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New Knowledge Base articles for 10-12 through 10-18

See, I told you we had some new KBs in the pipe.  We had three new Knowledge Base articles for the week and the titles and links are below:


SoftGrid for Windows Desktop
958920 - Error message when you try to save changes to a template on the Q: drive in PowerPoint 2007: "The file cannot be saved right now because the file is loaded by another user at the moment"
Published - New

Desktop Optimization Pack SA EN
958985 - App-V: When a sequenced Microsoft Expression Web is launched the published application tries to self-heal on every launch.
Published - New

Desktop Optimization Pack SA EN
958986 - App-V: Cannot Independently stream from file (SMB) on Chinese when the codebase path contains Chinese characters.
Published - New



J.C. Hornbeck | Manageability Knowledge Engineer
