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Tracing a sharepoint file based on the shared URL
I'm trying to see if I can back trace a sharepoint file, based off of the URL shared to me via email.
Example URL: https://*******
I have no other information about the item other than the above URL. Now, I want to findout if there is any way I can track which file it is on SharePoint.
3 answers
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Dec 3, 2019, 10:13 PM -
Vish Pothaganti 41 Reputation points
Dec 4, 2019, 1:40 PM Ok thank you. I will post the question there
Jason Warren 116 Reputation points
Dec 6, 2019, 12:35 AM The link generated when sharing content from SharePoint Online/One Drive will tell you the tenant site collection URL, and type of item being shared, but by design it won't detail what is being shared. The string of characters at the end of the URL (in your example: EQG-RRAvfO1DidNPDzhIPREB3zcTXkrjQDRFxNVRhxnf6Q) is designed to uniquely reference the content that was shared, but masks what it was that was shared.
Primarily I believe this is to ensure the length of the URL doesn't get too long, but also it serves to aid in keeping what has been shared private. You can tell that this is a Word Document because the URL contains
.The only way to determine what was shared is to follow the link, though it may no longer work if the item has been removed, permissions changed, or the link has expired.
For more information, see Shorter share link format in OneDrive and SharePoint, and The Anatomy of a SharePoint URL.