDevice The KsPinGetDevice function returns the AVStream device to which Pin belongs. |
KsPinGetFirstCloneStreamPointer The KsPinGetFirstCloneStreamPointer function returns the first cloned stream pointer on Pin. |
KsPinGetLeadingEdgeStreamPointer The KsPinGetLeadingEdgeStreamPointer function acquires the leading edge stream pointer for the queue associated with the given pin. |
KsPinGetNextSiblingPin The KsPinGetNextSiblingPin function returns the next instantiated pin of the same type and on the same filter as Pin. |
KsPinGetOuterUnknown The KsPinGetOuterUnknown function returns the outer IUnknown of the pin specified by Pin. |
KsPinGetParentFilter The KsPinGetParentFilter function returns the parent filter of Pin. |
KsPinGetReferenceClockInterface The KsPinGetReferenceClockInterface function returns a COM style interface to the reference clock associated with Pin. This interface pointer will be an IKsReferenceClock interface. |
KsPinGetTrailingEdgeStreamPointer The KsPinGetTrailingEdgeStreamPointer function acquires the trailing edge stream pointer for the queue associated with the specified pin. |
KsPinHandshake The KsPinHandshake function attempts a protocol handshake with a connected pin. |
KsPinPropertyHandler The KsPinPropertyHandler function performs standard handling of the static members of the KSPROPSETID_Pin property set. This handling does not include KSPROPERTY_PIN_CINSTANCES or KSPROPERTY_PIN_DATAINTERSECTION. |
KsPinRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown The KsPinRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown function is an inline function that is a wrapper for KsRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown. |
KsPinRegisterFrameReturnCallback The KsPinRegisterFrameReturnCallback function registers a frame return callback with AVStream for a given pin. |
KsPinRegisterHandshakeCallback The KsPinRegisterHandshakeCallback function registers a minidriver-provided callback routine for a given pin. |
KsPinRegisterIrpCompletionCallback The KsPinRegisterIrpCompletionCallback function registers a minidriver-defined callback routine for a specified pin. |
KsPinRegisterPowerCallbacks The KsPinRegisterPowerCallbacks function registers power management callbacks for Pin. |
KsPinReleaseControl The KsPinReleaseControl function releases the control mutex for the AVStream pin specified by Pin. |
KsPinReleaseProcessingMutex The KsPinReleaseProcessingMutex function releases the processing mutex for the AVStream pin specified by Pin. |
KsPinSetPinClockTime The KsPinSetPinClockTime function sets the current time on the clock exposed by Pin. |
KsPinSubmitFrame If a pin has been placed into injection mode by a call to KsPinRegisterFrameReturnCallback, the KsPinSubmitFrame function submits a frame directly into the transport circuit. |
KsPinSubmitFrameMdl If a pin has been placed into injection mode by a call to KsPinRegisterFrameReturnCallback, the KsPinSubmitFrameMdl function submits a frame directly into the transport circuit. |
KsPrepareIoOperation The KsPrepareIoOperation method initializes the extended header and prepares the media sample for an I/O operation. |
KsProbeStreamIrp The KsProbeStreamIrp function makes the specified modifications to the input and output buffers of the given IRP based on the flags passed, and it then validates the stream header. |
KsProcessMediaSamples The KsProcessMediaSamples method processes media samples. |
KsProcessPinUpdate The KsProcessPinUpdate function is called from within a filter-centric filter's AVStrMiniFilterProcess dispatch to update a process pin. |
KsPropagateAcquire The KsPropagateAcquire method directs all the pins on the filter to attain the Acquire state. |
KsProperty The IKsControl::KsProperty method sets a property or retrieves property information, together with any other defined support operations available on a property set. |
KsProperty The KsProperty method sets a property or retrieves property information, along with any other defined support operations available on a property set. |
KsPropertyHandler Drivers call KsPropertyHandler function for IRP handling. |
KsPropertyHandlerWithAllocator The KsPropertyHandlerWithAllocator performs the same handling as KsPropertyHandler, with the same restrictions, but allows an optional allocator callback to be used to provide a buffer for the parameters. |
KsPublishDeviceProfile The KsPublishDeviceProfile API is called to publish device profile information. |
KsQueryDevicePnpObject The KsQueryDevicePnpObject function returns the PnP device object that can be stored in the device header. This is the next device object on the PnP stack and is the device object that PnP requests are forwarded to if KsDefaultDispatchPnp is used. |
KsQueryExtendedSize The KsQueryExtendedSize method retrieves extended header information required for input and output (I/O) operations. |
KsQueryInformationFile The KsQueryInformationFile function performs an information query against the specified file object. The function attempts to use FastIoDispatch if possible, or it generates an information request against the device object. |
KsQueryInterfaces The KsQueryInterfaces method retrieves interfaces that a pin supports. |
KsQueryMediums The KsQueryMediums method retrieves mediums that a pin supports. |
KsQueryObjectAccessMask The KsQueryObjectAccessMask function returns the access originally granted to the first client that created a handle on the associated object. Access cannot be changed by duplicating handles. |
KsQueryObjectCreateItem The KsQueryObjectCreateItem function returns the create item assigned to the object when created. |
KsQuerySoftwareBusInterface The KsQuerySoftwareBusInterface function creates a buffer from the paged pool and copies the reference string associated with the demand-load bus enumerator object's PDO into the buffer. |
KsQueueWorkItem The KsQueueWorkItem function queues the specified work item with a worker previous created by the KsRegisterWorker function. |
KsReadFile The KsReadFile function performs a read against the specified file object. |
KsRecalculateStackDepth The KsRecalculateStackDepth function recalculates the maximum stack depth required by the underlying device object based on all of the objects that have set a target device (they have added themselves to the object list on the underlying device object using the KsSetTargetDeviceObject function). If the PnP device object has been set on the underlying device header using KsSetDevicePnpAndBaseObject, that device is also taken into account when calculating the maximum stack depth. |
KsReferenceBusObject References the bus Physical device object. |
KsReferenceSoftwareBusObject The KsReferenceSoftwareBusObject function increments the reference count of the demand-load bus enumerator object's PDO. |
KsRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown In a manner very similar to COM, the KsRegisterAggregatedClientUnknown function aggregates two objects:_the specified AVStream object and a client unknown object. |
KsRegisterCountedWorker Handles clients registering for use of a thread. |
KsRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins The KsRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins function registers with DirectShow filters that have no kernel streaming pins and, therefore, do not stream in kernel mode. |
KsRegisterWorker The KsRegisterWorker function handles clients registering for use of a thread. |
KsReleaseCachedMdl The KsReleaseCachedMdl function is used to release the MDL acquired by the KsAcquireCachedMdl call. |
KsReleaseControl The KsReleaseControl function releases the control mutex for Object. |
KsReleaseDevice The KsReleaseDevice function releases the device mutex and exits the critical region. |
KsReleaseDeviceSecurityLock The KsReleaseDeviceSecurityLock function releases a previously acquired security lock on the device object header. |
KsReleaseIrpOnCancelableQueue The KsReleaseIrpOnCancelableQueue function releases an acquired IRP that is already on a queue that can be canceled. |
KsRemoveAggregate The KsRemoveAggregate method removes a previously added COM server aggregate provider from the list of interface providers for the KS object that exposes the IKsAggregateControl interface. |
KsRemoveBusEnumInterface The KsRemoveBusEnumInterface function removes an interface to the demand-load bus enumerator object. |
KsRemoveIrpFromCancelableQueue The KsRemoveIrpFromCancelableQueue function pops the next noncanceled IRP from the specified queue that can be canceled and removes its cancel status. |
KsRemoveItemFromObjectBag The KsRemoveItemFromObjectBag function removes an item from an object bag. |
KsRemoveSpecificIrpFromCancelableQueue The KsRemoveSpecificIrpFromCancelableQueue function removes the specified IRP from the specified queue. This is performed on an IRP that was previously acquired using KsRemoveIrpFromCancelableQueue, but that was not actually removed from the queue. |
KsResolveRequiredAttributes The KsResolveRequiredAttributes function searches the attributes list that is attached to a data range for specified attributes and ensures that all specified attributes were found. |
KsServiceBusEnumCreateRequest The KsServiceBusEnumCreateRequest function services IRP_MJ_CREATE requests for the software bus device interface. |
KsServiceBusEnumPnpRequest The KsServiceBusEnumPnpRequest function is for system use only. |
KsSetAllocatorHandle Sets the handle for an allocator. |
KsSetAllocatorMode Sets the mode in which an allocator allocates memory. |
KsSetCorrelatedPhysicalTime The KsSetCorrelatedPhysicalTime method sets the physical time with the correlated system time on the underlying clock. |
KsSetCorrelatedTime The KsSetCorrelatedTime method sets the current time with the correlated system time on the underlying clock. |
KsSetDefaultClockState The KsSetDefaultClockState function sets the current state of the clock that is used to reflect the current state of the underlying filter pin. |
KsSetDefaultClockTime The KsSetDefaultClockTime function sets the current time of the clock. |
KsSetDevicePnpAndBaseObject The KsSetDevicePnpAndBaseObject function sets the PnP device object in the device header, which is the next device object on the PnP stack and is the device object that PnP requests are forwarded to if KsDefaultDispatchPnp is used. |
KsSetInformationFile The KsSetInformationFile function performs an information set against the specified file object. The function attempts to use FastIoDispatch if possible, or it generates an information set against the device object. |
KsSetMajorFunctionHandler The KsSetMajorFunctionHandler function sets the handler for a specified major function to use the internal dispatching. |
KsSetMediaType The KsSetMediaType method sets the media type for a data type handler. |
KsSetPhysicalTime The KsSetPhysicalTime method sets the physical time on the underlying clock. |
KsSetPin The KsSetPin method informs the streaming interface handler about the pin with which to communicate when passing data. |
