invoke operator
Applies to: ✅ Microsoft Fabric ✅ Azure Data Explorer ✅ Azure Monitor ✅ Microsoft Sentinel
Invokes a lambda expression that receives the source of invoke
as a tabular argument.
For more information on how to declare lambda expressions that can accept tabular arguments, see let statements.
T | invoke
Learn more about syntax conventions.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
T | string |
✔️ | The tabular source. |
function | string |
✔️ | The name of the lambda let expression or stored function name to be evaluated. |
param1, param2 ... | string |
Any additional lambda arguments to pass to the function. |
Returns the result of the evaluated expression.
The following example shows how to use the invoke
operator to call lambda let
// clipped_average(): calculates percentiles limits, and then makes another
// pass over the data to calculate average with values inside the percentiles
let clipped_average = (T:(x: long), lowPercentile:double, upPercentile:double)
let high = toscalar(T | summarize percentiles(x, upPercentile));
let low = toscalar(T | summarize percentiles(x, lowPercentile));
| where x > low and x < high
| summarize avg(x)
range x from 1 to 100 step 1
| invoke clipped_average(5, 99)
avg_x |
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