All Required Authentication Methods Could Not be Found
Topic Last Modified: 2009-11-18
The Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer sends an HTTP request to test the authentication methods of the specified service. If a 401 Unauthorized Response is received, then the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer tool expects certain WWW-Authenticate headers in the response. Certain services such as Exchange ActiveSync and Outlook Anywhere (Remote Procedure Call (RPC) over HTTP) don't negotiate an authentication method with the remote server. These clients have a predefined authentication method that is sent with each request. If this authentication method isn't enabled on the remote server, then the Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer generates the following error:
"All Required Authentication Methods could not be found."
If the predefined authentication method isn't enabled on the remote server, then users can experience the following issues:
Mobile device users connecting using Exchange ActiveSync are unable to successfully connect.
Microsoft Office Outlook users are unable to connect using Outlook Anywhere.
To correct this error
Confirm that Basic authentication is enabled on the Exchange ActiveSync virtual directory in the Exchange Management Console and in IIS on the Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync virtual directory
For Outlook Anywhere users, verify the following server and client settings:
- Confirm that Basic and/or Integrated Windows Authentication is enabled on the /Rpc virtual directory in IIS. These authentication methods should be managed through the Set-OutlookAnywhere cmdlet and not directly in IIS.
Confirm that Basic or NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication is selected under Exchange Proxy Settings in Microsoft Outlook. This setting should match the authentication method you enabled in IIS. If this setting is being obtained via Autodiscover, then ensure that your ClientAuthenticationMethod or DefaultAuthenticationMethod is specified properly on your Outlook Anywhere Configuration.
For more information, review the following documentation and confirm that the virtual directories on your Exchange server have the proper authentication methods enabled for each application or service:
To see a list of the default authentication methods for Exchange Server 2007 applications and services, see the following Microsoft blog post Default settings for Exchange-related virtual directories in Exchange Server 2007.
For information about the supported authentication methods available for managing Exchange applications hosted on an Exchange 2007 Client Access server, see Managing Client Access Security.
For details about configuring authentication specific to Exchange 2007 Outlook Anywhere, see the following documentation on TechNet: How to Configure Authentication for Outlook Anywhere.
For information about configuring authentication for Web applications on Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server, see Front-End and Back-End Server Topology Guide for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange 2000 Server.
The Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyzer has limited documentation currently. To improve the documentation for each of the errors you might receive, we would like to solicit additional information from the community. Use the Community Content section to post more reasons why you failed at this point. If you need technical assistance, create a post in the appropriate Exchange TechNet forum or contact support.