mrm.h header
This header is used by MRT Core.
mrm.h contains the following programming interfaces:
MrmAllocateBuffer Allocates a resource buffer. |
MrmCreateResourceContext Creates a new ResourceContext. |
MrmCreateResourceManager Creates a new ResourceManager. |
MrmDestroyResourceContext Destroys a ResourceContext created with MrmCreateResourceContext. |
MrmDestroyResourceManager Destroys a ResourceManager created with MrmCreateResourceManager. |
MrmFreeQualifierNamesOrValues Frees an array of qualifier names or values. |
MrmFreeResource Frees a buffer that was allocated with MrmAllocateBuffer. |
MrmGetAllQualifierNames Gets all qualifier names for certain context. |
MrmGetChildResourceMap Gets the child resource map. |
MrmGetFilePathFromName Gets the default path for a filename. |
MrmGetQualifier Gets a qualifier value. |
MrmGetResourceCount Gets the number of resources contained in a ResourceMap. |
MrmLoadEmbeddedResource Loads a resource of type MrmType_Embedded. |
MrmLoadEmbeddedResourceFromResourceUri Loads a resource of type MrmType_Embedded from the specified URI. |
MrmLoadStringOrEmbeddedFromResourceUri Loads a resource of any MrmType from the specified URI. |
MrmLoadStringOrEmbeddedResource Loads a resource of any MrmType. |
MrmLoadStringOrEmbeddedResourceByIndex Loads a resource of any MrmType by the specified index. |
MrmLoadStringOrEmbeddedResourceByIndexWithQualifierValues Loads a resource of any MrmType by the specified index, along with that resource's qualifier values. |
MrmLoadStringOrEmbeddedResourceWithQualifierValues Loads a resource of any MrmType, along with that resource's qualifier values. |
MrmLoadStringResource Load a resource of type MrmType_String or MrmType_Path. |
MrmLoadStringResourceFromResourceUri Loads a resource of type MrmType_String or MrmType_Path. |
MrmSetQualifier Sets a resource qualifier value. |
MrmResourceData Contains resource data for a resource of type MrmType_Embedded. |
MrmType Describes the type of resource data. |