CASE WHEN r.[Other1] IS NULL THEN NULL ELSE r.OtherCapabilityDesc END AS [Other1 - Name],
fr.Other1 AS [Other1 - Future]
FROM [vwCapability With RAG] AS r
INNER JOIN [vwCapability Now with RAG_Crosstab] AS nr
ON r.QTRID = nr.QTRID AND r.ProjReturnID = nr.ProjReturnID
INNER JOIN [vwCapability Future with RAG_Crosstab] AS fr
ON r.QTRID = fr.QTRID AND r.ProjReturnID = fr.ProjReturnID
WHERE r.Capability = 'Other1';
how to convert access IIF and Dlookup function to SQL Server
Ive recently migrated an access database to SQL Server. However I also have to convert all access queries to SQL Server and come across some queries with IIF and Dlookup functions .and cant get this working in SQL . Code is here and this is the CASE statement being used and a join for the lookup . can someone please help to get the CASE statement working or any other solution that might work
Thank you
--IIf([Capability Now with RAG_Crosstab].[Other2] Is Null,Null,DLookUp("OtherCapabilityDesc","Capability With RAG","QTRID =
--" & [Capability Now with RAG_Crosstab].[QTRID] & "AND ProjReturnID
--= " & [Capability Now with RAG_Crosstab].[ProjReturnID] & "And Capability = 'Other2'")) AS [Other2 - Name],
----[Capability Now with RAG_Crosstab].Other2, [Capability Future with RAG_Crosstab].Other2 AS [Other2 - Future],
WHEN [vwCapability Now with RAG_Crosstab].[Other1] Is Null THEN NULL ELSE
[vwCapability With RAG] as r
r.QTRID = [vwCapability Now with RAG_Crosstab].QTRID
r.ProjReturnID = [vwCapability Now with RAG_Crosstab].ProjReturnID
r.Capability = 'Other1'
AS [Other1 - Name],
[vwCapability Now with RAG_Crosstab].Other1,
[vwCapability Future with RAG_Crosstab].Other1 AS [Other1 - Future
3 answers
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Guoxiong 8,206 Reputation points
Nov 30, 2020, 10:48 PM -
Joyzhao-MSFT 15,606 Reputation points
Nov 30, 2020, 7:55 AM Hi,
Note that CASE is an expression, not a statement. Therefore, it does not support you to control the flow of activities or do some damage based on conditional logic. It can be used in certain situations: SELECT, where, like and order in BY clauses and in CHECK.Select [Other1 - Name],[Other1 -Now], [Other1 - Future] Case When N.[Other1] is Null Then Null else (SELECT r.OtherCapabilityDesc FROM r WHERE r.QTRID =N.QTRID AND r.ProjReturnID = N.ProjReturnID AND r.Capability = 'Other1' ) END as [Other1 - Name], N.Other as [Other1 -Now], F.Other1 AS [Other1 - Future] From [vwCapability With RAG] as r,[vwCapability Now with RAG_Crosstab] as N,[vwCapability Future with RAG_Crosstab] as F;
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Guoxiong 8,206 Reputation points
Nov 28, 2020, 4:54 AM SQL Server (starting with 2012) also has the IIF() function. The syntax is
IIF(condition, value_if_true, value_if_false)I think the DLookup Function in Access is equivalent to the SELECT statement in SQL Server.
DLookUp("OtherCapabilityDesc","Capability With RAG","QTRID = '')SELECT OtherCapabilityDesc FROM [Capability With RAG] WHERE QTRID = '';
SELECT IIF (r.[Other1] IS NULL, NULL, r.OtherCapabilityDesc) AS [Other1 - Name], nr.[Other1], fr.Other1 AS [Other1 - Future] FROM [vwCapability With RAG] AS r INNER JOIN [vwCapability Now with RAG_Crosstab] AS nr ON r.QTRID = nr.QTRID AND r.ProjReturnID = nr.ProjReturnID INNER JOIN [vwCapability Future with RAG_Crosstab] AS fr ON r.QTRID = fr.QTRID AND r.ProjReturnID = fr.ProjReturnID WHERE r.Capability = 'Other1';