Student Game Camps in Rochester and NYC
Microsoft’s two-day Game Camps, coming to Rochester, NY and NYC, offer students a chance to learn while designing and developing games for the Imagine Cup competition’s game design category.
While this weekend’s event in NYC (2/4-2/6) is full/waitlisted, the Rochester event still has room. If you’re a student (anywhere, not just RIT) and can make it to RIT for the weekend of February 11th – 13th, then register and join in the fun!
“We ♥ Games” Event
Rochester Institute of Technology
Department of Interactive Games & Media
Friday, 2/11 5PM to Sunday, 2/13 ~5 PM
Academic Developer Evangelist Andrew Parsons is running the event, and I’ll be chipping in to help the teams as well.
See Andrew’s post for more details.
Looking forward to a great weekend!
Also, you can hear Andrew along with Alfred Thompson on the latest .NET Rocks! podcast as they talk about Imagine Cup and getting students interested in programming.