A Look Back at CRM Online in 2009: Top 10 List
Starting a new year gives us a chance to reflect on the year past and look forward to great things in upcoming year. The CRM Online team thanks all of our fantastic partners and customers with whom we’ve had the pleasure of working over the last year, and we look forward to continuing our engagement in years to come. Thanks to your input and feedback, the team has accomplished some great things in 2009. I’ve put together a list of my favorites to highlight some of the year’s successes (in no particular order).
- xRM!
- Dashboards included in the November Service Update
- Lightning-fast Free Trial sign-up process
- Mobile Express
- “Get More for Less” Switcher Offer: 6 Free Months of CRM Online if you switch from Salesforce.com or Oracle On-Demand
- “No Deal Left Behind” for Partners
- Financially backed 99.9% Uptime SLA
- Partner Services and ISV Partner Integration (yes, it IS possible to integrate custom solutions with CRM! Just look at Access Hoovers.)
- CRM Online Community Forum
- Faster time to value with improved data import, sample data, Outlook Contact integration
What were your favorites from the year? Better yet, what can we improve upon? Submit your feedback on Microsoft Connect. We don’t know what you want unless you tell us.
2010 is going to be an outstanding year as we look forward to “V.Next” improvements to the core CRM product. Read more in the most recent Statement of Direction.
Happy New Year!