Ctrl-C doesn't work in RUNAS or MakeMeAdmin command shells
· Use RunAs or MakeMeAdmin to get a CMD shell running in a different security context.
· Run “DIR /A /S C:\” to list every file and folder on the C: drive.
· Try to stop the output with Ctrl-C.
Nothing happens. “DIR” continues to execute.
Use Ctrl-Break instead.
[Added, March 9, 2005:
While this problem occurs on Windows XP, it does not occur on Server 2003 RTM!
February 09, 2005
Oh yes… Stepped on that. Most annoying when a program such as ping or wget has alternate semantics on Ctrl+Break.Anonymous
February 09, 2005
I recently discovered this also whilst doing a ping -t. The problem there is CTRL-BREAK doesn't break out of the ping but just shows the ping stats. Haven't worked out how to sort that one yet.Anonymous
February 14, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
February 16, 2005
This was something I bugged with Microsoft a long time ago. Nice that it is still around.Anonymous
March 02, 2005
reboot as 14997987. enter in to runasAnonymous
March 03, 2005
"call doctor", what does your comment mean?Anonymous
March 07, 2005
If anyone happens to discover the cure for CTRL-C or CTRL-BREAK when doing a ping -t that would be great. Obviously closing the window is an option but for some of us "effcient" folk it would be nice to keep that window.Anonymous
March 07, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 07, 2005
Hah, nice one. That makes way too much sense.Anonymous
March 07, 2005
Found the reason for Ctrl-Break doing what it does - it is by design. See KB article 325487 ("How to troubleshoot network connectivity problems"), http://support.microsoft.com/?id=325487 quoted here:
"To watch Ping statistics, use the ping -t command. To see statistics and continue, press CTRL+BREAK. To stop, press CTRL+C."Anonymous
March 08, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
March 09, 2005
Couple of quick comments:
1. I just added a note that this is not a problem in Server, only in XP.
2. Another workaround for the "ping -t" problem is that you don't need runas to run "ping -t" -- you can run it as the originally logged-on-user. Normal users can send ICMP packets just like admins!
March 10, 2005
Good confirmation re: XP
That's a valid point re: non-admin ping. I'll just have to start a little shock treatment to alter my behavior. ;)
Thanks for the follow up!Anonymous
April 10, 2005
If you have not read Jen's article on LUA, you should be asking yourself why not?
This article...Anonymous
April 18, 2005
Complete list of Aaron Margosis' non-admin / least privilege posts, for easy lookup.Anonymous
June 10, 2005
Get your friends and family, all those folks that come to you for computer help once their machines have...Anonymous
June 28, 2005
Find a solution...
Just Press CTRL+Shift+C for having a C instead of a c
CTRL+c --> don't work if capslock not engage
CTRL+C --> workAnonymous
June 28, 2005
Leviathan, did you actually try that "solution" before you posted it? It doesn't work.Anonymous
June 30, 2005
Another choice is to run a different ping utility, like the one from <a href="http://www.cygwin.com">Cygwin</a>, or the excellent <a href="http://www.d3tr.de/">3d Traceroute</a>. I suppose I should wash my mouth out with soap now though, for suggesting a non-Microsoft, non-MSI, non-digitally-signed bit of software? grinAnonymous
June 30, 2005
Sigh .. didn't realize HTML was verboten.
Cygwin: http://www.cygwin.com
3d Traceroute: http://www.d3tr.de/Anonymous
November 25, 2005
The comment has been removedAnonymous
December 04, 2008
Now I hit an entirely different issue: my Dell laptop has NO Pause/Attn key, so I can't break scripts running in a RUNAS'ed shell AT ALL... Any idea?Anonymous
December 11, 2009
SOLUTION Type "Command" before the "pint -t" SOLUTION This opens the older shell that in not affected by the bug. [Aaron Margosis] Joeviocoe, did you actually try that? It doesn't work on an XP system I tried it on.