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SharePoint SDKs (and Other Documentation Resources) Now Updated for SP1

(Cross-posted from the SharePoint Developer Documentation Team Blog.)

By now you’ve no doubt heard that SP1 for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, Office SharePoint Server 2007, and Office SharePoint Designer are now available. (And if you haven’t heard, go here to get all the important details before you download and install the Service Packs.)

For a complete listing of the documentation available for SharePoint SP1, check out the What’s New in SharePoint Server 2007 Service Pack 1 page on MSDN, which includes information resources for both WSS and MOSS SP1.

I’m happy to announce that as part of the SP1 push, we’ve again updated the WSS and MOSS SDKs on MSDN:

· Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SDK (December 2007 Refresh)

· Office SharePoint Server 2007 SDK (December 2007 Refresh)

Here’s a quick run-down of additions and updates we’ve made to the WSS SDK:

New and Updated Material in the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP1 SDK

New conceptual sections and topics that detail new features in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP1 include:

· ASP.NET AJAX in Windows SharePoint Services

This section provides overview information, installation instructions, and programming examples that introduce you to how Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX interacts with Web Parts. Topics include:

· Overview: ASP.NET AJAX and Web Parts in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0

· Installing ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0 in Windows SharePoint Services Version 3.0

· Walkthrough: Creating a Basic ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web Part

Other new conceptual sections and topics include:

· Workflow Actions Schema Overview

The section discusses how to use the Workflow Actions schema to create and deploy custom workflow actions. The section includes reference topics for each of the 14 elements in the schema, as well as an example .ACTIONS file:

· .ACTIONS File Example (WorkflowActions)

· Alerts in Windows SharePoint Services

This section provides 8 new topics of overview information and programming tasks to help you work with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Alerts.

Significantly revised sections and topics include:

· Custom Field Types

This section has been expanded with nine new topics, including the following new walkthrough:

· Walkthrough: Creating a Custom Field Type

In addition, reference material for all base field-rendering control types, and most derived types, in Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls has been expanded.

· Mobile Development

This section has been expanded with 6 new conceptual topics, including the following new procedural and walkthrough topics:

· How to: Customize Mobile Home Pages

· How to: Customize Mobile List View and Form Pages

· How to: Customize Field Rendering on Mobile Pages

· Walkthrough: Customizing Item Titles on a Mobile Display Form

· Walkthrough: Creating a Custom Field Rendering Control for Mobile Pages

In addition, reference material for all types in the Microsoft.SharePoint.MobileControls namespace has been added or expanded. The types in this namespace are now fully documented.

· Working with Site Templates and Definitions

Several topics have been expanded.

· All types in the Microsoft.SharePoint namespace that connected to auditing are now fully documented.

· More than 80 code samples rewritten to adhere to the best coding practices as described in the following articles:

· Best Practices: Common Coding Issues When Using the SharePoint Object Model

· Best Practices: Using Disposable Windows SharePoint Services Objects

· Greatly expanded reference material for 39 types in the Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities namespace.

This update also includes numerous other updates and revisions to existing SDK content.

And as for the SharePoint Server 2007 SDK, we’ve added and revised quite a bit of material there as well:

New and Updated Material in the SharePoint Server 2007 SP1 SDK

New and Improved Features in Office SharePoint Server 2007 SP1

· Support for Custom HTTP and SOAP Headers

New Conceptual Topics and How Tos

· SharePoint Products and Technologies Customization Best Practices

· Modeling Web Service Systems

· Modeling Database Systems

· Document Converter Framework Sample

· Working with Menus and Navigation Objects

· Modifying Navigation Settings Through the UI

· Customizing Navigation Controls and Providers

New Web Services and Class Library Reference Topics

· Microsoft.SharePoint.UserProfiles (56 classes)

· User Profile Web Service (14 classes)

· User Profile Change Web Service (2 classes)

· Exception classes (multiple classes in various namespaces)

· Internal only classes (multiple classes in various namespaces)

New Tools/Samples

· WCM Document Converters Code sample

· Workflow Collect Feedback ASPX sample

Check it out, and as always, let us know what you think—either through rating our content, entering a comment on the topic online, or pinging us with an email through our blog.