I'm currently building a website using AD B2C.
It is a React website that is using @azure/msal-browser, @azure/msal-common and @azure/msal-react
The "Access & ID token lifetime" of the User Flow is 60 minutes and "Refresh token lifetime (days)" is 14 days. Refresh token sliding window lifetime is "No expiry".
If I understand correctly, the website should not ask me to login again as long as I'm accessing the website within 14 days (the refresh token lifetime), since the website is calling "acquireTokenSilent" every time any page is loaded.
However the acquireTokenSilent is failing too often (it works ok if i reload the page in 30 minutes or so, but failing if i didn't reload in few hours) and require me to signin again.
Could you tell me which part potentially that I'm doing wrong?
Additional information (in case):
- It is localhost environment that I'm testing the website (ex: localhost:3000)
- I'm using Chrome browser for testing