Using C++/WinRT without MSIX packaging
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- Visual Studio 2022 Version 17.6.4
- Windows SDK Version: 10.0.22621.0
- C++ Language Standard: ISO C++20 Standard (/std:c++20)
Hello! I'm trying to use Windows Hello API by C++/WinRT without MSIX packaging.
I have two question about this.
First question is package identity.
- According to "APIs that require package identity", "Windows.Storage.Streams.DataWriter" and "Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader" WinRT classes require package identity.
- According to stackoverflow, without package identity "HRESULT 0x80073D54 : The process has no package identity exception" is thrown.
- But, I can use "Windows.Storage.Streams.DataWriter", "Windows.Storage.Streams.DataReader" WinRT classes without exception in without MSIX packaging environment and working as intended.
- if exception isn't thrown, is it okay to use WinRT classes without MSIX packaging?
Second question is "Methods that use the Request naming pattern".
- According to "Methods that use the Request naming pattern", Methods that follow the Request naming pattern aren't supported in desktop apps.
- What does "desktop apps" mean?
- I can call "KeyCredentialManager.RequestCreateAsync Method" without exception in Windows Console Application and working as intended.
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