KsSetPinBusCache The KsSetPinBusCache method is not recommended for application use. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. |
KsSetPinFramingCache The KsSetPinFramingCache method is not recommended for application use. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. |
KsSetPipe The KsSetPipe method is not recommended for application use. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. |
KsSetPipeAllocatorFlag The KsSetPipeAllocatorFlag method is not recommended for application use. This method belongs to the IKsPinPipe interface. |
KsSetPowerDispatch Sets the power dispatch function to be called when the driver object receives an IRP_MJ_POWER IRP. |
KsSetProperties Sets the properties for an allocator. |
KsSetTargetDeviceObject The KsSetTargetDeviceObject function sets the target device object of an object. The function adds the object header to a list of object headers that have target devices. |
KsSetTargetState Sets the enabled state of a target device associated with the specified object header. |
KsSetTime The KsSetTime method sets the current time on the underlying clock. |
KsStreamIo The KsStreamIo function performs a stream read or write against the specified file object. The function attempts to use FastIoDispatch if possible, or it generates a read or write request against the device object. |
KsStreamPointerAdvance The KsStreamPointerAdvance function advances a stream pointer to the next data frame. |
KsStreamPointerAdvanceOffsets The KsStreamPointerAdvanceOffsets function advances the offsets of StreamPointer. |
KsStreamPointerAdvanceOffsetsAndUnlock The KsStreamPointerAdvanceOffsetsAndUnlock function advances StreamPointer the specified number of bytes into the stream (adjusting the OffsetIn and OffsetOut fields of StreamPointer as requested) and unlocks it. |
KsStreamPointerCancelTimeout The KsStreamPointerCancelTimeout function cancels a previously scheduled time-out callback on the specified stream pointer. |
KsStreamPointerClone The KsStreamPointerClone function creates a clone of a given stream pointer. |
KsStreamPointerDelete The KsStreamPointerDelete function deletes a clone stream pointer, releasing a reference on the frame to which this stream pointer referred. |
KsStreamPointerGetIrp The KsStreamPointerGetIrp function returns the IRP associated with the frame that is referenced by the given stream pointer. |
KsStreamPointerGetMdl The KsStreamPointerGetMdl function returns the MDL associated with the frame referenced by StreamPointer. |
KsStreamPointerGetNextClone The KsStreamPointerGetNextClone function returns the clone stream pointer that was cloned immediately after the specified clone. |
KsStreamPointerLock The KsStreamPointerLock function attempts to lock the specified stream pointer. |
KsStreamPointerScheduleTimeout The KsStreamPointerScheduleTimeout function registers a timeout callback with AVStream for the given stream pointer. |
KsStreamPointerSetStatusCode The KsStreamPointerSetStatusCode function allows specification of a successful or unsuccessful error code with which to complete the given IRP. |
KsStreamPointerUnlock The KsStreamPointerUnlock function unlocks a stream pointer that has previously been locked by an acquisition function (KsGetXxxEdgeStreamPointer) or by KsStreamPointerLock. |
KsSynchronousDeviceControl The KsSynchronousDeviceControl function issues a synchronous device I/O control operation to the KS object that is specified by a file handle. |
KsSynchronousIoControlDevice The KsSynchronousIoControlDevice function performs a synchronous device I/O control on the target device object. It waits in a nonalertable state until the I/O completes. This function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsTerminateDevice The KsTerminateDevice function removes an AVStream device. |
KsTopologyPropertyHandler The KsTopologyPropertyHandler function performs standard handling of the static members of the KSPROPSETID_Topology Property Set. The function uses the KSTOPOLOGY structure, which describes the set of information that is returned by this property set. |
KsUnregisterWorker The KsUnregisterWorker function allows clients to unregister a worker. |
KsUnserializeObjectPropertiesFromRegistry The KsUnserializeObjectPropertiesFromRegistry function, when given a destination object and a registry path, enumerates the named values and applies them as serialized data to the specified property sets listed in the serialized data. |
KsValidateAllocatorCreateRequest The KsValidateAllocatorCreateRequest function validates an IRP_MJ_CREATE request as an allocator request and returns the create structure associated with the request on success. |
KsValidateAllocatorFramingEx The KsValidateAllocatorFramingEx function is reserved for system use only. |
KsValidateClockCreateRequest The KsValidateClockCreateRequest function validates the clock creation request and returns the create structure associated with the request.This can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsValidateConnectRequest The KsValidateConnectRequest function validates a connection request and returns a pointer to the connection structure associated with the request.This function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsValidateTopologyNodeCreateRequest The KsValidateTopologyNodeCreateRequest function validates a topology node creation request and returns the create structure associated with the request. The function can only be called at PASSIVE_LEVEL. |
KsWriteFile The KsWriteFile function performs a write against the specified file object. |
OUR_GUID_ENTRY Learn more about: OUR_GUID_ENTRY macro |
PADAPTER_RECEIVE_PACKET_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's AdapterReceivePacket callback function processes adapter-based stream request blocks (SRBs) passed to it by the stream class driver. |
PCAM_ALLOCATE_BW_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamAllocateBandwidth callback function selects the appropriate alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface and prepares the device to stream. |
PCAM_ALLOCATE_BW_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamAllocateBandwidthEx callback function selects the appropriate alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface and prepares the device to stream. |
PCAM_CONFIGURE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamConfigure callback function configures the isochronous streaming interface. |
PCAM_CONFIGURE_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamConfigureEx callback function configures the isochronous streaming interface. |
PCAM_FREE_BW_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamFreeBandwidth callback function selects an alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface that uses no bandwidth. |
PCAM_FREE_BW_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamFreeBandwidthEx callback function selects an alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface that uses no bandwidth. |
PCAM_INITIALIZE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's callback function initializes the device or performs any minidriver-specific clean-up that is required. |
PCAM_NEW_FRAME_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamNewVideoFrame callback function initializes a new video frame context structure. |
PCAM_NEW_FRAME_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamNewVideoFrameEx callback function initializes a new video frame context structure. |
PCAM_PROCESS_PACKET_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamProcessUSBPacket callback function processes a USB packet. |
PCAM_PROCESS_PACKET_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamProcessUSBPacketEx callback function processes a USB packet. |
PCAM_PROCESS_RAW_FRAME_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamProcessRawVideoFrame callback function decodes a raw video frame. |
PCAM_PROCESS_RAW_FRAME_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamProcessRawVideoFrameEx callback function decodes a raw video frame. |
PCAM_START_CAPTURE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamStartCapture callback function selects the appropriate alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface and prepares the device to stream. |
PCAM_START_CAPTURE_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamStartCaptureEx callback function selects the appropriate alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface and prepares the device to stream. |
PCAM_STATE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's state callback function restores a previously saved device context state or saves the current device context state. |
PCAM_STOP_CAPTURE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamStopCapture callback function performs any processing after the stream is stopped. |
PCAM_STOP_CAPTURE_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamStopCaptureEx callback function performs any processing after the stream is stopped. |
PCOMMAND_COMPLETE_FUNCTION A camera minidriver's CommandCompleteFunction callback function allows the camera minidriver to perform any additional tasks necessary to complete certain USBCAMD services |
PFNALLOCATOR_ALLOCATEFRAME The KStrAllocateFrame routine describes a vendor-supplied frame allocation function. |
PFNALLOCATOR_FREEFRAME The KStrFreeFrame routine describes a vendor-supplied frame deallocation function. |
PFNAVCINTERSECTHANDLER The AV/C intersect handler determines if the data ranges are compatible. |
PFNDEREFERENCEDEVICEOBJECT The PFNDEREFERENCEDEVICEOBJECT callback function (ks.h) can be invoked by the driver to decrement the reference count of the Physical Device Object (PDO). |
PFNDEREFERENCEDEVICEOBJECT The PFNDEREFERENCEDEVICEOBJECT callback function (swenum.h) can be invoked by the driver to decrement the reference count of the Physical Device Object (PDO). |
PFNKSADDEVENT An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniAddEvent routine is called when a client registers to be notified of an event. This routine is optional. |
PFNKSALLOCATOR Minidrivers can optionally supply a callback function of type PFNKSALLOCATOR as a parameter in calls to KsEnableEventWithAllocator, KsPropertyHandlerWithAllocator, and KsMethodHandlerWithAllocator. |
PFNKSCANCELTIMER A streaming minidriver's KStrCancelTimer routine is called to cancel a custom timer object that was previously specified in the SetTimer parameter in a call to KsAllocateDefaultClockEx. |
PFNKSCLOCK_CORRELATEDTIME The routine is a system-supplied routine that retrieves and the following:KStrClockGetCorrelatedTime is a system-supplied routine that retrieves both the current system time and the corresponding clock tick count since boot.KStrClockGetCorrelatedPhysicalTime is a system-supplied routine that retrieves both the current system time minus suspended delta and the corresponding clock tick since boot. |
PFNKSCLOCK_GETTIME The routine gets system time.KStrClockGetTime is a system-supplied routine that retrieves the current system time.KStrClockGetPhysicalTime is a system-supplied routine that retrieves the current system time minus any suspended delta. |
