Using Evalcom2
Evalcom2.dll can be used to implement validation operations for installation packages and merge modules using Internal Consistency Evaluators - ICEs. The main object implements interfaces for C/C++ programs.
The main object also implements Evalcom2 interfaces for C/C++ programs. The CLSID required to obtain the interface from CoCreateInstance is {6E5E1910-8053-4660-B795-6B612E29BC58}. The REFIID is {E482E5C6-E31E-4143-A2E6-DBC3D8E4B8D3}.
You can use the following procedure to implement validation operations.
To implement validation operations
- Initialize COM on the calling thread using CoInitialize.
- Obtain the pointer to the IValidate interface using CoCreateInstance.
- Open the installation package or merge module using the OpenDatabase method.
- Open the evaluation file using the OpenCUB method.
- Set the display callback function using the SetDisplay method.
- Set the status callback function using the SetStatus method.
- Perform the validation using the Validate method.
- Close the .cub file using the CloseCUB method.
- Close the database using the CloseDatabase method.
- Release the IValidate interface.
- Uninitialize COM using CoUninitialize.