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Windows Management Framework

Windows Management Framework (WMF) provides a consistent management interface for Windows. WMF provides a seamless way to manage various versions of Windows client and Windows Server. WMF installer packages contain updates to management functionality and are available for older versions of Windows.


WMF 5.1 is the only supported version of WMF and is included in all currently supported versions of Windows. This information in this article provides a history of WMF versions.

WMF installation adds and/or updates the following features:

  • Windows PowerShell
  • Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC)
  • Windows PowerShell Integrated Script Environment (ISE)
  • Windows Remote Management (WinRM)
  • Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
  • Windows PowerShell Web Services (Management OData IIS Extension)
  • Software Inventory Logging (SIL)
  • Server Manager CIM Provider

WMF Release Notes

To learn about the enhancements in Windows PowerShell and other components, see the release notes for each version of WMF:

WMF availability across Windows operating systems

OS Version End of Support WMF 5.1 WMF 5.0 WMF 4.0 WMF 3.0 WMF 2.0
Windows Server 2022 2031-10-14 Included
Windows Server 2019 2029-01-09 Included
Windows Server 2016 2027-01-11 Included
Windows 11 2025-10-14 Included
Windows 10 2025-10-14 Included in 1607+ Included
Windows Server 2012 R2 Out of support Yes Yes Included
Windows 8.1 Out of support Yes Yes Included
Windows Server 2012 Out of support Yes Yes Yes Included
Windows 8 Out of support Included
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Out of support Yes Yes Yes Yes Included
Windows 7 SP1 Out of support Yes Yes Yes Yes Included
Windows Server 2008 SP2 Out of support Yes Yes
Windows Vista Out of support Yes
Windows Server 2003 Out of support Yes
Windows XP Out of support Yes Yes
  • Included: The features of the specified version of WMF were shipped in the indicated version of Windows client or Windows Server.
  • Out of support: Microsoft no longer supports these products. You must upgrade to a supported version. For more information, see the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy page.


The version of WMF that shipped in an operating system is supported for the lifetime of support for that version of the operating system. The standalone installers for WMF 5.0 and older are no longer available or supported.