SharePoint 2016 on prem. I defined the template by creating a new search display template. Then added my custom property in the managedpropertymaping section.
Then in the body div I added the call to pull my custom properties:
<div id="Pagetitle"><a href="#= ctx.CurrentItem.Path =# ">#= ctx.CurrentItem.Title =#</a></div><div id="PageDescrip">
<br />Page Summary: #= ctx.CurrentItem.PageDescriptionOWSMTXT =#</div>
After removing #=ctx.RenderBody(ctx)=# and clearing my browser cache i am no longer seeing that top hit highlighted text. however, based on the search results I can confirm the data that was returned in that hit highlighted text area is still being included in the search results, even though that column is excluded from searchable columns.
The other part I can't figure out is why does text from the top navigation in the masterpage show in the hit highlighted summary at all? that text is not part of any field on pages in the site. It is only in the mastepage.