Hello anonymous user,
Thank you for posting here.
Based on the description, you have two-tier CA with Root CA and Sub-ordinate CA.
Is your two-tier PKI with offline Standalone root CA and online Enterprise issuing CA or online Enterprise root CA and online Enterprise issuing CA?
Offline Standalone root CA server is not in the domain.
Online Enterprise issuing CA server is in the domain.
If your root CA is Offline Standalone root CA, you should run the command below on one DC to publish
root CA cert to the domain. Then it will dispatch this root cert to all domain joined clients root store.
certutil -f -dspublish <the full path of CA certificate> RootCA
For more information, please refer to link below.
AD CS Step by Step Guide: Two Tier PKI Hierarchy Deployment
Q: Which is not the case right now, can anyone help on this?
Do you mean there is no root CA cert in the trust root certificate authority and there is no sub CA cert in the intermediate certificate authority local stores on all domain-joined machines?
Hope the information above is helpful to you.
Should you have any question or concern, please feel free to let us know.
Best Regards,
Daisy Zhou
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