コンパイラ エラー CS0428
メソッド グループ 'Identifier' を非デリゲート型 'type' に変換することはできません。 このメソッドを呼び出そうとしましたか?
このエラーは、メソッド グループを非デリゲート型に変換するか、またはかっこを使用せずにメソッドを呼び出そうとしたときに発生します。
次の例では CS0428 が生成されます。
// CS0428.cs
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
delegate int Del1();
delegate object Del2();
static void Main(string[] args)
ExampleClass ec = new ExampleClass();
// The following assignment statement causes compiler error CS0428.
// It attempts to assign the address of Method1 to an integer variable.
// You can only assign the address to an appropriate delegate type.
int i = ec.Method1;
// Del1 is a delegate type that is appropriate for a method like
// Method1 that returns an int. The following assignment statement
// does not cause an error.
Del1 d1 = ec.Method1;
// You can invoke Method1 and assign the int that is returned to
// integer variable i.
i = ec.Method1();
// The following assignment statement causes compiler error CS0428.
// It attempts to assign the address of Method2 to an instance of
// ExampleClass. You can only assign the address to a delegate type.
ec = ExampleClass.Method2;
// Del2 is a delegate type that is appropriate for a method like
// Method2 that returns an instance of a class. The following assignment
// statement does not cause an error.
Del2 d2 = ExampleClass.Method2;
// Similarly, you can invoke Method2 and assign the result returned to ec.
ec = ExampleClass.Method2();
public class ExampleClass
public int Method1() { return 1; }
public static ExampleClass Method2() { return null; }
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