Manage user access to add-ins for Outlook in Exchange
Applies to: Exchange Server 2013
You can use the Exchange admin center (EAC) or Exchange PowerShell to manage user access to add-ins for Outlook.
Using the EAC, you can manage basic add-in access settings for your users at an organizational level. For example, you can configure whether an add-in is enabled or disabled for your users. You can also specify whether an add-in is required or optional for your users.
With the Exchange Management Shell, you can manage all the settings that you can with the EAC, as well as other settings. For example, you can limit availability to specific users in your organization.
To learn how to open the Exchange Management Shell in your on-premises Exchange organization, see Open the Shell.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure or procedures. To see what permissions you need, see the "Add-ins for Outlook" entry in the Recipients Permissions topic.
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Specify whether an add-in is available, enabled, or disabled
Use the EAC to specify whether an add-in is available, enabled, or disabled
In the EAC, navigate to Organization > Add-ins.
In the list view, select the add-in that you want to change settings for, and then click Edit.
If you don't want your users to use the add-in, clear the Make this add-in available to users in your organization check box, and then click Save.
If you want your users to be able to use the add-in, select Make this add-in available to users in your organization, and then select the option you want.
Optional, enabled by default: Use this setting if you want to allow your users to turn off the add-in.
Optional, disabled by default: Use this setting if you want to allow your users to turn on the add-in.
Mandatory, always enabled. Users can't disable this add-in: Use this setting if you don't want your users to turn off the add-in.
Click Save.
Use the Shell to specify whether an add-in is available, enabled, or disabled
First, run the following command to find the display names and add-in IDs for all the add-ins for Outlook installed for your organization.
The AppId value is a GUID that uniquely identifies the add-in (for example, fe93bfe1-7947-460a-a5e0-7a5906b51360). You use the AppId value to identify and change the settings of the add-in.
To disable and hide an add-in from all your users, replace <AppId> with the real AppId value and run the following command:
Use Exchange PowerShell to limit add-in availability to specific users
To limit the availability of an add-in to specific users, you can't use the EAC. You can only use the Exchange Management Shell.
This example limits the LinkedIn add-in with the hypothetical AppId value ac83a9d5-5af2-446f-956a-c583adc94d5e to the members of the distribution group named Marketing.
To verify that you've successfully limited add-in availability to specific users, run the following command in Exchange PowerShell and verify the value of the ProvidedTo and UserList properties:
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