New MSN Search Toolbar allows Tabbed Browsing

Several months ago, I saw an article about the FireFox browser, and how it could do “Tabbed browsing”. One of the main things I disliked about Internet Explorer was that in order to see multiple web pages, you have to have multiple windows. Alt-Tab to switch between windows was cumbersome. I tried FireFox and really liked the tabbed browsing. In fact, I installed it on several of my machines. Firefox had several security flaws and updates (as well as IE). After a few weeks, I found that it lacked in other areas, so I gradually stopped using it. I read somewhere that MSN Search was coming out with a new toolbar that would allow Tabbed Browsing, and I saw that it was available here. I installed it and I really like the IE Tabbed browsing feature. I just turned off the Google toolbar, which used Alt-G to get to the search textbox, and now I use Alt-M to get to the MSN search textbox.

Just a few years ago, if you opened multiple Word or Excel documents, or even Outlook email messages, they would all show up as a single “Word” icon in the taskbar and the Alt-Tab dialog I liked this “Multiple Document Interface” . With Word 2003, the default behavior shows each window as a separate item in the Alt-Tab display. You can choose Tools->View and uncheck the “Windows in Taskbar” option to change this behavior. Word documents will then show in one Alt-Tab icon, and the Word Window menu (or Ctrl-F6) allows you to navigate between the open items, including any Outlook email messages currently being composed. (I like to use Word as my Outlook email editor, as well as my blog composition editor)

