Hi @Debbie Edwards ,
Thanks for posting this question in Microsoft Q&A forum.
As I understand from the question, you want to add tags to Azure SQL Database using Powershell commands.
is used to apply tag(other properties) at Resource Group level.
If you have an existing Database, and want to add tags to it, please use below syntax:
[-DatabaseName] <String>
[-MaxSizeBytes <Int64>]
[-Edition <String>]
[-RequestedServiceObjectiveName <String>]
[-ElasticPoolName <String>]
[-ReadScale <DatabaseReadScale>]
[-Tags <Hashtable>]
[-LicenseType <String>]
[-ComputeModel <String>]
[-AutoPauseDelayInMinutes <Int32>]
[-MinimumCapacity <Double>]
[-HighAvailabilityReplicaCount <Int32>]
[-BackupStorageRedundancy <String>]
[-SecondaryType <String>]
[-MaintenanceConfigurationId <String>]
[-PreferredEnclaveType <String>]
[-ServerName] <String>
[-ResourceGroupName] <String>
[-DefaultProfile <IAzureContextContainer>]
Here, Tags could be used to add tags in the existing Azure SQL Database.
Reference Link: Set-AzSqlDatabase
Hope this helps. Please let us know if I have answered correctly to the ask as per my understanding or you have a different question which needs to be addressed.
Let us know if you face any issue in command execution.
Thank you.