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Top Ten Posts of 2014

I only began this blog in June of this year and so it’s hard to believe that it is already six months old! Looking back over the past six months I have had a blast writing and sharing articles with the community and have received a lot of positive feedback. I have a long list of articles in the hopper that I haven’t got to yet and many more ideas for future posts. Please continue to leave comments on articles as I will always try to leave a reply, it just may not be immediate.

With that being said, I wanted to share the top 10 articles from this blog from this past year. I used to love watching David Letterman’s top 10 list, and if I had more of a budget I’d put together a list Letterman style. Alas, here‘s the list, TechNet style..

  1. Outbound Connector Smart Host Behavior
  2. P2 Headers Now Respected for End User Safe and Blocked Senders Lists
  3. TLS, Connectors, and You
  4. Prevent DLs From Receiving ESNs
  5. Quarantine and PowerShell
  6. On-Premises Delivery Failover
  7. Is X-Microsoft-Antispam a New EOP Header
  8. Remote Desktop Connection Manager updated to v2.7
  9. The Resolver
  10. Verifying ESN Delivery

I hope that you have a wonderful holiday season and keep up with me in the New Year!

