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Known issue - Copy activity from Oracle to lakehouse fails for Number data type

The copy activity from Oracle to a lakehouse fails when one of the columns from Oracle has a Number data type. In Oracle, scale can be greater than precision for decimal/numeric types. Parquet files in Lakehouse require the scale be less than or equal to precision, so the copy activity fails.

Status: Open

Product Experience: Data Factory


When trying to copy data from Oracle to a lakehouse, you receive an error similar to: ParquetInvalidDecimalPrecisionScale. Invalid Decimal Precision or Scale. Precision: 38 Scale:127.

Solutions and workarounds

You can work around this issue by using a query to explicitly cast the column to NUMBER(p,s) or other types like BINARY_DOUBLE. When using NUMBER(p,s), ensure p >= s and s >= 0. Meanwhile, the range defined by NUMBER(p,s) should cover the range of the values stored in the column. If not, you receive an error similar to ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column. Here's a sample query: SELECT CAST(ColA AS BINARY_DOUBLE) AS ColB FROM TableA

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