PFNKSCONTEXT_DISPATCH A streaming minidriver's KStrContextDispatch routine is called to process IRP_MJ_POWER IRPs. |
PFNKSCORRELATEDTIME A streaming minidriver's KStrCorrelatedTime routine is called to retrieve both the presentation time and physical time in a correlated manner. This allows the clock owner to completely determine the current time. |
PFNKSDEFAULTALLOCATE An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniAllocate routine allocates a frame using the allocator specified in the Context parameter. |
PFNKSDEFAULTFREE An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniAllocatorFreeFrame routine frees the specified frame. |
PFNKSDELETEALLOCATOR An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniDeleteAllocator routine deletes the allocator that is associated with a pin. |
PFNKSDEVICE An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniDevicePostStart routine is called when AVStream performs post-PnP-start processing. Use it to load drivers at start time, for example. Such events then will occur in the context of a worker thread after PnP start. |
PFNKSDEVICECREATE An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniDeviceAdd routine notifies the minidriver that AVStream's PnP AddDevice routine has completed. |
PFNKSDEVICEIRP An AVStream minidriver's IRP handler routine is called when these IRPs is dispatched by the device.IRP_MN_QUERY_REMOVE_DEVICEIRP_MN_QUERY_STOP_DEVICEIRP_MN_QUERY_INTERFACE |
PFNKSDEVICEPNPSTART An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniDeviceStart routine is called when an IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request is sent for a specified device. |
PFNKSDEVICEQUERYCAPABILITIES An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniDeviceQueryCapabilities routine is called when an IRP_MN_QUERY_CAPABILITIES is dispatched by the device. |
PFNKSDEVICEQUERYPOWER AVStream calls a minidriver's AVStrMiniDeviceQueryPower routine when it receives an IRP_MN_QUERY_POWER request. |
PFNKSDEVICESETPOWER AVStream calls a minidriver's AVStrMiniDeviceSetPower routine when it receives an IRP_MN_SET_POWER. |
PFNKSFASTHANDLER KStrFastHandler is a driver-supplied routine that handles a property or method request without the creation of an IRP. |
PFNKSFILTERIRP An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniFilterCreate routine is called when a filter receives an IRP. |
PFNKSFILTERPROCESS An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniFilterProcess routine is called when the filter is meant to process frames. It is used to perform Filter-Centric Processing. |
PFNKSFILTERVOID An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniFilterReset routine is called when AVStream receives an IOCTL_KS_RESET_STATE to return the filter to the state it was in at Acquire-time. |
PFNKSHANDLER The minidriver-provided routine is called when Kernel Streaming receives an IOCTL_KS_METHOD, get/set property request. Provide a pointer to this handler in the relevant KSMETHOD_ITEM, KSPROPERTY_ITEM structure. |
PFNKSINTERSECTHANDLER A streaming minidriver's KStrIntersectHandler routine is called to compare a data range to determine if there is an intersection, and if so, the data format of the intersection. |
PFNKSINTERSECTHANDLEREX AVStream calls a minidriver's AVStrMiniIntersectHandlerEx routine to determine the highest quality intersection of two data ranges. |
PFNKSIRPLISTCALLBACK A streaming minidriver's KStrIrpListCallback routine is called to determine whether the passed in IRP should be moved from the source list to the destination list, or if IRP enumeration should be terminated. |
PFNKSITEMFREECALLBACK A streaming minidriver's KStrItemFreeCallback routine is called to free a previously allocated create item. KStrItemFreeCallback allows the minidriver to perform any cleanup, including flushing security descriptor changes, if necessary. |
PFNKSPIN An AVStream minidriver's callback routine is called when:_There is data available for a KSPIN structure to process. Use this routine to perform Pin-Centric Processing.The relevant KSPIN is serving as a sink pin and is connected to an AVStream source pin. |
PFNKSPINFRAMERETURN An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniFrameReturn routine is called when an injected frame has completed its trip around the circuit and is ready to be recycled or freed. |
PFNKSPINHANDSHAKE An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniPinHandshake routine is called when AVStream receives a protocol handshake request that it does not handle. |
PFNKSPININITIALIZEALLOCATOR An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniInitializeAllocator routine initializes an allocator that will be associated with a pin. |
PFNKSPINIRP An AVStream minidriver's routine is called when an activity on the pin is performed and it receives these IRPs:IRP_MJ_CREATEIRP_MJ_CLOSE |
PFNKSPINIRPCOMPLETION An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniPinIrpCompletion routine is called when an IRP completes a pass around the circuit and the frame that is associated with the IRP is about to be recycled or retired. |
PFNKSPINPOWER An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniPinPower routine is called for pin-centric pins when the device is waking or entering a sleep state. |
PFNKSPINSETDATAFORMAT An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniPinSetDataFormat routine is called at pin creation time to verify that the previously agreed upon data format is acceptable for this KSPIN structure and a match for this KSDATARANGE structure. |
PFNKSPINSETDEVICESTATE An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniPinSetDeviceState routine is called when the state of a KSPIN structure is changed due to the arrival of a connection state property 'set' IOCTL. |
PFNKSPINVOID An AVStream minidriver's callback routine is called when:The relevant KSPIN is serving as a sink pin and this sink pin is disconnected from an AVStream source pin.A KSPIN structure's reset state is changed due to the arrival of an IOCTL_KS_RESET_STATE device control. This routine is also called when the queue associated with the given pin is flushed. |
PFNKSREMOVEEVENT An AVStream minidriver's AVStrMiniRemoveEvent routine is called when a client requests to be removed from the notification queue for an event. This routine is optional. |
PFNKSSETTIMER A streaming minidriver's KStrSetTimer routine is called to generate DPC timer callbacks based on presentation time. |
PFNKSSTREAMPOINTER AVStream calls a minidriver's AVStrMiniCancelCallback routine when the IRP that is associated with a cloned stream pointer is canceled. This routine is optional. |
PFNQUERYREFERENCESTRING The PFNQUERYREFERENCESTRING callback function (ks.h) copies the reference string associated with the PDO into a buffer that is created and freed by the caller. |
PFNQUERYREFERENCESTRING The PFNQUERYREFERENCESTRING callback function (swenum.h) copies the reference string associated with the PDO into a buffer that is created and freed by the caller. |
PFNREFERENCEDEVICEOBJECT The PFNREFERENCEDEVICEOBJECT callback function (ks.h) can be invoked by the driver to increment the reference count of the Physical Device Object (PDO). |
PFNREFERENCEDEVICEOBJECT The PFNREFERENCEDEVICEOBJECT callback function (swenum.h) can be invoked by the driver to increment the reference count of the Physical Device Object (PDO). |
PFNUSBCAMD_BulkReadWrite The USBCAMD_BulkReadWrite service performs a read or write operation on the specified bulk pipe. |
PFNUSBCAMD_CancelBulkReadWrite The USBCAMD_CancelBulkReadWrite service cancels a pending bulk read or write request. |
PFNUSBCAMD_SetIsoPipeState The USBCAMD_SetIsoPipeState service permits the camera minidriver to control the streaming state on the isochronous pipe. |
PFNUSBCAMD_SetVideoFormat The USBCAMD_SetVideoFormat service is used to notify USBCAMD that the video format has changed. |
PFNUSBCAMD_WaitOnDeviceEvent The USBCAMD_WaitOnDeviceEvent service is used to perform a read from the interrupt pipe if the camera has an interrupt pipe for external event notifications. |
PHW_CANCEL_SRB The class driver calls the minidriver's StrMiniCancelPacket routine to signal that a stream request has been canceled. |
PHW_EVENT_ROUTINE The class driver calls the stream minidriver's StrMiniEvent routine to signal to a minidriver an event should be enabled or disabled. |
PHW_INTERRUPT StrMiniInterrupt is the minidriver's interrupt service routine. |
PHW_PRIORITY_ROUTINE StrMiniPriorityRoutine is a minidriver-supplied callback routine to be executed at a specified priority level. |
PHW_QUERY_CLOCK_ROUTINE Each stream may have a clock associated to it. The class driver queries the clock by calling the stream minidriver-supplied StrMiniClock function, provided in each stream's HW_STREAM_OBJECT. |
PHW_RECEIVE_DEVICE_SRB The minidriver-supplied routine handles class driver requests that apply to the driver as a whole, such as initializing the device, or opening a stream within the device. |
PHW_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_HANDLER The stream class driver calls the minidriver's StrMiniRequestTimeout routine to signal to the minidriver that a request has timed out. |
PSTREAM_RECEIVE_PACKET Learn more about: PSTREAM_RECEIVE_PACKET callback function |
QuerySupported The QuerySupported method determines whether a KS object supports a property set and the type of that support. |
RegisterAdapterObjectEx The IKsDeviceFunctions::RegisterAdapterObjectEx method registers a DMA adapter object with AVStream. All drivers compiled for Win64 platforms should use this method instead of KsDeviceRegisterAdapterObject. |
Set The Set method sets a property identified by a property-set GUID and a property identifier. This method belongs to IKsPropertySet in dsound.h. |
Set The Set method sets a property identified by a property-set GUID and a property identifier. This method belongs to IKsPropertySet in ksproxy.h. |
StreamClassAbortOutstandingRequests The StreamClassAbortOutstandingRequests routine aborts all outstanding requests, either to a particular stream, or to the entire driver. |
StreamClassCallAtNewPriority The StreamClassCallAtNewPriority routine schedules a routine to be called at a different priority. |
StreamClassCompleteRequestAndMarkQueueReady The StreamClassCompleteRequestAndMarkQueueReady routine completes a request, and signals the class driver that the minidriver is ready to receive a new request of the same type. |
StreamClassDebugAssert This function (StreamClassDebugAssert) is obsolete. |
StreamClassDebugPrint This function (StreamClassDebugPrint) is obsolete. |
StreamClassDeviceNotification Minidrivers use the StreamClassDeviceNotification routine to notify the class driver that it has completed a stream request, or that an event has occurred. |
StreamClassFilterReenumerateStreams Obsolete. Do not use. |
StreamClassGetDmaBuffer The StreamClassGetDmaBuffer routine returns a pointer to the DMA buffer that the class driver allocates for the minidriver. |
