Stop-StorageJob : Not Supported error while trying to stop long running Repair-VirtualDisk job
I have run Repair-VirtualDisk command for a virtualdisk which takes a very long time. So wanted to stop that job.
So, Tried "Get-StorageJob" and "Stop-StorageJob" to list out all running storage jobs and selectively stop the storage job.
"Get-StorageJob" gave the output as below
Name IsBackgroundTask ElapsedTime JobState PercentComplete BytesProcessed BytesTotal
---- ---------------- ----------- -------- --------------- -------------- ----------
LucidityVD1-Repair False 5040.15:43:00 Running 40 53.71 GB 134 GB
LucidityVD1-Regeneration True 00:13:18 Running 40 53.71 GB 134 GB
So, I tried to stop the running job using below command,
Stop-StorageJob -Name "LucidityVD1-Repair"
Stop-StorageJob : Not Supported
Activity ID: {74fb443a-72b3-4ed3-8464-a3d243c739c4}
At line:1 char:1
+ Stop-StorageJob -Name "LucidityVD1-Repair"
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (StorageWMI:ROOT/Microsoft/...MSFT_StorageJob) [Stop-StorageJob], CimE
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : StorageWMI 1,Stop-StorageJob
The same error is seen when I try the command - Stop-StorageJob -Name "LucidityVD1-Regeneration"
Please let me know If I am doing something wrong or if there is another way to stop the on-going "Repair-VirtualDisk" job.