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ACM Committee on Women in Computing Newsletter


ACM-W, the ACM Committee on Women in Computing, has just published the first edition of their newsletter. The newsletter is called "ACM-W CIS newsletter: Celebrate, Inform, Support" and the first issue is pretty interesting. The ACM-W main web page (here) has a lot of good information on Women in CS. The direct link to the first issue (PDF) is here. The announcement I received said in part:

Each issue of the ACM-W CIS newsletter will highlight opportunities for women in computing of all ages and career stages, and will include pieces on topics such as news about exciting projects, interviews with women leaders, reports from student chapters and stories from around the world.

I expect that many people will want to hand off copies of the newsletter to young women to show them that there are interesting women doing interesting, and sometimes world changing, things in computer science. Of course when you think of it that is a lesson some young men could benefit from as well.