StreamClassGetNextEvent Minidrivers can use the StreamClassGetNextEvent routine to search the event queue of a device or of a particular stream. |
StreamClassGetPhysicalAddress The StreamClassGetPhysicalAddress routine translates a virtual memory address to a physical memory address and locks the corresponding physical memory for a DMA operation. |
StreamClassQueryMasterClock When the minidriver calls the StreamClassQueryMasterClock routine, the class driver queries the appropriate time value of the master clock asynchronously, and passes the result to the routine passed in the ClockCallbackRoutine parameter. |
StreamClassQueryMasterClockSync The minidriver may call the StreamClassQueryMasterClockSync routine to synchronously query a stream's master clock. |
StreamClassReadWriteConfig The StreamClassReadWriteConfig routine reads or writes configuration data for the minidriver's parent bus driver. |
StreamClassReenumerateStreams The StreamClassReenumerateStreams function is obsolete. Do not use. |
StreamClassRegisterAdapter The StreamClassRegisterAdapter routine registers a stream class minidriver.The name StreamClassRegisterAdapter is supported for backward compatibility only.Instead, Microsoft recommends the use of StreamClassRegisterMinidriver, an alias of StreamClassRegisterAdapter. The name StreamClassRegisterMinidriver more accurately indicates that the routine registers a stream class minidriver. Once registered, a minidriver can drive any number of adapter instances in a system.The StreamClassRegisterMinidriver routine registers a stream minidriver with the stream class driver. |
StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins The StreamClassRegisterFilterWithNoKSPins routine is used to register filter drivers with Microsoft DirectShow that have no kernel streaming pins and, therefore, do not stream in kernel mode. |
StreamClassScheduleTimer The minidriver calls the StreamClassScheduleTimer routine to schedule a timer, and to specify a routine that is called when the timer expires. |
StreamClassStreamNotification Streams use the StreamClassStreamNotification routine to notify the class driver that it has completed a stream request, or that an event has occurred. |
TAG Learn more about: TAG function |
USBCAMD_AdapterReceivePacket The USBCAMD_AdapterReceivePacket function allows USBCAMD to process an adapter-based stream request block (SRB). |
USBCAMD_ControlVendorCommand The USBCAMD_ControlVendorCommand function sends vendor-specific commands to the control pipe. |
USBCAMD_Debug_LogEntry The USBCAMD_Debug_LogEntry function is called by the camera minidriver to log debugging information to a file. |
USBCAMD_DriverEntry The USBCAMD_DriverEntry function registers the minidriver with USBCAMD, effectively binding USBCAMD and the minidriver together. |
USBCAMD_GetRegistryKeyValue The USBCAMD_GetRegistryKeyValue function retrieves the device-instance-specific registry key value. |
USBCAMD_InitializeNewInterface The USBCAMD_InitializeNewInterface function provides USBCAMD with all the necessary information to configure the camera minidriver to work correctly with the stream class driver and the USB bus driver. |
USBCAMD_SelectAlternateInterface The USBCAMD_SelectAlternateInterface function selects an alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface. |
IKsAggregateControl The IKsAggregateControl interface provides methods that add and remove COM servers as aggregate providers on KS objects that support the interface. |
IKsAllocator TheIKsAllocator interface provides methods that control and query an allocator. IKsAllocator is for proxy use and not recommended for application use. |
IKsAllocatorEx The IKsAllocatorEx interface is for proxy use and not recommended for application use. IKsAllocatorEx inherits all the methods of the IKsAllocator interface and extends IKsAllocator to provide methods that further control and query an allocator. |
IKsClockPropertySet The IKsClockPropertySet interface provides methods that let the proxy accurately reflect time. |
IKsControl The IKsControl interface is a COM-style interface implemented on AVStream filters and pins. |
IKsControl The IKsControl interface provides user-mode methods that control a KS filter or KS pin. See the IKsControl AVStream COM interface for information about the user-mode equivalent of this interface. |
IKsDataTypeCompletion The IKsDataTypeCompletion interface provides a method to complete partially specified media types that are passed to the IAMStreamConfig::SetFormat method. |
IKsDataTypeHandler The IKsDataTypeHandler interface provides methods that perform optional preprocessing and postprocessing of media samples. |
IKsDeviceFunctions The IKsDeviceFunctions interface is a COM-style interface implemented on AVStream devices. This interface is available in Windows Server 2003 SP1 and later versions of Windows. |
IKsInterfaceHandler The IKsInterfaceHandler interface provides methods that marshal samples into the kernel based on the KSPIN_INTERFACE structure specified for the established connection. The IID for this interface is IID_IKsInterfaceHandler. |
IKsNotifyEvent The IKsNotifyEvent interface provides a method to cause the KS object that owns a DirectShow event to issue the event with the given parameters. |
IKsObject The IKsObject interface provides a method to retrieve the file handle of a KS object. |
IKsPin The IKsPin interface provides methods that control and retrieve information about a pin. |
IKsPinEx The IKsPinEx interface inherits all the methods of the IKsPin interface and extends IKsPin to provide a method that notifies the filter graph of an error to give the filter graph an opportunity to halt. |
IKsPinFactory The IKsPinFactory interface provides a method that retrieves the identifier of a pin factory. |
IKsPinPipe The IKsPinPipe interface is for proxy use and not recommended for application use. IKsPinPipe provides methods that control a pin pipe. |
IKsPropertySet The IKsPropertySet interface in dsound.h provides methods that access properties of KS objects that are implemented in a KS minidriver. |
IKsPropertySet The IKsPropertySet interface in ksproxy.h provides methods that access properties of KS objects that are implemented in a KS minidriver. |
IKsQualityForwarder The IKsQualityForwarder interface inherits the method of the IKsObject interface and extends IKsObject to provide a method that flushes information from a pin. |
IKsReferenceClock The IKsReferenceClock interface is a COM-style interface that is provided by AVStream on all pins. The pin passes the request onto the master clock. |
IKsTopology The IKsTopology interface provides a method that opens topology node objects contained within a filter. |
KSSTREAM_SEGMENT The KSSTREAM_SEGMENT structure contains information that describes an I/O operation occurring on a stream. |
ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES_EX The ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES_EX structure is for proxy use and not recommended for application use. ALLOCATOR_PROPERTIES_EX contains information that describes properties of an allocator. |
AVC_COMMAND_IRB The AVC_COMMAND_IRB structure defines a structure that contains an AV/C command and response pair. |
AVC_EXT_PLUG_COUNTS The AVC_EXT_PLUG_COUNTS structure describes the number of external plugs on the subunit. |
AVC_IRB The AVC_IRB structure is an I/O Request Block (IRB) header structure where a function number is stored. |
AVC_MULTIFUNC_IRB The AVC_MULTIFUNC_IRB structure contains other AV/C related structures in a union. |
AVC_PEER_DO_LIST The AVC_PEER_DO_LIST describes all nonvirtual (peer) instances of avc.sys. |
AVC_PEER_DO_LOCATOR The AVC_PEER_DO_LOCATOR describes nonvirtual (peer) instances of avc.sys. |
AVC_PIN_COUNT The AVC_PIN_COUNT structure specifies the number of pins on an AV/C subunit device. |
AVC_PIN_DESCRIPTOR The AVC_PIN_DESCRIPTOR structure describes a pin on an AV/C subunit device. |
AVC_PIN_ID The AVC_PIN_ID structure describes a pin on a subunit. |
AVC_PRECONNECT_INFO The AVC_PRECONNECT_INFO structure specifies the preconnection information for the specified pin ID (zero-based offset) on an AV/C subunit device. |
AVC_SETCONNECT_INFO The AVC_SETCONNECT_INFO structure is used to initialize a subunit driver and establish pin connections. |
AVC_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK The AVC_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK structure describes an AV/C streaming request to be processed by avcstrm.sys. |
AVC_SUBUNIT_ADDR_SPEC The AVC_SUBUNIT_ADDR_SPEC structure is used with virtual instances of avc.sys to describe virtual subunit addresses. |
AVC_SUBUNIT_INFO_BLOCK The AVC_SUBUNIT_INFO_BLOCK structure describes subunit information. |
AVC_UNIQUE_ID The AVC_UNIQUE_ID describe the unique ID of the AV/C unit. |
AVCCONNECTINFO The AVCCONNECTINFO structure is used to initialize a subunit driver and establish pin connections. |
AVCPRECONNECTINFO The AVCPRECONNECTINFO structure is used to initialize a subunit driver and establish pin connections. |
AVCSTRM_BUFFER_STRUCT The AVCSTRM_BUFFER_STRUCT structure describes a buffer to be submitted to avcstrm.sys for read or write operations. |
AVCSTRM_FORMAT_INFO The AVCSTRM_FORMAT_INFO structure is used to describe a data stream. |
AVCSTRM_OPEN_STRUCT The AVCSTRM_OPEN_STRUCT structure describes a data stream to be opened. |
BDA_BUFFER This topic describes the BDA_BUFFER structure. |
BDA_CA_MODULE_UI The BDA_CA_MODULE_UI structure describes the user interface (UI) that conditional access (CA) plugins can display. |
BDA_CAS_CLOSE_MMIDIALOG This topic describes the BDA_CAS_CLOSE_MMIDIALOG structure. |
BDA_CAS_OPENMMIDATA Learn more about: _BDA_CAS_OPENMMIDATA structure |
BDA_DISEQC_RESPONSE Learn more about: _BDA_DISEQC_RESPONSE structure |
BDA_DISEQC_SEND Learn more about: _BDA_DISEQC_SEND structure |
BDA_DRM_DRMSTATUS Learn more about: _BDA_DRM_DRMSTATUS structure |
BDA_FILTER_TEMPLATE The BDA_FILTER_TEMPLATE structure describes the template topology for a BDA filter. |
BDA_GDDS_DATA Learn more about: _BDA_GDDS_DATA structure |
BDA_GDDS_DATATYPE Learn more about: _BDA_GDDS_DATATYPE structure |
BDA_IPv4_ADDRESS Learn more about: _BDA_IPv4_ADDRESS structure |
BDA_IPv4_ADDRESS_LIST Learn more about: _BDA_IPv4_ADDRESS_LIST structure |
BDA_IPv6_ADDRESS Learn more about: _BDA_IPv6_ADDRESS structure |
BDA_IPv6_ADDRESS_LIST Learn more about: _BDA_IPv6_ADDRESS_LIST structure |
BDA_ISDBCAS_EMG_REQ Learn more about: _BDA_ISDBCAS_EMG_REQ structure |
BDA_MUX_PIDLISTITEM Learn more about: _BDA_MUX_PIDLISTITEM structure |
BDA_PID_MAP The BDA_PID_MAP structure describes a type of data to filter out of the input stream of a packet identifier (PID) filter and then pass to a downstream filter. |
BDA_PID_UNMAP The BDA_PID_UNMAP structure describes packet types to stop filtering from the input stream of a packet identifier (PID) filter. These packet types are identified with PIDs. |
BDA_PIN_PAIRING The BDA_PIN_PAIRING structure describes the topology between a pair of input and output pins. |
