I tried few options but nothing seems to work. One other approach is convert this XML to JSON and then use liquid map
How to fetch xml attribute value in liquid template - XML to JSON Liquid
Suraj Revankar
Reputation points
I am trying to fetch the xml attribute value using liquid template. Examples are as below.
XML example:
<ns0:root xmlns:ns0="http://customnamespace.com" xmlns:ns1="http://customnamespace2.com">
<ns1:name QualifierID="std.lang.all" >TV</ns1:name>
Liquid Template used:
"name": "{{content.product.name['QualifierID']}}",
"price": "{{content.product.price}}",
Output expecting :
"name": "std.lang.all",
"price": "499.9"
I tried couple of ways but not able to fetch the xml attribute value. it gives me empty value for name.
Best regards,