Publishing Office Add-In
I have seen there are really three options for publishing an Office Add-In:
- Sharepoint App Catalog
- Office 365 Centralized Deployment
- Publish to App Source
I'm attempting to develop an Add-In for Word that is for employees of my company only. Additionally, I would like to support MacOS and Windows clients. Our company doesn't use Office 365 and unfortunately is not able to due to security policies. As the add-in is for employees of the company, publishing to App Source likely would not be approved by Microsoft, although if it were I would not be opposed. Our company does have sharepoint sites (on premise), but this leaves out MacOS users and doesn't allow for Commands.
A few questions:
Is there precedent for the Add-In to be added to App Source even though it would offer no functionality to anyone outside of my company?
Is it possible to distribute the manifest.xml via an installer? It seems to me that simply having the manifest file is not sufficient.