BDA_PROGRAM_PID_LIST The BDA_PROGRAM_PID_LIST structure describes data of a specific program to view. This data consists of packets that are identified with packet identifiers (PID). |
BDA_RATING_PINRESET Learn more about: _BDA_RATING_PINRESET structure |
BDA_SCAN_START Learn more about: _BDA_SCAN_START structure |
BDA_SCAN_STATE Learn more about: _BDA_SCAN_STATE structure |
BDA_SIGNAL_TIMEOUTS Learn more about: _BDA_SIGNAL_TIMEOUTS structure |
BDA_STRING Learn more about: _BDA_STRING structure |
BDA_TABLE_SECTION The BDA_TABLE_SECTION structure describes a table section. |
BDA_TEMPLATE_CONNECTION The BDA_TEMPLATE_CONNECTION structure describes the template for a BDA connection in terms of where it begins and ends. |
BDA_TEMPLATE_PIN_JOINT The BDA_TEMPLATE_PIN_JOINT structure describes a joint in a template topology. |
BDA_TRANSPORT_INFO The BDA_TRANSPORT_INFO structure describes formatting for a stream connection. |
BDA_TS_SELECTORINFO Learn more about: _BDA_TS_SELECTORINFO structure |
BDA_WMDRM_STATUS Learn more about: _BDA_WMDRM_STATUS structure |
BUS_INTERFACE_REFERENCE A software device enumerator exports this interface to allow drivers to reference count physical device objects (PDOs) such that the device remains active while in use and is unloaded when not in use. |
BUS_INTERFACE_SWENUM The BUS_INTERFACE_SWENUM structure describes the demand-load bus enumerator object's interface. |
CIP_HDR1 The CIP_HDR1 structure describes the generic data structure of the two quadlet CIP headers (first quadlet of the pair). |
CIP_HDR2_FDF The CIP_HDR2_FDF structure describes the second quadlet of a CIP header pair. |
CIP_HDR2_MPEGTS The CIP_HDR2_MPEGTS structure describes the second quadlet of a CIP header pair for an MPEGTS format stream. |
CIP_HDR2_SYT The CIP_HDR2_SYT structure describes the second quadlet of a CIP header pair for a DV format stream. |
DEVCAPS The DEVCAPS structure describes the capabilities of an external device. |
DvbParentalRatingDescriptor This topic describes the DvbParentalRatingDescriptor structure. |
DvbParentalRatingParam This topic describes the DvbParentalRatingParam structure. |
DVINFO The DVINFO structure describes a DV stream format including its default streaming source information and stream control information. |
HW_CLOCK_OBJECT The HW_CLOCK_OBJECT structure describes the clock associated with a stream. |
HW_EVENT_DESCRIPTOR When the class driver calls one of the minidriver's StrMiniEvent routines, it passes a pointer to an HW_EVENT_DESCRIPTOR structure to describe the event as enabled or disabled. |
HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA The HW_INITIALIZATION_DATA structure specifies the basic information the class driver needs to begin initializing the minidriver. |
HW_STREAM_DESCRIPTOR The minidriver uses the HW_STREAM_DESCRIPTOR structure to return stream information to the stream class driver. |
HW_STREAM_HEADER The HW_STREAM_HEADER structure describes the kernel streaming semantics supported by the minidriver as a whole, as part of a HW_STREAM_DESCRIPTOR structure. |
HW_STREAM_INFORMATION The HW_STREAM_INFORMATION structure describes the kernel streaming semantics supported by individual streams, as part of an HW_STREAM_DESCRIPTOR structure. |
HW_STREAM_OBJECT HW_STREAM_OBJECT describes an instance of a minidriver stream. |
HW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK The stream class driver uses the HW_STREAM_REQUEST_BLOCK structure to pass information to and from the minidriver, using minidriver provided callbacks. |
HW_TIME_CONTEXT The class driver passes an HW_TIME_CONTEXT structure as a parameter to be filled in by a stream's StrMiniClock routine, or returns a completed HW_TIME_CONTEXT structure when it responds to a StreamClassQueryMasterClock or StreamClassQueryMasterClockSync request. |
KS_AM_ExactRateChange The KS_AM_ExactRateChange structure is not yet implemented. |
KS_AM_SimpleRateChange The KS_AM_SimpleRateChange structure is used to describe a simple rate change (fast-forward or rewind) for an MPEG2 stream. |
KS_AMVPDATAINFO The KS_AMVPDATAINFO structure is used to describe the properties of a video port. |
KS_AMVPDIMINFO The KS_AMVPDIMINFO structure is used to describe the dimensions of a video port. |
KS_AMVPSIZE The KS_AMVPSIZE structure is used to describe the dimension of a video port (width by height). |
KS_ANALOGVIDEOINFO The KS_ANALOGVIDEOINFO structure describes an analog video stream. |
KS_BDA_FRAME_INFO The KS_BDA_FRAME_INFO structure describes BDA extensions to the KSSTREAM_HEADER structure, which describes a packet of data to be read from or written to a streaming driver pin. |
KS_BITMAPINFOHEADER The KS_BITMAPINFOHEADER structure describes details about the video stream, such as image dimensions and pixel depth. |
KS_COLCON The KS_COLCON structure is used to describe color and contrast settings. |
KS_COMPRESSION The KS_COMPRESSION structure defines the compression of frames on an output pin. |
KS_COPY_MACROVISION The KS_COPY_MACROVISION structure specifies the Macrovision level of the data stream. |
KS_DATAFORMAT_DV_AVC The KS_DATAFORMAT_DV_AVC structure stores the data format for an AV/C digital video connection. |
KS_DATAFORMAT_H264VIDEOINFO The KS_DATAFORMAT_H264VIDEOINFO structure describes the data formats range available for a stream. |
KS_DATAFORMAT_IMAGEINFO Specifies an image data format that is used for an independent image pin (or stream). |
KS_DATAFORMAT_MPEG2TS_AVC The KS_DATAFORMAT_MPEG2TS_AVC structure stores the data format for an AV/C MPEG2 connection. |
KS_DATAFORMAT_VBIINFOHEADER The KS_DATAFORMAT_VBIINFOHEADER structure describes a vertical blanking interval (VBI) stream. |
KS_DATAFORMAT_VIDEOINFO_PALETTE The KS_DATAFORMAT_VIDEOINFO_PALETTE structure describes color palette information. |
KS_DATAFORMAT_VIDEOINFOHEADER The KS_DATAFORMAT_VIDEOINFOHEADER structure describes a video stream that does not include bob or weave settings. |
KS_DATAFORMAT_VIDEOINFOHEADER2 The KS_DATAFORMAT_VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure describes a video stream that includes settings for bob or weave. |
KS_DATARANGE_ANALOGVIDEO The KS_DATARANGE_ANALOGVIDEO structure describes an analog video stream. |
KS_DATARANGE_BDA_ANTENNA The KS_DATARANGE_BDA_ANTENNA structure describes a range of data formats for a BDA antenna stream. |
KS_DATARANGE_BDA_TRANSPORT The KS_DATARANGE_BDA_TRANSPORT structure describes a range of data formats for a BDA transport stream. |
KS_DATARANGE_DV_AVC The KS_DATARANGE_DV_AVC structure stores a range of AV/C digital video formats. |
KS_DATARANGE_DVVIDEO The KS_DATARANGE_DV_AVC structure stores a range of digital video formats. |
KS_DATARANGE_H264_VIDEO The KS_DATARANGE_H264_VIDEO structure describes the range of MPEG-2 video formats available for a stream. |
KS_DATARANGE_IMAGE Specifies an image data range that is used in the KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR structure that describes a pin (or stream). |
KS_DATARANGE_MPEG1_VIDEO The KS_DATARANGE_MPEG1_VIDEO structure describes the range of MPEG-1 video formats available for a stream. |
KS_DATARANGE_MPEG2_VIDEO The KS_DATARANGE_MPEG2_VIDEO structure describes the range of MPEG-2 video formats available for a stream. |
KS_DATARANGE_MPEG2TS_AVC The KS_DATARANGE_MPEG2TS_AVC structure stores a range of AV/C MPEG2 formats. |
KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO The KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO structure describes a range of video streams without bob or weave settings. |
KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO_PALETTE The KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO_PALETTE structure describes a stream and its color capabilities. |
KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO_VBI The KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO_VBI structure describes a range of data formats containing vertical blanking interval (VBI) data. |
KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO2 The KS_DATARANGE_VIDEO2 structure describes a video stream including bob or weave settings. |
KS_DVD_YCrCb The KS_DVD_YCrCb structure is used to describe a color in the YCrCb colorspace. |
KS_DVD_YUV The KS_DVD_YUV structure is used to describe a color in the YUV colorspace. |
KS_DVDCOPY_BUSKEY The KS_DVDCOPY_BUSKEY structure is used to describe the bus key information for the DVD copyright protection authentication process. |
KS_DVDCOPY_CHLGKEY The KS_DVDCOPY_CHLGKEY structure is used to describe the challenge key information for the DVD copyright protection authentication process. |
KS_DVDCOPY_DISCKEY The KS_DVDCOPY_DISCKEY structure is used to describe the disc key information for the DVD copyright protection authentication process. |
KS_DVDCOPY_REGION The KS_DVDCOPY_REGION structure is used to describe the copy control region according to language restrictions. |
KS_DVDCOPY_SET_COPY_STATE The KS_DVDCOPY_SET_COPY_STATE structure is used to specify the copyright protection state of the DVD decoder stream. |
KS_DVDCOPY_TITLEKEY The KS_DVDCOPY_TITLEKEY structure is used to describe the title key information for the DVD copyright protection authentication process. |
KS_FRAME_INFO The KS_FRAME_INFO structure extends the KSSTREAM_HEADER structure for video streams. |
KS_FRAMING_ITEM The KS_FRAMING_ITEM structure is used to declare allocator requirements on a kernel-mode pin. |
KS_FRAMING_RANGE The KS_FRAMING_RANGE structure specifies a range for frame sizes for a given framing item. |
KS_FRAMING_RANGE_WEIGHTED Drivers can use the KS_FRAMING_RANGE_WEIGHTED structure to specify a range of weighted frame sizes. |
KS_H264VIDEOINFO The KS_H264VIDEOINFO describes the device capabilities that apply to the current media type. |
KS_MPEG1VIDEOINFO The KS_MPEG1VIDEOINFO structure describes an MPEG-1 video stream. |
KS_MPEGAUDIOINFO The KS_MPEGAUDIOINFO structure describes an MPEG audio stream. |
KS_MPEGVIDEOINFO2 The KS_MPEGVIDEOINFO2 structure describes an MPEG-2 video stream, including bob or weave settings. |
KS_RGBQUAD The KS_RGBQUAD structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, and blue, ranging from 0 to 255 (0x0 to 0xff). |
KS_TRUECOLORINFO The KS_TRUECOLORINFO structure describes color palette and bitmask information for video images that also contain a palette. |
KS_TVTUNER_CHANGE_INFO The KS_TVTUNER_CHANGE_INFO structure provides vertical blanking interval (VBI) codecs with information about the currently tuned channel. |
KS_VBI_FRAME_INFO The KS_VBI_FRAME_INFO structure extends the KSSTREAM_HEADER structure for vertical blanking interval (VBI) streams. |
KS_VBIINFOHEADER The KS_VBIINFOHEADER structure describes raw vertical blanking interval (VBI) streams. |
KS_VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS The KS_VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS structure describes the configuration and capabilities of a video stream, including analog video standard (for example, NTSC, PAL or SECAM), scaling, and cropping capabilities; minimum and maximum frame rates; and minimum and maximum data rates. |
KS_VIDEOINFO The KS_VIDEOINFO structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video stream. |
KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER The KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER structure describes the bitmap and color information for a video stream. |
KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER2 The KS_VIDEOINFOHEADER2 structure describes the details of a video stream, including bob or weave settings, copy protection, and pixel aspect ratio. |
KSALLOCATOR_DISPATCH The KSALLOCATOR_DISPATCH structure contains the callbacks required for a pin to implement its own kernel-level allocator. |
KSALLOCATOR_FRAMING The KSALLOCATOR_FRAMING structure is used to query framing requirements and submit allocator creation requests. |
KSALLOCATOR_FRAMING_EX The KSALLOCATOR_FRAMING_EX structure is the AVStream replacement for KSALLOCATOR_FRAMING. KSALLOCATOR_FRAMING_EX defines allocator requirements on a pin in a kernel level filter. |
KSATTRIBUTE The KSATTRIBUTE structure defines an additional attribute of a data format or data range that is not covered by the KSDATAFORMAT and KSDATARANGE structures or the extended information based on the format and range specifiers. |
KSATTRIBUTE_LIST The KSATTRIBUTE_LIST structure contains an attribute defined in a KSATTRIBUTE structure. |
KSAUTOMATION_TABLE The KSAUTOMATION_TABLE structure defines a structure that combines tables for properties, methods, and events. |
KSBUFFER_ITEM The KSBUFFER_ITEM structure is used to store a list of data buffers copied from the event source, which can be retrieved by the event sink through KSEVENT_TYPE_QUERYBUFFER. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_CAMERAOFFSET The KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_CAMERAOFFSET structure contains the parameters for the Camera Angle Offset Control property. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_DIGITALWINDOW_SETTING KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_DIGITALWINDOW_SETTING contains the x and y origin and window size of the digital window in Q24 format. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_EVCOMPENSATION The EV Compensation Control provides for exposure control that is adjusted by increments of EV compensation steps. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FIELDOFVIEW The Field of View Control property describes the current Field of View (FOV) of the camera along with the pitch angle of the camera position. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FIELDOFVIEW2_CONFIGCAPS The KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FIELDOFVIEW2_CONFIGCAPS structure defines the configuration capabilities of a camera's field of view (FoV). |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_HEADER The KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_HEADER structure is the payload header for an extend control property. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_METADATAINFO This structure represents the metadata information for the extended property control. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_PHOTOMODE The KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_PHOTOMODE structure contains the property data for the history frame counts in photo mode. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROI_CONFIGCAPS This structure contains the capabilities for an ROI control. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROI_CONFIGCAPSHEADER This structure contains the header information for ROI capabilities. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROI_EXPOSURE This structure contains the ROI info structure for exposure. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROI_FOCUS This structure contains the ROI info structure for focus. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROI_INFO This structure contains information about an ROI. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROI_ISPCONTROL This structure contains information for an ROI ISP control. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROI_ISPCONTROLHEADER This structure contains the header information for ROI ISP controls. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROI_WHITEBALANCE This structure contains the ROI info structure for white balance. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_VALUE The KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_VALUE structure is a data type union used to express an extended property value. |
KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_VIDEOPROCSETTING The KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_VIDEOPROCSETTING is a property payload structure for video processing settings related to white balance, exposure mode, and focus mode. |
KSCAMERA_MAXVIDEOFPS_FORPHOTORES The KSCAMERA_MAXVIDEOFPS_FORPHOTORES structure contains the property data for maximum frame rate at a particular resolution for a camera supporting preview and capture. |
KSCAMERA_METADATA_BACKGROUNDSEGMENTATIONMASK The KSCAMERA_METADATA_BACKGROUNDSEGMENTATIONMASK structure contains information about the dimensions of the background mask as well as its coverage of the frame it is inferred from, which is the frame that is outputted by the stream. |
KSCAMERA_METADATA_DIGITALWINDOW KSCAMERA_METADATA_DIGITALWINDOW contains metadata header information along with the digital window x and y origin and size in Q24 format. |
KSCAMERA_METADATA_ITEMHEADER This structure contains the metadata header information that is filled by the camera driver. |
KSCAMERA_METADATA_PHOTOCONFIRMATION This structure contains the photo confirmation metadata information that is filled by the camera driver. |
KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_CAP_HEADER This structure contains the header information for the per frame settings capabilities. |
KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_CAP_ITEM_HEADER The KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_CAP_ITEM_HEADER structure contains the header information for a per-frame settings item. |
KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_CUSTOM_ITEM This structure contains a custom item. |
KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_FRAME_HEADER This structure contains the header information for a frame in a per-frame settings payload. |
KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_HEADER This structure contains header information for the per-frame settings payload. |
KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_ITEM_HEADER The KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_ITEM_HEADER structure contains the header information for a per-frame settings item. |
KSCAMERA_PROFILE_CONCURRENCYINFO An array of KSCAMERA_PROFILE_CONCURRENCYINFO structures form the Camera.Concurrency parameter of the KSDEVICE_PROFILE_INFO structure (whose array size is specified by Camera.CountOfConcurrency parameter) indicating which profiles the profile identified in the KSCAMERA_PROFILE_INFO structure may run simultaneously on different cameras. |
KSCAMERA_PROFILE_INFO The KSCAMERA_PROFILE_INFO structure is used to uniquely identify a given profile. |
KSCAMERA_PROFILE_MEDIAINFO This structure contains the relevant media type information presented for each camera profile. |
KSCAMERA_PROFILE_PININFO This structure specifies the available list of media types for each of the camera driver pins. |
KSCLOCK_CREATE The KSCLOCK_CREATE structure is used in clock create parameters for the KsCreateClock function. |
KSCLOCK_DISPATCH The KSCLOCK_DISPATCH structure contains the callbacks required for a pin to implement a clock object. |
KSCLOCK_FUNCTIONTABLE The KSCLOCK_FUNCTIONTABLE structure describes a function table for the master clock. |
KSCOMPONENTID The KSCOMPONENTID structure contains unique identifiers that describe an individual kernel streaming object. |
KSCORRELATED_TIME The KSCORRELATED_TIME structure contains a clock time as well as the corresponding number of clock ticks since system boot. |
KSDATAFORMAT The KSDATAFORMAT structure is a variable-length structure that describes a data format. |
KSDATAFORMAT This topic describes the KSDATAFORMAT union. |
KSDEVICE The KSDEVICE structure describes a WDM functional device that is managed by AVStream. |
KSDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR The KSDEVICE_DESCRIPTOR structure describes the characteristics of a particular device. |
KSDEVICE_DISPATCH The KSDEVICE_DISPATCH structure describes the callbacks that a client can provide to receive notification of device creation and PnP events. |
KSDEVICE_PROFILE_INFO The KSDEVICE_PROFILE_INFO is a generic structure designed to handle profile information for various device types. |
KSDEVICE_THERMAL_DISPATCH The KSDEVICE_THERMAL_DISPATCH structure is used by the miniport driver in the API call to register thermal notification callbacks. This structure contains the callback function pointers for active and passive cooling interfaces. |
KSDISPATCH_TABLE The KSDISPATCH_TABLE structure contains pointers to minidriver implemented IRP dispatch routines. |
KSDPC_ITEM The KSDPC_ITEM structure is used to store information related to any internal DPCs that might be used to generate event notification from a raised IRQL. |
KSE_NODE The KSE_NODE structure specifies an event request on a specific node. |
KSE_PIN Learn more about: KSE_PIN structure |
KSERROR The KSERROR structure is used to report streaming errors in both kernel and user mode to their respective quality managers. |
KSEVENT_ENTRY The kernel streaming subsystem uses the KSEVENT_ENTRY structure to describe how an event should be triggered. |
KSEVENT_ITEM The KSEVENT_ITEM structure describe a minidriver's support for a specific event within an event set. |
KSEVENT_SET The KSEVENT_SET structure describes the events that comprise a kernel streaming event set. |
KSEVENT_TIME_INTERVAL The KSEVENT_TIME_INTERVAL structure is used in various events within the KSEVENTSETID_Clock event set. |
KSEVENT_TIME_MARK The KSEVENT_TIME_MARK structure is used in various events within the KSEVENTSETID_Clock event set. |
KSEVENTDATA Kernel streaming clients send the KSEVENTDATA structure to the class driver to specify a notification method. |
KSFASTMETHOD_ITEM Drivers provide a structure of type KSFASTMETHOD_ITEM to support fast I/O dispatching. |
KSFASTPROPERTY_ITEM The KSFASTPROPERTY_ITEM structure is used with items for fast I/O dispatching. |
KSFILTER The KSFILTER structure describes an instantiated filter. |
KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR The KSFILTER_DESCRIPTOR structure describes the characteristics of a filter created by a given filter factory. |
KSFILTER_DISPATCH The KSFILTER_DISPATCH structure describes the client callbacks that are made to notify the client of certain events on a given filter type. |
KSFILTERFACTORY The KSFILTERFACTORY structure represents a filter factory. |
KSFRAMETIME The KSFRAMETIME structure is supported by rendering pins, and is used to return the duration of the next frame of data, and flags associated with that frame. |
KSGATE The KSGATE structure describes an AVStream gate object. |
