How to transpose the data

sujith kumar matharasi 351 Reputation points

Hi All,

Can someone please help me on how to transpose the data, below is my DDL and attached are the input and output :

Create Table #Temp
ID Int,
A_10 Int,
A_11 Int,
A_12 Int,
B_10 Int,
B_11 Int,
B_12 Int

Insert Into #Temp Values ( 1234,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)
Insert Into #Temp Values ( 5678,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1,1)
Insert Into #Temp Values ( 9012,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0)
Insert Into #Temp Values ( 8956,NULL,1,NULL,1,0,1)

Select * From #Temp

Drop Table #Temp


Basically what i am trying to achieve is any ID where one of the columns has a value of 1 i need that column name if there are multiple i need them all in 1 row.


A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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  1. Yitzhak Khabinsky 26,461 Reputation points

    Please try the following solution.
    It shows power of XQuery and FLWOR expression.
    Number of columns could be flexible, i.e. anything but column ID.


    -- DDL and sample data population, start
    DECLARE @tbl TABLE (ID Int, A_10 INT, A_11 INT, A_12 INT, B_10 INT, B_11 INT, B_12 INT);
    ( 5678,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,1,1),
    ( 9012,NULL,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0),
    ( 8956,NULL,1,NULL,1,0,1);
    -- DDL and sample data population, end
     SELECT *
     FROM @tbl AS c
     WHERE c.ID =
     FOR XML PATH('r'), TYPE, ROOT('root')).query('
     for $x in /root/r/*[local-name(.)!="ID" and ./text() = "1"]
     return local-name($x)
     ').value('.','VARCHAR(MAX)')),SPACE(1),',') AS column_list
    FROM @tbl AS p;


    |  ID  |  column_list   |
    | 1234 |                |
    | 5678 | B_11,B_12      |
    | 9012 |                |
    | 8956 | A_11,B_10,B_12 |

2 additional answers

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  1. Viorel 120.4K Reputation points

    Check this method too:

    select ID, concat_ws( ', ', 
        nullif( replicate( 'A_10', A_10), ''),
        nullif( replicate( 'A_11', A_11), ''), 
        nullif( replicate( 'A_12', A_12), ''), 
        nullif( replicate( 'B_10', B_10), ''), 
        nullif( replicate( 'B_11', B_11), ''), 
        nullif( replicate( 'B_12', B_12), '') 
        ) as columnswith1
    from #Temp

    If it does not work, then show the version of your SQL Server.

  2. Erland Sommarskog 118.9K Reputation points MVP

    Llike Viorel, I wrote a solution based on concat_ws, but then I saw that Sujith is on SQL 2016. There is a solution that works on that version:

    ; WITH CTE AS (
       SELECT ID, concat(CASE A_10 WHEN 1 THEN '[A_10],' END,
                         CASE A_11 WHEN 1 THEN '[A_11],' END,
                         CASE A_12 WHEN 1 THEN '[A_12],' END,
                         CASE B_10 WHEN 1 THEN '[B_10],' END,
                         CASE B_11 WHEN 1 THEN '[B_11],' END,
                         CASE B_12 WHEN 1 THEN '[B_12],' END) AS str
       FROM   #Temp
    SELECT ID, iif(len(str) > 0, substring(str, 1, len(str) - 1), '')

    By the way, you are on an old build of SQL 2016. You should apply SP2 and the latest Cumulative Update.

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