The angled brackets (< >) surrounding code examples indicate a placeholder. When you fill in real data, make sure you don't include the angled brackets.
You must speech-enable every web page in your browser app that you want the user to be able to use with speech recognition.
When a user is working with your speech-enabled app and Dragon Medical SpeechKit can't connect to the speech recognition server (for example, the Internet connection is lost) recording is stopped immediately. When the connection is restored, the user can start recording again.
User names are case sensitive.
Some use cases refer to VuiController objects. In the Browser edition of Dragon Medical SpeechKit, the VuiController class is internal and one instance is created implicitly for each speech-enabled web page. The lifetime of this instance is managed automatically by Dragon Medical SpeechKit.
GUI elements provided by Dragon Medical SpeechKit
The speech bar enables you to interact with Dragon Medical SpeechKit:
Select to turn speech recognition on and off. When this icon is green, the system is listening.
The volume meter provides visual feedback while you're speaking.
Select to display the personalization & help window. You can see a list of voice commands, manage auto-texts and read the help.
Speech-enabled controls display the Nuance flame icon to tell the user that the field will accept spoken input:
The microphone icon and the Nuance flame icon display spinner animations to indicate that the system is processing audio input and speech recognition is taking place.
This module covers various concepts on the topic of accessibility and how to add it to your web applications during web development. You will learn the importance of using HTML tags properly to describe information, and various improvements you can make to your sites.