VB Coding Code Guildlines
Some recently pointed out to me Cory Smith's Coding Guildlines for VB.NET and wondered why they weren't on the VB DevCenter.
Let me give you the easy answer. Right now I am in the middle of this fun process called moving a wife, 3 kids (ages 5, 4, and 1), 2 dogs, and 3 cats from New Jersey to Washington. As you can image fun tasks like having my septic tank pumped or dragging boxes of accumulated stuff that I can't figure out why I saved to the dumpster in front of the house have consumed large amounts of my free time. So as a cheap cop out I haven't read up on the blogging world much in the past 24 hours.
Time pressures aside let me explain my deeper reasons. While I agree with and practice about 90% or more of these guildlines, and would highly suggestion that you follow them if you are not, it is always a tough spot for a platform vendor. At what point do we overstep our requirement to provide guidance on the platform and tools and become the code police? At what point do people stop asking for more and start complaining we went to far?
Intelligent people have vastly different views the farther out you go from the core guildlines, look no farther then the comment's on Brad Abram's similar C# Guidelines. At the end of the day does it matter if you use 2, 3, or 4 spaces in your indent? Most likely not. IMHO some choices are best left up to the developer and the team, they know there needs the best.
While I congratulate Cory for an excellent job and I strongly encourage people to read and adapts these guidelines at the end of the day do what is right for environment and your team for readability and maintenance not because Microsoft or someone else told you to.
- Anonymous
March 20, 2005
hello - Anonymous
March 20, 2005
The comment has been removed - Anonymous
March 21, 2005
I do think you are right!! - Anonymous
March 21, 2005
i want more codes about visual basic 6.0 - Anonymous
March 21, 2005
uses of % and & sign - Anonymous
March 23, 2005
I agree with you. We can all learn from looking at the code layout of others but in the end we must adopt what works for us and our team members. MS best Practices is about all the constraints we need. - Anonymous
March 24, 2005
I learning VB - Anonymous
March 27, 2005
How can i use Data Environment or can make data report of MySql data base in Visual Basic 6 without using ODBC. - Anonymous
March 28, 2005
how to create a simple games such as hang man by using vb.net language? - Anonymous
March 28, 2005
hello,i want to work with com port(9pin).
i need to code of vbasic 6.0 to programing this port - Anonymous
March 30, 2005
i want more codes about visual basic 6.0 - Anonymous
March 30, 2005
i want database connectivity detials with oracle 8 - Anonymous
March 31, 2005
submit form on press enter key - Anonymous
April 16, 2005
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