Hi @Audi86 ,
To do this, I would try to filter out all the Pages containing "News" in the Title. (Method 1)
Warning: this will also filter out all the colums named "XXX-news-XXX"
I'll propose an alternative method if that is a problem. (Method 2)
Here are the steps for Method 1:
Create a calculated column "is_News" which value is "Yes" if the column "Name" contains "News" using the following formula: =ISNUMBER(FIND("News",[Title]))
Then filter out all the pages where the value of column " is_New" equals "Yes" ("Is not equal to" is a native filter.
Method 2
With this method you only filter out pages which Title starts with "News"
Create a calculated column that returns the first 4 characters of the value of the column Title using: =LEFT([Title],LEN([Title])-4)
Then again you can filter out the Pages where the the value of the calculated column equals "News"
Please let me know if that's not helping.
Best regards,