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Known issue - Reports that use functions with RLS don't work

You can define row-level security (RLS) for a table that contains measures. USERELATIONSHIP() and CROSSFILTER() functions can't be used in the measures. A change was recently made to enforce this requirement.

Status: Open

Product Experience: Power BI


When viewing a report, you see an error message. The error message is similar to: "Error fetching data for this Visual. The UseRelationship() and Crossfilter() functions may not be used when querying <dataset> because it is constrained by row level security" or "The USERELATIONSHIP() and CROSSFILTER() functions may not be used when querying 'T' because it is constrained by row-level security."

Solutions and workarounds

The change is to enforce a security requirement. To prevent your reports from failing, you can remove USERELATIONSHIP() and CROSSFILTER() from your measures. Alternatively, you can modify the relationships using recommendations for RLS models.

Next steps