New commerce daily rated usage v2 API (beta)

Applies to: Partner Center | Partner Center operated by 21Vianet | Partner Center for Microsoft Cloud for US Government

Use these APIs to get new commerce billed and unbilled daily rated usage data asynchronously.


This API will be deprecated soon. To ensure seamless operations, we recommend migrating to the GA version. Here are the details you need to plan ahead:

  • Goal: Retrieve billed daily rated usage line items for billing periods from September 2022 before January 21, 2025.

  • Action: Use this API but migrate to v2 GA as soon as possible.

  • Goal: Retrieve billed daily rated usage line items for billing periods from September 2022 from January 21, 2025.

  • Action: Use only API v2 GA.

  • Goal: Retrieve unbilled daily rated usage line items for the current and previous billing periods before January 21, 2025.

  • Action: Use this API but migrate to v2 GA as soon as possible.

  • Goal: Retrieve unbilled daily rated usage line items for the current and previous billing periods from January 21, 2025.

  • Action: Use only API v2 GA.

For a seamless transition to the new APIs, follow this link: Billed and unbilled daily rated usage reconciliation API v2 (GA).

Thank you for your attention, and we look forward to your continued success with our billing APIs.


You can access your unbilled daily rated usage line items through the API or Partner Center portal. To ensure accurate data, allow up to 24 hours for availability. Depending on your location and when the meters report the usage, there might be further delays.

We prioritize on time delivery of billed daily rated usage data first. Occasionally, you might not see the most recent unbilled daily rated usage data until the previous month's billed usage data is available. Once you receive the billed usage data, you can then retrieve all the updated unbilled usage data from the start of the month.

Your understanding and patience are appreciated as we strive to provide the most accurate and timely information possible.


The daily rated usage data doesn't include the charges for these products:

  • Azure reservation
  • Azure savings plan
  • Office
  • Dynamics
  • Microsoft Power Apps
  • Perpetual software
  • Software subscription
  • Non-Microsoft or marketplace SaaS product

API overview

The asynchronous API is a novel method for quickly accessing billing and reconciliation data in manageable chunks. It eliminates the need to maintain an open connection for hours and loop through millions of transactions iteratively.

We use valet key and asynchronous request-reply patterns to optimize our invoicing and reconciliation APIs to deliver the results asynchronously. API responses provide a token to access the reconciliation data with all the attributes or a subset.

You can download the usage data asynchronously using three new steps (API endpoints). To learn more, read following sections:

Usage line-item endpoint

Use this API to access billed or unbilled consumption line items. It returns a 202 HTTP status and a location header with the URL, which you must poll at regular intervals until you receive a success status with a manifest URL.

Operation status endpoint

Until you receive the success status, keep polling this API at a regular interval. If the requested data is unavailable, the API response includes a Retry-After header indicating how long you should wait before sending another request.

Manifest endpoint

This endpoint provides a storage folder from which actual billing data can be downloaded. The response splits or partitions the files to optimize throughput and I/O parallelism.

Sequence diagram

The diagram depicts the steps needed to download reconciliation data.

Diagram that shows the steps needed to download reconciliation data.

User action sequence

Follow these steps to retrieve reconciliation data.

Step 1: Submit request

Submit a POST request to the API endpoint.

Get unbilled usage line items

Get unbilled usage line items for the current or last calendar month.

API request


Request parameters

Name In Required Type Description
fragment Query False String Choose "full" for a complete response or "basic" for a subset of attributes. The default value is "full." See the list of attributes in this article.
period Query True String Use "current" or "last" to get usage for the current or last calendar month. The value "last" is the same as "previous" in existing V1 APIs.
currencyCode Query True String Partner billing currency code.

Deprecated request parameters

The newer API version doesn't require the following URI parameters:

Name Description
Provider N/A. (It returns all Azure plan usage and is equivalent to the "onetime" of existing V1 APIs.)
hasPartnerEarnedCredit N/A. (returns all data, regardless of PEC.)
Size N/A.
Offset N/A.
seekOperation N/A.

Request header

See the list of request headers for the API in this article.