KSHANDSHAKE The KSHANDSHAKE structure is used to pass information back and forth while pins are handshaking in an attempt to negotiate a private interface. |
KSIDENTIFIER The KSIDENTIFIER structure specifies a GUID that uniquely identifies a related set of GUIDs, and an index value to refer to a specific member within that set. |
KSINTERVAL The KSINTERVAL structure specifies a base time and time interval for recurring events. |
KSJACK_DESCRIPTION3 This topic describes the KSJACK_DESCRIPTION3 structure. |
KSM_BDA_PIN The KSM_BDA_PIN structure describes a method request to create or delete a pin factory for a filter. |
KSM_BDA_PIN_PAIR The KSM_BDA_PIN_PAIR structure describes a method request to retrieve the pin pairing structure (BDA_PIN_PAIRING) between a pair of input and output pins. |
KSM_NODE Just as KSP_NODE is used for properties on a node, the KSM_NODE structure is used for methods on a node. |
KSM_PIN The KSM_PIN structure describes a method request to create or delete a pin factory for a filter. |
KSM_PIN_PAIR The KSM_PIN_PAIR structure describes a method request to retrieve the pin pairing structure (BDA_PIN_PAIRING) between a pair of input and output pins. |
KSMAPPING The KSMAPPING structure is used to describe a single contiguous chunk of physical memory for use in scatter/gather DMA operations. |
KSMETHOD_ITEM The KSMETHOD_ITEM structure describes a single method within a method set. |
KSMETHOD_SET The KSMETHOD_SET structure describes the methods that comprise a kernel streaming method set. |
KSMULTIPLE_ITEM The KSMULTIPLE_ITEM structure is a generic header for property data that can contain multiple entries. |
KSNODE_CREATE The KSNODE_CREATE structure describes the set of information used to create the node handle. |
KSNODE_DESCRIPTOR The KSNODE_DESCRIPTOR structure describes a topology node within a filter. |
KSOBJECT_CREATE The KSOBJECT_CREATE structure contains an array of create handlers for base object classes supported by this device object. |
KSOBJECT_CREATE_ITEM The KSOBJECT_CREATE_ITEM structure is used to look up the string passed to a create request. |
KSP_BDA_NODE_PIN The KSP_BDA_NODE_PIN structure describes a property request to retrieve the controlling pin for a node. |
KSP_NODE Kernel streaming clients use the KSP_NODE structure to specify the property and node type within a KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY_NAME property request. |
KSP_NODE_ESPID The KSP_NODE_ESPID structure describes property and node type for an Entitlement Control Message (ECM) map node along with the packet identifier (PID) for an elementary stream that the ECM map node processes. |
KSP_PIN Kernel streaming clients use the KSP_PIN structure to specify the property and pin type within a KSPROPSETID_Pin property request. |
KSPIN The KSPIN structure describes an instantiated pin. |
KSPIN_CINSTANCES Learn more about: KSPIN_CINSTANCES structure |
KSPIN_CONNECT Clients use the KSPIN_CONNECT structure to describe the connection they request from a driver in a KsCreatePin call. |
KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR The KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR structure describes the basic KSPROPSETID_Pin properties of a pin type. |
KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX The KSPIN_DESCRIPTOR_EX structure describes the characteristics of a pin type on a given filter type. |
KSPIN_DISPATCH The KSPIN_DISPATCH structure describes the callbacks for which clients can register in order to receive notification of pin events. |
KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_NOTIFICATION The KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_NOTIFICATION structure contains fields that are used internally by the operating system. |
KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_NOTIFICATION32 The KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_NOTIFICATION32 structure contains fields that are used internally by the operating system. |
KSPRIORITY The KSPRIORITY structure is used to specify priority and is used with the KSPROPERTY_CONNECTION_PRIORITY property. |
KSPROCESSPIN The KSPROCESSPIN structure describes the process state of a specific pin. |
KSPROCESSPIN_INDEXENTRY The KSPROCESSPIN_INDEXENTRY structure is used in Filter-Centric Processing to bring together all of the input and output pins in one context. |
KSPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_CONTROL_SURFACE_SIZE_S The KSPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_CONTROL_SURFACE_SIZE_S structure specifies the width and height of an overlay surface. |
KSPROPERTY_BOUNDS_LONG The KSPROPERTY_BOUNDS_LONG structure defines the bounds for a 32-bit property. |
KSPROPERTY_BOUNDS_LONGLONG The KSPROPERTY_BOUNDS_LONGLONG structure defines the bounds for a 64-bit property. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_FLASH_S Describes flash control properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL_FLASH camera control property set. This structure specifies property values that are used by applications to configure the camera's flash. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_NODE_S The KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_NODE_S structure describes node-based properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL property set. This structure specifies property values in requests to the USB Video Class driver. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_NODE_S2 The KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_NODE_S2 structure describes node-based properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL property set that use two values at the same time. This structure specifies property values in requests to the USB video class driver. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST_S Describes region of interest (ROI) control properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST camera control property set. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_S The KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_S structure describes filter-based properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL property set. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_S_EX Specifies a camera control operation, including setting the flash, the image pin control properties, the region of interest in the image, or video stabilization. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_S2 The KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_S2 structure describes filter-based properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL property set that use two values at the same time. |
KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_VIDEOSTABILIZATION_MODE_S Describes video stabilization control properties in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION camera control property set. This structure specifies property values that are used in requests to the camera driver. |
KSPROPERTY_CROSSBAR_CAPS_S The KSPROPERTY_CROSSBAR_CAPS_S structure describes the crossbar capabilities for a device. |
KSPROPERTY_CROSSBAR_PININFO_S The KSPROPERTY_CROSSBAR_PININFO_S structure describes the crossbar pin information for a device. |
KSPROPERTY_CROSSBAR_ROUTE_S The KSPROPERTY_CROSSBAR_ROUTE_S structure describes whether a particular routing is possible and specifies the current routing for a pin. |
KSPROPERTY_DESCRIPTION The KSPROPERTY_DESCRIPTION structure specifies the size and type of values contained in a specific property. |
KSPROPERTY_DROPPEDFRAMES_CURRENT_S The KSPROPERTY_DROPPEDFRAMES_CURRENT_S structure describes the dropped frame information from the minidriver. |
KSPROPERTY_EXTDEVICE_S The KSPROPERTY_EXTDEVICE_S structure describes an external device and its capabilities. |
KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT_NODE_S The KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT_NODE_S structure describes an external transport and its capabilities. |
KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT_S The KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT_S structure describes an external transport and its capabilities. |
KSPROPERTY_ITEM Drivers use the KSPROPERTY_ITEM structure to describe how they support a property in a property set. |
KSPROPERTY_MEDIAAVAILABLE The KSPROPERTY_MEDIAAVAILABLE structure specifies the media time span (the time span that a client can seek within) that is currently available on a filter. |
KSPROPERTY_MEMBERSHEADER A driver provides a structure of type KSPROPERTY_MEMBERSHEADER to describe the size and type of each element in an array containing property values or ranges. |
KSPROPERTY_MEMBERSLIST The KSPROPERTY_MEMBERSLIST structure contains a list of legal values or ranges for a property. |
KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_NTPINFO_HEADER The KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_NTPINFO_HEADER structure contains a NTP-specific payload that is used to set or disable an NTP server on a Onvif protocol camera. |
KSPROPERTY_POSITIONS The KSPROPERTY_POSITIONS structure specifies the current position and stop position, relative to the total duration of the stream. |
KSPROPERTY_SELECTOR_NODE_S The KSPROPERTY_SELECTOR_NODE_S structure describes node-based property settings in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_SELECTOR property set. |
KSPROPERTY_SELECTOR_S The KSPROPERTY_SELECTOR_S structure describes filter-based property settings in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_SELECTOR property set. |
KSPROPERTY_SERIAL The KSPROPERTY_SERIAL structure is a header that is included for each property that follows a KSPROPERTY_SERIALHDR structure. |
KSPROPERTY_SERIALHDR The format of the serialization buffer is a KSPROPERTY_SERIALHDR structure, followed by serialized properties. |
KSPROPERTY_SET A kernel streaming driver or pin may use the KSPROPERTY_SET structure to describe how it supports a property set. |
KSPROPERTY_SPHLI The KSPROPERTY_SPHLI structure is used to describe a rectangle of subpicture or screen whose color or contrast is to be changed. |
KSPROPERTY_SPPAL The KSPROPERTY_SPPAL structure is used to describe the palette of a subpicture display. |
KSPROPERTY_STEPPING_LONG The KSPROPERTY_STEPPING_LONG structure defines the valid range of values for a 32-bit property. |
KSPROPERTY_STEPPING_LONGLONG The KSPROPERTY_STEPPING_LONGLONG structure defines the valid range of values for a 64-bit property. |
