Power Framework (PoFx) Sample (UMDF Version 2)

This solution demonstrates how a User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) version 2 driver can implement F-state-based power management. The SingleComp project demonstrates how a UMDF version 2 driver can implement F-state-based power management for a device that has only a single component.

Universal Windows Driver Compliant

This sample builds a Universal Windows Driver. It uses only APIs and DDIs that are included in OneCoreUAP.

KMDF Power Framework (PoFx) Sample.

User-Mode Driver Framework

Run the sample

The computer where you install the driver is called the target computer or the test computer. Typically this is a separate computer from where you develop and build the driver package. The computer where you develop and build the driver is called the host computer.

The process of moving the driver package to the target computer and installing the driver is called deploying the driver. You can deploy a driver sample automatically or manually.

Automatic deployment (root enumerated)

Before you automatically deploy a driver, you must provision the target computer. For instructions, see Provision a computer for driver deployment and testing.

After you have provisioned the target computer, continue with these steps:

  1. On the host computer, in Visual Studio, in Solution Explorer, right click package (lower case), and choose Properties. Navigate to Configuration Properties > Driver Install > Deployment.

  2. Check Enable deployment, and check Remove previous driver versions before deployment. For Target Computer Name, select the name of a target computer that you provisioned previously. Select Hardware ID Driver Update, and enter root\SingleComponentSingleState for the hardware ID. Click OK.

  3. On the Build menu, choose Build Solution.

Manual deployment (root enumerated)

Before you manually deploy a driver, you must turn on test signing and install a certificate on the target computer. You also need to copy the DevCon tool to the target computer. For instructions, see Preparing a Computer for Manual Driver Deployment.

After you have prepared the target computer for manual deployment, continue with these steps:

  1. Copy all of the files in your driver package to a folder on the target computer (for example, c:\PoFx).

  2. On the target computer, open a Command Prompt window as Administrator. Navigate to your driver package folder, and enter the following command:

    devcon install SingleComponentSingleStateUm.inf root\\SingleComponentSingleState

View the root enumerated driver in Device Manager

On the target computer, in a Command Prompt window, enter devmgmt to open Device Manager. In Device Manager, on the View menu, choose Devices by type. In the device tree, locate UMDF 2.0 Single Component Single State Device (for example, this might be under the Sample Device node).

In Device Manager, on the View menu, choose Devices by connection. Locate UMDF 2.0 Single Component Single State Device as a child of the root node of the device tree.

Build the sample using MSBuild

As an alternative to building the driver sample in Visual Studio, you can build it in a Visual Studio Command Prompt window. In Visual Studio, on the Tools menu, choose Visual Studio Command Prompt. In the Visual Studio Command Prompt window, navigate to the folder that has the solution file, PoFx.sln. Use the MSBuild command to build the solution. Here is an example:

msbuild /p:configuration="Release" /p:platform="Win32" PoFx.sln

For more information about using MSBuild to build a driver package, see Building a Driver with Visual Studio and the WDK.