Request body


API response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Operation-Location:

API returns HTTP status 202. Based on request, API can return other standard status.

Name Description
202 Accepted The request is accepted. Query the operation-location header URL for the request status.

Get billed usage line items

Get billed rated usage line items for the closed billing period.

API request


Request parameters

Name In Required Type Description
invoiceId Path True String The Partner Center invoice number.
Fragment Query False String Choose "full" for a complete response or "basic" for a subset of attributes. The default value is "full." See the list of attributes in this article.

Deprecated request parameters

The newer API version doesn't require the following URI parameters:

Name Description
Provider N/A. (It returns all Azure plan usage and is equivalent to the "onetime" of existing V1 APIs.)
hasPartnerEarnedCredit N/A. (returns all data, regardless of PEC.)
Size N/A.
Offset N/A.
seekOperation N/A.

Request header

See the list of request headers for the API in this article.

Request body


API response

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted Operation-Location:

API returns "HTTP 202 Accepted." Based on request API can return other standard status.

Name Description
202 Accepted The request is accepted. Check the request status by polling the operation-location header URL.

Step 2: Check request status

Wait for an HTTP 200 with a terminal status of succeeded or failed. The manifest URL is the "resourceLocation" in the success status.

Get operation status

Gets the status of a reconciliation data request.

API request


Request parameters

Name In Required Type Description
operationId Path True String The operation ID.

Request header

See the list of request headers for the API in this article.

Request body


Response status

In addition to the standard HTTP status in this article, the API can return this HTTP status:

Name Description
410 Gone Each operation link is active for a specified amount of server-controlled time. After the time elapsed, the client must submit a new request.

Response payload

The API response payload returns the following attributes:

Name Optional Description
createdDateTime false Request time.
lastActionDateTime false Status change time.
resourceLocation true The manifest payload URI.
status false Possible values and actions.
Value Client action
notstarted Make another call to check the status after waiting for the time specified in the "Retry-After" header.
running Make another call to check the status after waiting for the time specified in the "Retry-After" header.
succeeded The final state of operation, which indicates that data is ready. Retrieve the manifest payload using the URI specified in resourceLocation.
failed Terminal state, which indicates permanent failure. Restart the operation.

For error attribute:

Name Optional Description
error true Error details provided in json format if the status of operation is failed.
Name Optional Description
message false Describes the error in detail
code false Indicates the kind of error that occurred

API request


API response

The response suggests waiting 10 seconds before retrying when processing data.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Retry-After: 10  
"createdDateTime": "2022-06-1T10-01-03.4Z",  
"lastActionDateTime":" 2022-06-1T10-01-05Z",  
"status": "running"  

API request

(10 seconds after the earlier request)


API response

The API returns the "succeeded" status and the "resourceLocation" URI.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK  
Content-Type: application/json  
"createdDateTime": "2022-06-1T10-01-03.4Z",  
"lastActionDateTime": "2022-06-1T10-01-13Z",  
"status": "succeeded",  
"resourceLocation": ""  

Step 3: Get manifest payload

The caller makes a GET request to the manifest URL to learn more about where the reconciliation data is stored in Azure blobs.

Getting the manifest

Retrieves the manifest having information about the Azure storage location of the reconciliation data.

API request


Request parameters

Name In Required Type Description
manifestId Path True String The manifest ID.

Request header

See the [list of request headers for the API] in this article.

Request body


Response status

In addition to the standard HTTP status, the API can return this HTTP status:

Name Description
410 Gone Each manifest link is active for a specified amount of server-controlled time. After the time elapsed, the client must submit a new request.