KSPROPERTY_TIMECODE_S The KSPROPERTY_TIMECODE_S structure describes a timecode. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_CAPS_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_CAPS_S structure describes the hardware capabilities of TV and radio tuning devices. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_FREQUENCY_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_FREQUENCY_S structure describes the frequency of a TV or radio tuner device. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_IF_MEDIUM_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_IF_MEDIUM_S structure returns the Medium GUID for the pin that is capable of supporting tuning to an intermediate frequency. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_INPUT_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_INPUT_S structure describes the input connection index of a tuner device for devices that support multiple inputs. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODE_CAPS_S The KS_PROPERTY_TUNER_MODE_CAPS_S structure describes the capabilities of TV and radio tuner devices. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODE_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODE_S structure describes the mode of a TV or radio tuner device. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_NETWORKTYPE_SCAN_CAPS_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_NETWORKTYPE_SCAN_CAPS_S structure describes the scanning capabilities of a broadcast network type that a tuning device supports. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_SCAN_CAPS_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_SCAN_CAPS_S structure describes the hardware scanning capabilities of a tuning device. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_SCAN_STATUS_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_SCAN_STATUS_S structure describes status for a scanning operation. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_STANDARD_MODE_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_STANDARD_MODE_S structure describes whether the tuning device can identify the tuner standard from the signal itself. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_STANDARD_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_STANDARD_S structure describe the standard of a TV tuner device, such as PAL, NTSC or SECAM. |
KSPROPERTY_TUNER_STATUS_S The KSPROPERTY_TUNER_STATUS_S structure describes the progress of a tuning operation for TV and radio tuner devices, including present tuning frequency. |
KSPROPERTY_TVAUDIO_CAPS_S The KSPROPERTY_TVAUDIO_CAPS_S structure describes the capability of a TV audio device, such as stereo versus mono audio support and language capabilities. |
KSPROPERTY_TVAUDIO_S The KSPROPERTY_TVAUDIO_S structure describes the current TV audio mode, such as stereo or mono audio and language settings. |
KSPROPERTY_VALUES The KSPROPERTY_VALUES structure describes the type and acceptable default values of a property. |
KSPROPERTY_VIDEOCOMPRESSION_GETINFO_S The KSPROPERTY_VIDEOCOMPRESSION_GETINFO_S structure describes information about the video compression capabilities supported by a device. |
KSPROPERTY_VIDEOCONTROL_CAPS_S The KSPROPERTY_VIDEOCONTROL_CAPS_S structure describes the video-control capabilities of a minidriver, such as image flipping or event triggering abilities. |
KSPROPERTY_VIDEOCONTROL_FRAME_RATES_S The KSPROPERTY_VIDEOCONTROL_FRAME_RATES structure describes available frame rates in 100-nanosecond units. |
KSPROPERTY_VIDEOCONTROL_MODE_S The KSPROPERTY_VIDEOCONTROL_MODE_S structure describes video-control modes for a stream, such as image flipping or event triggering abilities. |
KSPROPERTY_VIDEODECODER_CAPS_S The KSPROPERTY_VIDEODECODER_CAPS_S structure describes the hardware capabilities of the video decoder device. |
KSPROPERTY_VIDEODECODER_STATUS_S The KSPROPERTY_VIDEODECODER_STATUS_S structure describes the present status of a video decoding device, such as number of lines in the incoming analog signal and whether the signal is locked in. |
KSPROPERTY_VIDEOPROCAMP_NODE_S The KSPROPERTY_VIDEOPROCAMP_NODE_S structure describes node-based property settings in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP property set. |
KSPROPERTY_VIDEOPROCAMP_NODE_S2 The KSPROPERTY_VIDEOPROCAMP_NODE_S2 structure describes node-based property settings in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP property set that use two values at the same time. |
KSPROPERTY_VIDEOPROCAMP_S The KSPROPERTY_VIDEOPROCAMP_S structure describes filter-based property settings in the PROPSETID_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP property set. |
KSQUALITY The KSQUALITY structure is used to report QM problems in both kernel and user mode to their respective quality managers. |
KSQUALITY_MANAGER The KSQUALITY_MANAGER structure is used with the KSPROPERTY_STREAM_QUALITY property and contains the handle of the quality manager sink and a context to pass in the quality complaints. |
KSQUERYBUFFER The KSQUERYBUFFER structure is used when querying for outstanding buffers available on an event with KSEVENT_TYPE_QUERYBUFFER. |
KSRATE The query is passed a KSRATE structure appended to the property containing the rate request (known as a KSRATE_CAPABILITY structure), and is returned a KSRATE structure filled in with the capability given the rate request. |
KSRESOLUTION The KSRESOLUTION structure specifies granularity and error of a kernel streaming clock. |
KSRTAUDIO_PACKETVREGISTER The KSRTAUDIO_PACKETVREGISTER structure contains information about the packet virtual register pointers. |
KSSCATTER_GATHER Learn more about: KSSCATTER_GATHER structure |
KSSTREAM_HEADER The KSSTREAM_HEADER structure is a variable-length structure that describes a packet of data to be read from or written to a streaming driver pin. |
KSSTREAM_METADATA_INFO This structure contains the metadata information that is passed down to the driver. |
KSSTREAM_POINTER The KSSTREAM_POINTER structure is the basic AVStream pointer into a stream. |
KSSTREAM_POINTER_OFFSET The KSSTREAM_POINTER_OFFSET structure indexes bytes or mappings within a frame. |
KSSTREAM_UVC_METADATA The KSSTREAM_UVC_METADATA structure contains start and end of frame timestamp information. |
KSSTREAM_UVC_METADATATYPE_TIMESTAMP The KSSTREAM_UVC_METADATATYPE_TIMESTAMP structure contains USB video class (UVC) clock and timestamp information. |
KSSTREAMALLOCATOR_FUNCTIONTABLE Clients can request the function table of a given allocator by sending a KSSTREAMALLOCATOR_FUNCTIONTABLE structure in a KSPROPERTY_STREAMALLOCATOR_FUNCTIONTABLE property request. |
KSSTREAMALLOCATOR_STATUS The KSSTREAMALLOCATOR_STATUS structure describes framing requirements and current number of allocated frames for a specific allocator. |
KSSTREAMALLOCATOR_STATUS_EX Client use KSSTREAMALLOCATOR_STATUS_EX to query the status for allocators supporting the extended allocator framing. |
KSTIME The KSTIME structure specifies a time stamp that can be used to indicate stream position. |
KSTOPOLOGY The KSTOPOLOGY structure describes the topology of pins and nodes. |
KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION The KSTOPOLOGY_CONNECTION structure describes a single data-path connection inside a kernel streaming filter. |
KSVPMAXPIXELRATE The KSVPMAXPIXELRATE structure is used to describe the maximum pixel rate of a video port. |
KSVPSURFACEPARAMS The KSVPSURFACEPARAMS structure is used to describe the surface parameters of a video port surface. |
KSWAVE_BUFFER The KSWAVE_BUFFER structure is used to describe a sample buffer. |
KSWAVE_COMPATCAPS The KSWAVE_COMPATCAPS structure is used to describe the compatible capabilities of a device. |
KSWAVE_INPUT_CAPABILITIES The KSWAVE_INPUT_CAPABILITIES structure is used to describe the input capabilities of a device. |
KSWAVE_OUTPUT_CAPABILITIES The KSWAVE_OUTPUT_CAPABILITIES structure is used to describe the output capabilities of a device. |
KSWAVE_VOLUME The KSWAVE_VOLUME structure is used to describe sample volume. |
MEDIUM_INFO The MEDIUM_INFO structure describes the media loaded into an external device. |
MF_MDL_SHARED_PAYLOAD_KEY This union is used internally by the operating system. |
MPEG2_TRANSPORT_STRIDE The MPEG2_TRANSPORT_STRIDE structure describes the format block of the MPEG2 transport stride. |
PID_MAP The PID_MAP structure describes a group of packets in the output stream of a packet identifier (PID) filter. This group consists of packets that are identified with an identical PID and contain particular media content. |
PIPE_DIMENSIONS The PIPE_DIMENSIONS structure is for proxy use and not recommended for application use. PIPE_DIMENSIONS contains information that describes the compression/expansion ratio of frames on various pins related to a pipe. |
PIPE_TERMINATION The PIPE_TERMINATION structure is for proxy use and not recommended for application use. PIPE_TERMINATION contains information that describes the pin terminator of a pipe. |
PORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION PORT_CONFIGURATION_INFORMATION describes the hardware settings of a streaming minidriver's device. The class driver fills in most members with information provided by the operating system. |
RATING_ATTRIBUTE This topic describes the RATING_ATTRIBUTE structure. |
RATING_INFO This topic describes the RATING_INFO structure. |
RATING_SYSTEM This topic describes the RATING_SYSTEM structure. |
STREAM_DATA_INTERSECT_INFO STREAM_DATA_INTERSECT_INFO describes the parameters of a data intersection operation. |
STREAM_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR STREAM_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR specifies the parameters of property get/set requests that the class driver passes to the minidriver. |
SWENUM_INSTALL_INTERFACE The SWENUM_INSTALL_INTERFACE structure describes a specific demand-load bus enumerator object interface to install. |
TIMECODE The TIMECODE union describes a timecode from an external device. This structure is no longer used. |
TIMECODE_SAMPLE The TIMECODE_SAMPLE structure describes a complete timecode. |
TRANSPORTAUDIOPARMS The TRANSPORTAUDIOPARMS structure is defined but not used. |
TRANSPORTBASICPARMS The TRANSPORTBASICPARMS structure is defined but not used. |
TRANSPORTSTATUS The TRANSPORTSTATUS structure describes the current transport status. |
TRANSPORTVIDEOPARMS The TRANSPORTVIDEOPARMS structure is defined but not presently used. It may be used in the future. |
TUNER_ANALOG_CAPS_S The TUNER_ANALOG_CAPS_S structure describes the hardware scanning capabilities of a tuning device that supports an analog broadcast network. |
USBCAMD_DEVICE_DATA This structure is obsolete and is provided to maintain backward compatibility with the original USBCAMD. |
USBCAMD_DEVICE_DATA2 The USBCAMD_DEVICE_DATA2 structure specifies the entry points for a camera minidriver's functions that USBCAMD calls. |
USBCAMD_INTERFACE The USBCAMD_INTERFACE structure defines a set of services related to the USB bus interfaces. |
USBCAMD_Pipe_Config_Descriptor The USBCAMD_Pipe_Config_Descriptor structure describes the association between pipes and streams. |
VIDEO_GETERRORTEXT_PARMS Learn more about: tag_video_geterrortext_parms structure |
VIDEO_OPEN_PARMS Learn more about: tag_video_open_parms structure |
VIDEO_STREAM_INIT_PARMS Learn more about: tag_video_stream_init_parms structure |
VIDEOCONFIGPARMS Learn more about: tag_video_configure_parms structure |
VRAM_SURFACE_INFO The VRAM_SURFACE_INFO structure describes a region of system or display memory into which an AVStream minidriver captures audio or video data. |
VRAM_SURFACE_INFO_PROPERTY_S The VRAM_SURFACE_INFO_PROPERTY_S structure describes property items in the KSPROPSETID_VramCapture property set. |