BizSpark Featured Startups
WNM Live (you can find the Windows 8 app in the store) was founded by Brian Hamachek and Robert...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 04/30/2013
We'd like to introduce you to Mark Bower, CEO of HonestyBoxx, The app, in Bower's words: Allows...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 04/25/2013
Has the video game genre finally been recognized as a medium for education, without the content...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 04/24/2013
This has been the decade of financial hassles. It's become harder for vast swathes of consumers to...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 04/18/2013
This has probably happened to you before. Someone starts up a presentation with Power Point. Five...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 04/11/2013
Shopping should not have that far to go to be the leading area of innovation on the internet. Yet,...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 04/09/2013
Hold on, this next featured startup is going to make you think about how you use social, mobile and...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 04/02/2013
Our interview with Craftbox, makers of an app that launched in the Windows Store on October 16,...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 03/28/2013
The web is a pretty cluttered and vicious space. It's an architecture where a researcher can create...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 03/19/2013
This is an interview with the Founder of our Startup of the Day, Mark Burch, about his upcoming...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 03/11/2013
Imagine being able to whip out your phone anywhere on the planet and with the help of an app...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 02/27/2013
When I sat down with the founder of MetricsHub, Charles Lamanna, he drew a graph on the white board...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 02/14/2013
Gaming has taken more than a few turns and evolutions since the days of Atari and Intellivision, to...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 02/11/2013
The Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure powered by TechStars ended its inaugural class last week...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 02/05/2013
The social web is a great forum for finding information instantly. It's funny how so many businesses...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 02/01/2013
This startup is graduating from the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure, powered by TechStars...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/31/2013
Twitter came out with an app this weekend that sends six seconds of video to communicate what's...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/29/2013
BizSpark: Tell us who you are and your role in the company: Mike Gardiner: I’m the Founder of...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/17/2013
BizSpark: Tell us who you are and your role in the company: Sergiy Korzh : CEO and Founder Sergiy...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/10/2013
BizSpark: Tell us who you are and your role in the company: Amine Chouaieb: CEO and founder, Amine...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/03/2013
Company, Founder & App Information BizSpark: Tell us who you are and your role in the company:...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 01/03/2013
It's a good thing we have a company like Distil on the web. The web is so open, and so free, that...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/13/2012
Here's the best thing about our interview with Alexey Petrov, co-founder and CTO of penxy -- he told...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/11/2012
Part of the first graduating class of the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure, MediSafe Project...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 12/04/2012
When my sister got married, she and her husband had pictures taken of themselves dressed up to the...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/28/2012
Perhaps the biggest question for any company -- from small startup to big corporate brand -- is how...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 11/14/2012
Imagine if you could pare your odds down in playing the stock market to just a few other people, and...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 09/03/2012
Meet SubtleData, a company helping app developers to easily connect their mobile applications with...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 08/30/2012
Timely is a cloud-based appointment management system for any SME requiring scheduling of their...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 08/23/2012 is an easy and fun way for people to recommend and rate each other. It’s great for...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 08/07/2012
It turns out that if you track a person's reading speed, and then match that speed with a song...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 08/02/2012
Skillendar is a neighborhood network and skills & services marketplace, built on ASP .Net and...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 07/17/2012
The BizSpark startup of the day is Careerify. Below you will find an interview with Harpaul Sambhi,...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 06/22/2012
How cool would it be if you could push one button and find yourself online, wherever you are written...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 06/20/2012
Interview with Phillip Reitz Hofmeyr, Founder of hidden little gems. Web site:...
Author: BizSpark Online Date: 06/07/2012