Response payload

The API response returns the following attributes:

Name Description
Version The manifest schema version.
dataFormat The billing data file format. Possible values compressedJSONLines: each blob is a compressed file and data in the file is in JSON lines format. To access the data, decompress the file.
utcCreatedDateTime Manifest file creation time.
eTag Manifest data version. A change in billing information generates a new eTag value.
partnerTenantId Partner tenant ID.
rootFolder The file's root directory.
rootFolderSAS The SAS token for accessing the file.
partitionType This property divides the data. If a given partition has more than the supported number, the data is split into multiple files corresponding to the "partitionValue." By default, the system partitions data based on the number of line items in the file. Don't set a fixed number of line items or file size in your code because the partitioning principle might change.
blobCount Total file count for this partner tenant ID.
sizeInBytes Total bytes in all the files.
blobs A JSON array of "blob" objects having the details of all the files for the partner tenant ID.
Blob object
Name Blob's name.
sizeInBytes Blob size in bytes.
partitionValue The partition that contains the file. A large partition will be split into multiple files, each with the same "partitionValue."

Sample manifest payload

"version": "1",
"dataFormat": "compressedJSONLines",
"utcCretedDateTime": "2022-04-29T22:40:57.1853571Z",
"eTag": "0x5B168C7B6E589D2",
"partnerTenantId": "14f593ad-1edc-474d-aaa0-83abbf9638da",
"rootFolder": "https://{}/{folder_path}",
"rootFolderSAS": "\*\*\*",
"partitionType": "ItemCount",
"blobCount": 3,
"sizeInBytes": 2000,
"blobs": [
  "name": "{blobName1.json.gz}",
  "sizeinBytes": 500,
  "partitionValue": "1"
  "name": "{blobName2.json.gz}",
  "sizeinBytes": 1000,
  "partitionValue": "2"
  "name": "{blobName3.json.gz}",
  "sizeinBytes": 500,
  "partitionValue": "3"

Step 4: Download usage reconciliation data from storage location

Get the SAS token and the blob storage location from "rootFolderSAS" and "rootFolder" properties the manifest payload API response. Use the Azure Storage SDK/tool to download and unzip the blob file. It’s in JSON lines format.

Standard API request headers

All APIs accept the following headers:

Name Required Type Description
Authorization True String Authorization Bearer Token.
ms-correlationid False String An internal request tracker. Each request generates a new tracker (GUID).
ms-cv False String An internal request tracker.
ms-requestid False String The request idempotency ID.

Standard API response statuses

The following are the HTTP statuses from the API response:

Name Description
400 Bad Request There was missing or incorrect data. The error details are included in the response body.
401 Unauthorized The caller isn't authenticated and must authenticate with the partner API service before making the first call.
403 Forbidden The caller isn't authorized to make the request.
500 Internal Server Error The API or one of its dependencies is unable to fulfill the request. Try again later.
404 Not Found Resource not available with input parameters.
410 Gone The manifest link timed out or elapsed. Submit a new request.

Usage data attributes

The billed or unbilled usage API response with the "full" or "basic" request parameter returns the following attributes:

Attribute "full" "basic"
PartnerId yes yes
PartnerName yes yes
CustomerId yes yes
CustomerName yes Yes
CustomerDomainName yes no
CustomerCountry yes no
MpnId yes no
Tier2MpnId yes no
InvoiceNumber yes yes
ProductId yes yes
SkuId yes yes
AvailabilityId yes no
SkuName yes yes
ProductName yes no
PublisherName yes yes
PublisherId yes no
SubscriptionDescription yes no
SubscriptionId yes yes
ChargeStartDate yes yes
ChargeEndDate yes yes
UsageDate yes yes
MeterType yes no
MeterCategory yes no
MeterId yes no
MeterSubCategory yes no
MeterName yes no
MeterRegion yes no
Unit yes yes
ResourceLocation yes no
ConsumedService yes no
ResourceGroup yes no
ResourceURI yes yes
ChargeType yes yes
UnitPrice yes yes
Quantity yes yes
UnitType yes no
BillingPreTaxTotal yes yes
BillingCurrency yes yes
PricingPreTaxTotal yes yes
PricingCurrency yes yes
ServiceInfo1 yes no
ServiceInfo2 yes no
Tags yes no
AdditionalInfo yes no
EffectiveUnitPrice yes yes
PCToBCExchangeRate yes yes
EntitlementId yes yes
EntitlementDescription yes no
PartnerEarnedCreditPercentage yes no
CreditPercentage yes yes
CreditType yes yes
BenefitOrderID yes yes
BenefitID yes no
BenefitType yes yes