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Tech ED 2006: News for Office and SharePoint Developers

I am here at Tech ED at Boston and I am having a lot of fun talking to developers and IT professionals who want to learn more about Office 2007, Office SharePoint Server 2007, and Visual Studio Tools for Office.

We have an Office System booth area where you can find experts for different Office and SharePoint products and technologies. I am at the Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the Microsoft Office System booth and we are running demos to show some of the coolest things you can do with VSTO. We are also answering questions about the Open XML File Formats (people are quite interested in that and are asking and asking).

If you are here at Tech ED visit the Office booth, I love to talk to people and listen to the approaches used to solve business needs using different Office products and technologies. Also we are providing some handouts that you might interested in such as...

For people who are not here I will write another blog entry tomorrow with some pictures and a list of available resources on the MSDN Office Developer Center where you can find developer information covered at most of the current Tech Ed Office sessions, chalk talks, and hands on labs.


  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2006
    I can't blog today, maybe the worst thing a blogger can say is "I will blog tomorrow!" The Tech Ed Convention Center is about to be closed in a few minutes and I just realized that. So I guess I will post the pictures from Tech Ed... hopefully soon :)...
  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2006
    Erika, thanks for the great links!  I wish I could stop by to see you but was unable to make TechEd this year.  I'll look forward to the pics and additional links.  The book looks like a great resource!! Enjoy the rest of TechEd!! :o)
  • Anonymous
    June 23, 2006
    Hi Mark!

    I had a lot of fun for shure! I hope we can meet some other time,

  • Anonymous
    June 25, 2006
    Hey guys the links were great and I surely had fun out there. If in case you can post some more links that would really be great and fun in learning!

    Thnx and keep up the good work.